Congrats to Messi for winning the Copa America Come see the Argentines' football language

First of all, congratulations to Messi who finally won the championship with Argentina after missing the championship many times. His career is finally complete (tears)
Messi's post-match text, so excited to swear XD

La concha de su madre literally means "fuck it", which should be used here to strengthen the tone. The whole sentence of Somos campeones la concha de su madre translates roughly to "Fuck, we finally won the championship!"

Carajo in Vamos carajo has the meanings of damn/shit/fuck/dick, etc. It is here to strengthen the tone. Translating the whole sentence of Vamos carajo into English roughly means "lets go damn it"!

Messi uses the common language of Latin America, La concha de tu madre (your mother) or tu hermana (your sister), which is usually used to scold people. The original meaning of concha is shell, and the derived meaning is female sexual organs (whatever In a country, foul language must be inseparable from female sexual organs Moss, it looks like he has been sanctioned, but some people argue that the whole people of Argentina are using these sentences~ Argentina has a higher threshold for constituting foul language than other countries~

Messi's wife posted a video of her three sons singing Argentina's cheering song after the game, so cute and cute~~

Video link The little son is super cute😍 I want to take it away

The song is called Vamos, Vamos, Argentina , and it often appears at sports events with the following lyrics:

In Spanish:

 Vamos, vamos Argentina,
vamos, vamos a ganar,
que esta barra quilombera,
no te deja, no te deja de alentar.

English translation:

 Let's go, let's go Argentina,
We're going, we're going to win,
for these raucous supporters,
won't stop, won't stop cheering you.

Among them, the adjective Quilombera is a more filthy word, in the Lunfado language[1], quilombo means brothel; Argentines use this word to mean "crazy" or "a mess". Paraphrased in football, football fans make loud noises and throw confetti when they score a goal. Where obscenities cannot be used, quilombera is replaced by bullanguera ("blackmail"). But anyway, the children of Messi's family have sung this word, it should be fine. XDDD

[1] A slang popular among the lower classes of Argentina from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century

BTW, I am not an undergraduate, just a passerby who has a passion for learning Spanish and has been learning it for a few years, please correct me if I make mistakes😅

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