Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

Which platform is the best to earn, Fangzi, Potato and Matters? This article discloses my income in March, and converts them into NT dollars for your reference. The answer is Grid $4,552 > Potato $1,370 > Matters $277

Netizens ask me on Facebook which platform is the best to earn money from Fangge, Potato and Matters? This article discloses my income in March, and converts them into NT dollars for your reference.

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

(Image source: Chengxi Facebook)

Grid income 4,552 yuan

❶ Subscription revenue: RMB 3,010

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

(Image source: square grid, both of the following two)

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

❷ Premium distribution is estimated to be RMB 1,542

Because the first quarter profit distribution will be announced 10 days later, dividing the 3,084 yuan in the fourth quarter of last year by 3 equals 1,028 yuan a month, and then multiplying it by 1.5 equals 1,542 yuan. The 1.5 times is because the traffic of my articles increased significantly in the first quarter, so I grabbed a 50% growth rate.

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

Potato earns about $1,370

❶ Profit Calculation

This calculation is a bit cumbersome, because I started playing Potato on 3/11 and saved 42 CFOs in three weeks. Because the more you keep, the more you save, the fourth week is directly multiplied by 1.2 times, so it is estimated that there are 59 CFOs for the whole month.

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

(Image credit: Potato)

According to the exchange rate at 3:00 pm on April 3, 1 CFO is equal to 0.81 USDT, so my 59 CFOs are equal to 47.79 USDT, which is 1,370 yuan when converted into New Taiwan dollars. It should be noted that when Potato's CFO is exchanged, 100 CFOs must be deducted first, and there is also an exchange rate issue.

The CFO has been rising for two consecutive months, and some people on Potato have shared the view of reluctance to sell, because cryptocurrencies will become more and more precious.

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

(Image source: ProEX multi-contract trading platform )

At present, I just post the old articles of the past three years to Potato one by one, and I don't do much. More than 1,000 yuan a month is very satisfying. The point is that the assigned CFO is increasing every day.

❷ Sharing of deposit skills

  1. Potato is not suitable for long texts , 1,500~2,000 words is good. If your original text is 4,000 words in the square grid or Matters, you can divide it into 2~3 articles, still someone will give love, and you will still have points.
  2. There are many types of articles in Potato, so you don't have to limit your creative field . For example, I mainly focus on investment and text monetization, but recently I have also begun to share life trivia and mood, and the effect of earning points is no worse than the previous two.
  3. It is smarter to earn points on your original creation platform to promote and attract people to be comrades- in-arms, so I will put the recommendation code below.
  4. Still have to create high-quality, fans will automatically appear. In Potato, even if it is a waste article and hydrology, there are people who give love, but that is a special design of the station for the article within 7 days. In other words, if you want someone to give love to the article from the 8th day, you have to rely on your ability. High-quality creation is the real skill. It is not easier to write a short article to have fans than to write a long one. I already have 47 followers, about 30 naturally, and counting.

If you are interested in Potato deposit and earn money, welcome to Potato to register. Remember to enter my referral code "NhSnokbZ1", we will become "comrades" and deposit coins side by side, or click here to register directly .

Remember, after joining, you must promote your referral code to others , and pull others as you "offline", you can get 20% points of the first-tier offline every day, which is an additional reward, so that the deposit is faster and does not damage Offline rights.

❸ Short-term goals

At least 5,000 yuan a month will be charged within this year, and there are still 9 months for me to experiment and work hard. My longer-term goal is to exchange 400 CFOs per week, which is 1/3 of the exchange limit (as shown in the figure below), which is about NT$7,000 at the exchange rate just now.

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

(Image credit: Potato)

Matters about 277 yuan

In March, a total of 546.92 LIKEs were obtained, which is equivalent to 9.68 US dollars. According to the exchange rate of 4/2 US dollars to New Taiwan Dollars 28.67, it is equivalent to 277.5 yuan. However, since I clap my hands LikeCoin is not only from Matters but also from Grid, luckily not many from Grid, so be it.

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

(Image credit: Seung Hee)


❶ I earned $4,552 in March Square > $1,370 in Potato > $277 in Matters.

❷ Square is my main platform, and the other two are earning more money by the way

Observing Potato has a lot of potential right now. We don't need to be very good at writing, as long as we keep writing, we can make money . This is its design, suitable for beginners. If you are interested, please look back at "Playing Potato for two weeks, the result of depositing coins, and which one is easier to make money than Fangzi " and "Operating We-Media Correctly and Efficiently 15: Three Efficient Ways to Operate Multiple Platforms, Don't Let Yourself Tired!" A Comparison of Five Platforms .”

❸ I am the least familiar with Matters, but many great gods have 500 clapping hands per article

I have a maximum of 100 articles, so it is estimated that the great god is 5 times my monthly income of more than 1,400 yuan.

❹ Cunning rabbits know that there are three caves, and we need more channels to make money

4/3 Taiwan CDC announced 183 local confirmed cases and 97 overseas confirmed cases, a total of 280 new confirmed cases of COVID-19. We don't need to be as nervous as we were last May, because the rate of severe illness and mortality has been greatly reduced after vaccine coverage. What we need to do is to wash our hands frequently and maintain a safe social distance, because there may be elderly people, babies or sick people in our family, and we can't afford their illness; at the same time, we need to make a little more money so that we can survive the double pressure of the epidemic and inflation. Take it easy.

Cunning rabbits all know that there are three caves to be prepared for, and we humans need more channels to make money to be considered smarter than rabbits. Earning the greatest wealth in a limited amount of time and seeking a happy life for yourself and your family is an act of wisdom and responsibility.

Grid, Potato and Matters which one is the best to earn? Chengxi's March earnings public

(Image credit: Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

  • 【 Clap your handsYou give me money when you click 5 points, although I will be more motivated to share.
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  • [ Tracking ] is the greatest encouragement to me, and I will continue to share the simplicity and beauty of writing.

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