Taipei Japanese Canteen Dining Notes - Canteen by the side

A foodie adventure


I took leave on Thursday afternoon because I wanted to go to Chinese medicine and acupuncture. I remembered a Japanese-style home cooking canteen at the MRT Little Arena Station recommended by my friend. I have always liked this kind of family-style Japanese canteen. , I like to be able to miss the exploration of the food in the local cafeteria through Japanese dramas or photo albums. By the way, I recommend you two dramas. You can feel it without going to Japan during the epidemic. In the Japanese drama late-night cafeteria or the izakaya Shinkansen these two dramas In the film, you can feel the warmth just by watching it. The izakaya Shinkansen is greatly promoted. On 5/13, Netflix launched the first 10 episodes of the first season.


I am a Japanese-style pork chop fan, and the pork cutlet rice set meal in the cafeteria by the side is a mix of Taiwanese flavors. I like this kind of mix and match. Unlike the special pork cutlet sauce in the Japanese-style pork chop shop, the pork cutlet in the cafeteria by the side is attached. Mayonnaise sauce, the side dish is fried and crispy cabbage. Oh yes, I want to talk about Chawanmushi in particular. Chawanmushi is not just a monotonous egg, but also put fish eggs on it, and the whole taste is greatly upgraded. A set meal of pork chops is 200 yuan without service fee, and it is very satisfying to eat the whole! Before leaving, the boss also gave me a bowl of warm mung bean soup to relieve the fever. It was a thunderstorm in the afternoon in Taipei that afternoon, and I was very happy!



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