2019 Matters Annual Questionnaire


1. **With less than ten days left in 2019, share an event that you didn’t expect to happen this year at the beginning of the year? How has this event changed your personal life? **

The most unexpected thing should be that my "narcissism series" may be assembled into a book and published, and the details will be omitted. Publishing a book was originally a goal that I expected to achieve, but it came suddenly. The original scattered articles had to be rearranged, and new articles had to be added to make the discussion more complete, which took a lot of time. The process of proofreading and revision seems to be endless. Every time I re-read it, I always want to revise some places, and I find that it is more difficult to revise an article than to write an article. After the initial completion, there was a great sense of emptiness, which greatly reduced my motivation to write and read articles.

2. **Tell me one thing that made you feel the most powerless in 2019. Did you try to change it? If you can't change it, how do you deal with it? **

Not a specific thing, but from last year's referendum results in Taiwan, to the "anti-extradition" movement in Hong Kong, to the upcoming Taiwan election, I have seen the ideological and emotional barriers between people. . These gaps are so huge that I feel powerless. Looking at the discussion of politics on Matters, I can't say anything. What I think I can do is whether I can arouse everyone's thinking about "people"; the "narcissism series" is from a psychological point of view, and the "basic income series" is to explore from the social system. Not sure how much can change, just try your best!

3. **In 2019, what made you feel most empowered? **

It should be reading Iris Young's book "Justice and the Politics of Difference" and getting in touch with institutional proposals such as "Basic Income". They clearly outline my blueprint for an ideal society, and if I really need to act, they are my important reference.

4. **Describe a person you met this year who made you feel warm just thinking about it? **

That should be @张杰平. I was very moved by the articles she wrote to help me curate the exhibition. Her writing is powerful and critical, full of caring for people, but her voice is extremely gentle!

5. **Is there a moment when you realize that time is passing and do you panic about it? **

I have this anxiety whenever I'm still. I always feel that there is still something important to do, but I often get tired of it. Despite my growing understanding of the world and myself, this anxiety has been with me all my life, but this year has been particularly acute.

6. **2019 is also known as the "Year of Circumcision". In this year, is it easier or more difficult for you to stay close to your friends, relatives, and lovers? **

Perhaps the stratosphere is too thick to change.

7. **How has your relationship with your body changed compared to a year ago? Do you like your current body more? **

The enthusiasm for riding a bicycle has slightly diminished, and the physical fitness has declined. I've recently entered winter training, and I'm ready for some more challenges next year.

8. **Do you like the city you are in now? How would you describe your relationship with her? **

Taichung has been my longest living city! Apart from air pollution, there is nothing dissatisfying, but I don't necessarily want to stay with her.

9. **In the past year, can you name a point of view that has been changed by others? **

I originally thought that I was someone who would not be influenced by others, but this year I found out that this is not the case.

10. **Please fill in the blank: 2019, _It_ matters**

11. **Finally, can you share your most listened song, your favorite book, your most impressive movie or your biggest brain hole in 2019? **

Favorite album and movie of the year: At Eternity's Gate movie and soundtrack.

Favorite Book of the Year: "Justice and the Politics of Difference" by Iris Young

The most brain hole: The self-proclaimed universal value is actually an absolute minority.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

寓森精神科醫師,喜歡思考與寫作,愛好騎單車;主要關注「自戀」與「無條件基本收入」的主題。目前沉浸在「拉康」中,正在關注 i 世代一題... 個人臉書專頁「納西斯花園」,個人網站 lincalvino.me 「自戀筆記」
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