Square grid business record | 2 years and 9 months, the first small success!?

In April of this year, I published an article for 2 years and 5 months, still unaccustomed to the situation | Square grid business records, which recorded what I did in the square grid for 2 years and 5 months, and my mood After I finished writing, some citizens and friends who also operated on both sides followed each other. Although I still focus on Matt City, I also started to have a little motivation on the square side, at least not like Been talking to myself.

In April of this year, I published an article for 2 years and 5 months, still unaccustomed to the situation | Square grid business records , which recorded what I did in the square grid for 2 years and 5 months, and my mood After I finished writing, some citizens and friends who also operated on both sides followed each other. Although I still focus on Matt City, I also started to have a little motivation on the square side, at least not like Been talking to myself.

During the period, some instant selections or editorial recommendations were also selected, but the effect was almost no, but of course I was very happy to be selected.

I forgot when, I suddenly found out that the square grid has irregular essays (I don't know how long it has been such an event, it depends on how careless I am), very ingenious, on the day I saw the guitar accompaniment file that talented brother recorded for me , I saw that Fanggezi and Crown Culture jointly held the " square grid╳ Crown Culture|Love's Kelouzi " essay contest.

Image taken from: https://vocus.cc/article/62a7e3d4fd89780001addf44

Write without confidence

I thought that this was too good, how could the two things come together, plus before @empty ( to tag to find a big event) said under my article that I wanted to see the love story between me and Brother Talent, I slowly recorded the stories of those years, and told my story with Brother Talent from my perspective and tone.

If I'm not confident, I can't write such a beautiful (!?) love story movingly; if I'm confident, I'll be able to tell the story in a plain way . In fact, in the past few years of writing, I gradually found that the style that I am good at is not attractive. I remember that I always got high marks in the big test composition during school, that is because I am good at speaking (after all, it is a scientific brain), But I'm not good at narration and lyricism, and I have experienced a period when drawing tigers can't be anti-dogs. Now my expectation for myself is that I write my own words. I hope that people who read the articles can feel as if I am talking beside you. These words.

Although the article is long, I didn't spend too much time writing this article on diagnosis and rehabilitation | Take your time and have some impulses . For me, this article is the beginning of an extremely difficult emotional story, just like me I wrote it at the end of the article, and I wrote this so that when I wanted to kill my boyfriend, I could recall and have a good time.

Thank you all for your likes

Although this article is a call for papers from Fangzi, I first published it in Matt City, and then of course I set a time to publish it on Fangzi and Potato Media. The response of the article was bigger than I thought, and I was very happy at the time. But what amazes me is that there are strangers to leave a message in the square grid, which is too incredible for me, because almost no one has left a comment on my article in the square grid (of course, it may be related to readers' habits), and then there is The friends here have started to leave some comments, but this is the first time in the strange development of the square grid.

At this point, I have already obtained great satisfaction, satisfied that more people read the article I seriously wrote, and satisfied that maybe the article was written a little better, so it caused a response.

See yourself in the grid editor selected topic weekly

Originally, I thought that the above was good enough. One day I opened my mailbox drowsily and saw a letter of recommendation sent by Fang Zizi. " Fang Zizi vocus published "Sprinkling Sugar along the Magpie Bridge | Selected Theme Weekly Newsletter by Grid Editor" , Open the letter and read it immediately! ", I opened the Email without any special idea, and I swiped to see this screen.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? ???????????????????????????????

Rub your eyes and look again,

I was sure that the article I wrote was correct. Later, I clicked into the website and read the article posted by Fanggezi’s official account, and confirmed that it was my article to share. At this time, I still couldn’t believe it and thought, Could it be that there are very few people who wrote this essay? I ran to the page of this essay to have a look. This time, there were 100 submissions, although not very many, but actually quite a lot (when I wrote this article in order to I went to carefully look at the selected articles, it turned out that I did not choose from this essay, but a wider selection.), I am very excited. In addition to the joy of being selected, there is also the hard work of running the grid for so long to achieve a milestone.

Although my grid page is still lacking interest since that article, I feel that I have more strength to go on, although the external incentives are hard to come by, although I actually have full inner motivation now, But Yi has to admit that occasional encouragement like this is quite effective!


In fact, there is another reason for the excitement, because I didn't tell Brother Talent that I wrote my story with him. He is a person who doesn't even bother to read messages. Naturally, I am not worried that he will be shy when he sees my article, but I In fact, I have not disclosed him in the circle. I am worried that some people in the circle will see and guess who he is. After all, the stories I wrote are really full of hints for those who know them!

But after a few days, I found that I was thinking too much. In fact, there should not be many people who would read the recommended article, and my real-life friends should not have the grid above! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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