My opinion on the fifth proposal of LikeCoin


Author: @Terence

@Appreciate the Citizen's Republicvalidator@oldcat for putting forward the fifth proposal , I will first express Forbole's voting intention. While we feel the motion could be bolder, as a start, we'd be happy to vote yes.

I am glad to see that the LikeCoin community is becoming more and more active in on-chain governance. Looking back, what I have done is really not enough. I am ashamed to be a validator of LikeCoin. I hope to participate more in related market education work in the future, especially when we are in different countries around the world. I believe that the experience of participating in the blockchain will inspire everyone.

Before discussing the inflation rate, you need to read the old article carefully: " LikeCoin will wait 21 days to cancel the commission? From PoW to PoS, let’s talk about Cosmos’s Binding Proof of Stake (BPoS )”, I won’t go into details about the repeated concepts, and I will go straight to the point.

From the perspective of blockchain network security, the more token holders bind their tokens (which can also be said to be staked), it means that more people are willing to enter the network's game of rewarding good and punishing evil. Pay the price (21 days for unbundling and the risk of equity being cut) in exchange for the rewards of inflation. The higher the ratio of the bound coins to the total issuance, the safer the network in theory. Our conventional goal is to hope that the mortgage ratio can reach 67% or more.

The network needs some professional validators to provide reliable and secure network infrastructure, and the validator's income is a commission rate from the inflationary reward from its customers (those who bind coins to the validator).

When setting inflation rates, the following are possible targets:

  • Attract more token holders to choose to pledge
  • Attract more quality validators to join LikeCoin Chain
  • Attract people who have not immigrated to LikeCoin Chain by ERC-20 to immigrate as soon as possible to solve the problems left over from history

Motion 5 will further the above goals and ultimately benefit the entire community, so we support this motion. At the same time, the above points can be viewed from a more radical perspective. I originally planned to write it in this article, but I found myself writing more and more, so I decided to write it independently, please wait a moment.


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ForboleForbole [ˈfɔːbəl] 是區塊鏈科技公司,致力於為企業及個人提供可靠、原生和可擴展的區塊鏈基礎建設解決方案,我們是 PoS 區塊鏈的驗證人及社區貢獻者,尤其讓大家可以在Web3世界中暢通無阻。
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