Weekly 3-2-1: The real power of criticism, the daily gift you can give yourself, the ultimate luxury

Recognize the true function of criticism and the mentality to deal with it; focus requires practice, including saying no; in a busy life, you should always give yourself gifts. The easiest way is to be silent for 60 seconds and take a deep breath; you can choose freely, which is the most important thing. The ultimate luxury.

Original source: https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/ may-19-2022?rh_ref=ebaff8bc

3 Ideas From Me

"If an idea is true, criticism will not destroy it, but strengthen it."
If an idea is true, criticism doesn't destroy it, it strengthens it.

Criticism means to criticize, to comment. Criticism often has negative news, but whether a criticism is negative or positive depends on how you handle it. If you think of it as a tool for finding loopholes, then criticism is a good way to accept criticism from others, and follow what he criticizes to see if it really has loopholes as it says .

If there is, it's great to find a loophole and fix it.
If not, great, proving the idea has been put to the test again.

When accepting criticism, there is one thing to keep in mind and always ask yourself: Am I defending my position instead of examining things? When defending a position, there are often some irrational overreactions. For example, the heart beats faster and the speed becomes faster. After defending the position, it is easy to become "hard ㄠ". , turn it right. If you encounter such a situation, whether it is yourself or others, you should stop criticizing, or even interrupt the conversation. After all, such conversations are harmful and unhelpful. You cannot find guiding advice in the emotional garbage .


"You need focus to become exceptional at anything.
Massive amounts of time and energy are wasted optimizing things that should be left undone.
You have to be great at saying no."
You need focus to be different in anything. 
A lot of time and energy is wasted optimizing things that should be put on hold. 
You have to be good at saying no.

focus, focus, focus

Looking at all successful personnel, the common feature is enthusiasm and focus. Enthusiasm is like a convex lens, you can focus your energy on things you are interested in, so when you have enthusiasm, it is easier to focus.

I remember that I used to spend a whole day, in the hot summer, on the top floor without air conditioning, wearing a mask, making my Hand Launch Glider, then I was enthusiastic, focused on making, and didn't feel hot, Just to enjoy the sense of accomplishment that after the work was produced, it flew to the sky.

However, not everything can be done with enthusiasm, and office workers should know it best.

When there is no enthusiasm, it can be relatively difficult to focus. It's like having a bunch of scattered things on the table, it's hard to focus. At this time, you need to remove irrelevant things from the desktop, leaving only one thing, so that it is relatively easy to focus.

In the long-run, prioritization beats efficiency.

Prioritization, which means you need to remove (or reject) less needed ones.

"A gift you can give yourself right now:
Stop what you're doing. Close your eyes.
For the next 60 seconds, just breathe."
The gift you can give yourself right now: Stop what you're doing. Close your eyes. 
For the next 60 seconds, just breathe.

Do it anytime, Pause & Breath, stop, take a deep breath, and stretch.


2 Quotes From Others

Interior designer Danielle Colding on the ultimate luxury:
Interior designer Danielle Colding on ultimate luxury:

Quality of life is having the freedom to make choices that are not fear based. 
Quality of life is the freedom to make choices that are not based on fear.

Whether it's the ability to choose the kinds of projects I want to take on and can learn from, or the ability to take a month off to travel. Freedom to choose is the ultimate luxury.
Whether it's the ability to choose the type of projects I want to undertake and study, or the ability to take a month off to travel.
Freedom of choice is the ultimate luxury

Source: In the Company of Women

​Freedom of choice is the ultimate luxury. I feel the same way about this sentence!

The reason why more and more people want FIRE (Financial Independent Retire Early) bosses is that they want the freedom of choice.

When the time is up in the morning, after getting up, you can choose to have a cup of coffee, listen to music, and read a book, instead of rushing to finish breakfast, in order not to be late.

Quality of life is the freedom to make initial fear-based choices.

Those who dare to pursue their passions, I believe, have quality of life.

Stable income from work, to put it bluntly, is actually a trade-off based on fear of unstable income. Red or blue pills, which one do you choose? !


Electrical engineer Seymour Cray—who made a number of improvements to computer performance and is often credited with inventing the supercomputing industry—explains his approach to doing groundbreaking work:
Electrical engineer Seymour Cray (who made several improvements to computer performance and is often credited with inventing the supercomputer industry) explains his approach to his pioneering work:

"One of my guiding principles is don't do anything that other people are doing. Always do something a little different if you can. 
One of my guiding principles is to not do anything that everyone else is doing. Always do something different if you can.

The concept is that if you do it a little differently there is a greater potential for reward than if you do the same thing that other people are doing. 
The concept is that if you do something slightly different, you are more likely to be rewarded for doing what everyone else is doing.

I think that this kind of goal for one's work, having obviously the maximum risk, would have the maximum reward no matter what the field may be.
In my opinion, this kind of work goal, obviously, has the greatest risk, regardless of the field, the greatest reward. "

Source: Interview with David K. Allison, Smithsonian Institution Computer History Project (May 1995)

If you follow the same habits every day , there is a high probability that tomorrow will be the same as today. As is life, so is investment. If the investment method is not fine-tuned according to the current situation, trend, capital size, etc., there is a high probability that assets cannot be accumulated for a long time.

I saw it today in the book <The Secret of Money>

When gathering money, be like a farmer, dig deep into the land, wait for rain, overcome drought, and wait for a long time. When you have money and assets, you walk around like a fisherman, adjusting your bow to match the swarms of fish, and casting your net around with the wind and water temperature. Last year, I tasted the sweetness here, but a year later, I changed direction according to my intuition.

Keep making small changes and you can always make a big difference.

​1 Question For You

 What is an area you'd like to improve over the next decade?
How are you working toward that outcome today?
Think long-term. Act short-term.
What areas do you hope to improve over the next ten years? 
How did you work toward this outcome today? 
Think long term, act short term.

It is often heard that short-term changes are difficult to predict, but long-term trends are traceable.

I often hear people say, don't think about the important fruit trees today and want to pick the fruit tomorrow, think farther, plan this orchard well and take action.

prudence, foresight, prudence

Think carefully, make sure you think carefully; think long-term, confirm your long-term goals; act hard, and take it one step at a time!

My goal is to be a FIRE boss after ten years (no ~ eight years left) (but it does not mean that I will definitely resign) . During these ten years, the areas that need to be improved are investment profitability and growth capabilities, and after reaching the realm of FIRE , something that can be done continuously and can be helpful to society. The weekly 3-2-1 series I wrote today belongs to the latter; the former, still needs to be improved!! 😋


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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