What kind of vote do you want to "cast" for your future tomorrow?

Dr.J 的成長實驗室
Just after the new year, I believe you should have set your goals for 2022 ^^ If you haven't, it's okay, maybe, focusing on "cultivating small habits" is more helpful for you this year than "setting big goals" !

Today's sharing, the main content is excerpted from the content answered in the program interview by James Clear, the author of the world-renowned best-selling book "Atomic Habit". In the process of listening, I can't stop wanting to copy every sentence. This post Here are just a few of the places that I find particularly moving and inspiring, and I hope it will help you too!

try to live a good day;
Try to take one small step forward each day.
“Try to have one good day.”
“Just try to take one small step today.”

In this generation that is bombarded with success stories every day, our moods can indeed be easily affected. Especially when we see "So-and-so is less than 30 years old..." on the Internet, even if we know that it is impossible, our subconscious will still mistakenly think that "most people" are the same age as the case we saw. Gently become the victory group in life; however, what we often notice are extreme cases, and the proportion in the whole society is extremely low...

Therefore, instead of worrying about not being able to keep up with others all day, it is better to try to "live every day well" and try to "take a small step forward every day", which also reminds me of an article I wrote before "No Zero Days, let The key strategy for realizing all your desires" , he talked about "a small step forward every day is the unbeaten strategy that allows us to achieve all our desires." If you are interested, after reading this article, you can click here and have a look. you are helpful 😊

In many different areas of life, everyday "small changes" often seem insignificant.
“In many different areas of life, changes seem relatively small and insignificant on daily basis.”

James takes "absorbing knowledge" as an example. "Reading for 10 minutes a day" does not make us a genius, but a person who can always find 10 minutes to read a day, in 10, 20, or even 30 years later , will be very different from others.

Then, taking "productivity" as an example, trying to do "one more thing" every day won't make us all-stars, but after weeks, months or even years of accumulation, it can be A big change for us!

Finally, he cited "health" as an example. A meal of hamburgers and fries and a meal of salad have little effect on any day. If you look in the mirror before going to bed at night, your body will not make any difference. Only when 2 Years, 5 years or even 10 years later, I suddenly realize, "Eating habits really have a big impact!"

(But I personally think that if you really eat like that, there should be a difference in half a year 😂)

Therefore, daily "small changes" are the most indispensable cornerstones of "success".

Be the architect of your own habits, not the one injured by them.
Be the architect of your habits not the victim of them.

We have seen too many cases like this. It was only a small and inconspicuous change at the beginning, but over time, it caused a huge impact.

These day-to-day actions (habits) are a double-edged sword, they can make you successful or they can lead to your failure. It is also because of this that how to create a good habit becomes so important, because understanding this allows us to become the architects of our own habits, rather than the wounded by them.

The day you stop, he's not your habit anymore
If you stop doing it, it's no longer a habit.

James saw that many people on the Internet often ask: "How long does it take to develop a habit?" There are also many ways to teach people to quickly develop a habit. He believes that the advantage of those methods is that they allow you to "start as soon as possible", but there are The downside is that they imply that when that time comes, you've completed the idea of "this thing", like "keep XX habit for 30 days and change your healthy life" or "continue XX 21 days, You can solve XX"; however, how long it takes to develop a habit, the most correct and true answer is actually "for life" .


A habit is a habit because you keep repeating it;
The day you stop, he is no longer your habit

Building a habit starts with changing your "identity":
Instead of focusing on what you want to achieve,
start with who you want to be .
Identity-based habit: Start instead of the outcome that you want to achieve,
start with the type of person that you wish to become.

What kind of person would do the thing(s) I want to do?

Take "weight loss" as an example, many people want to lose weight, they will set a "weight loss goal" and plan, such as "I want to lose 10 kg, so I need to go to the gym 4 times a week, eat XXX..." , but the underlying assumption is that if I do those "planned things," I'll achieve my goals, become the kind of person I want to be, and be happy; but James argues that we We can "reverse operation". If we want to lose 10 kilograms, first ask ourselves: "What kind of person can lose 10 kilograms?"

Suppose our answer is "people who don't miss every workout time" , well, let's put aside the target number for the moment, put aside the weight loss plan, and focus on "becoming someone who won't miss every workout time" , the same The pattern can also be applied to develop any other habit.

James thinks so because he thinks:

Each of our actions is like a vote for the kind of person we want to be.
Every action we take is like a vote for the type of person we wish to become.

as well as

Your habits reflect who you think you are as a person
Your habit is how you embody a particular identity.

It's like: if you go to the gym every day, you're showing that you think you're someone who "don't miss a workout."

Finally, I end with two sentences that I like very much, and share with you who see it here ^^

We act like votes for the stories we want to tell ourselves.
Our behaviors are casting votes of the story that we're telling ourselves.
Ultimately, this is the fundamental reason why habits are so important,
It reinforces the image of "what kind of person you are in your mind".
Ultimately, at the deepest level, this is the real reason that habits matter…The real reason that habits matter is that it reinforces the kind of person that you see yourself is being.

Tomorrow, what kind of vote do you want to "cast" for your future 😊

Reference information:



In this interview, there is another sentence that I am quite impressed with, but because it is less related to the theme, it is put in a postscript😉

A large part of everything I write is to remind myself of what I should do;
The people who need the books we write the most are actually ourselves.
Everything that I write about is mostly a reminder to myself of what I should be doing. We write the books we need.

Hearing this, I am particularly impressed. From opening my IG account to now, every article I have written is something I want to know or record. The biggest gain in the process is not others. but myself.

But when I heard that the author of the world-renowned best-selling book "Atomic Habits" did the same, in fact, I really felt that a big stone was put down. It turned out that someone did it the way I did it, and this person did it the same way. So successful and helping so many people! Make me more motivated to keep recording and sharing!

Two days ago, I saw an article on Matters with the title "Sincerity of Writing" , and I will put the link in "Related Works". There is a passage in it that I particularly agree with. The author said: "Writing (or saying) Creation) starts with expressing "what you think in your heart", you have to have a desire for this thing, have the idea of "wanting", rather than starting from "other people's approval". You have to be sincere with yourself and what you want to express before you can write moving words. "

If you are also a creator, I will share the above words with you. On this journey, don’t forget your original intention ❤

Thank you for always seeing this, I hope the above sharing can give you a little inspiration ^^

I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

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See you in our next article!


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