I want to become Zhang Huimei one day

If, for a day in my life, I can be not myself; for a whole day, I can be someone else, who do I want to be...?

About that: singing 🎤

Since I was a child, I had no self-confidence, and even had a little low self-esteem. This situation became more serious when I was in high school during adolescence, when I was quarreling with my classmates and being isolated. At that time, although I still had a smile every day on the outside, in fact, only I knew in my heart that every day was very unhappy.

Until I came across this thing about singing.

I still remember the school I went to at that time, there was a singing competition, I was timid and lacked confidence, I looked at Xiao Zhang’s flyer for a long time, and later, a few classmates who were willing to approach me when I was isolated, the group said. I wanted to sign up. I was encouraged, and finally signed up for no reason.

In fact, when I came on stage, I was very nervous. I have never sang in front of so many people, and I even felt my voice tremble.

Unexpectedly, I somehow defeated many players in the preliminary round and successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

Soon, the rematch came, and it was also trembling on and off the stage, but this time I wasn't so lucky and didn't get the award.

But for me at the time, the applause from the audience at that time was like a shot in the arm, saving me in an era when I felt like the whole world was isolating myself.

Turns out, I can do it too. 💪💪💪

If, for a day in my life, I can not be myself, and a whole day can be someone else, who do I want to be...?
Photos taken from the Internet

About that superstar: Zhang Huimei

She is a presence in the Chinese music circle that is hard not to be known. Even now, she has not released many albums and records as before, nor has she participated in many activities like other new generation singers. However, she is alive and living in our in a memory. Of course, I don't think this memory will stop updating in the short term.

Since I was a child, I have liked Amei, not a very fanatical like, but a faint but non-stop like.

I like that her high-pitched voice is still delicate and gentle; I like that she is full of confidence and enthusiasm at the moment of explosion, and that she is full of affectionate taste in the emotional description of the song.

If there is a day in my life, I can not be myself, I want to be Zhang Huimei

After becoming Zhang Huimei?

The thing that must be done to become Zhang Huimei is: open a concert of your own

I want to experience the surging excitement of being watched by everyone at that moment when I hold the microphone;

I want to feel the passion of swaying myself on the stage, the light of my own, the kind of moving.

Just once.

Because that light can redeem my broken heart.

-Chia wrote on 2021/10/12- This article is only for Miss Yang who never left me at that time😊

Postscript: I found that the title of the original article could not be changed. Because I wanted to use this article to participate in community activities, in order to comply with the regulations of the activity, I had to repost it with a small revision. Friends who have seen it can skip it, it doesn't matter 😆😆😆


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chiamatters新手人生剛展開,30歲慢活人生正要開始。 過往總是走得太快,我想用文字,讓感動留下來。
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