Reading Bigeng|Three tones, talk about "Zombie Campus" without thunder

Scenes, foregrounds, backgrounds - full of flesh and blood, excitement, excitement, and a bit of humor and novelty. Watch this "Seeing the Red" with joy during the Chinese New Year.

Director: Lee Jae Kyu
Number of episodes: 12
Premiere: Netflix

All of Us Are Dead

" Zombie School " is adapted from Joo Dong-keun's online comic serialized on WEBTOON . As a fan of apocalyptic themes, it is natural not to miss it. Without spoiling anything, let's talk about this thriller series from the perspective of "mechanics".

■ Three tones: scene, foreground, background

" Is this "Corpse Train"? "

This sentence blurted out from the mouth of a male classmate Li Qingshan (played by Yin Canrong , male first) in the play. When he first looked down from the classroom window, why was it that the outside (playground, corridors) were full of "people" behaving abnormally?

This sentence also reveals to us the tone of the play. First, the zombies are both ferocious and fast, and their physical strength has even been buffed (gained, enhanced) because of this? Second, among the tension and excitement, there are some humorous jokes , which are not frequent but leave a deep impression. Third, the main story line takes place on campus, and the scene has its own sense of oppression and isolation . It should be the first time for a similar theme.


✅ Scene: Campus

Speaking of campus, it reminds me of a comic called " The Drifting Classroom " (later also remade into a Japanese drama). Since the protagonists are the same group of "students" , the "teachers" naturally have to be reduced to the control group: the female teachers group Because he died heroically to protect his disciples, the male division will magnify their selfish and cold-blooded personality (when encountering a disaster), regardless of whether it is politically correct or not? In short, handing over the dominance early and disappearing from the audience's sight is more like a consensus than a routine.


✅ Prospect: Humanity

If we really want to talk about routines, I would say that "human nature" is the condiment that must (and has to) be added to this kind of theme . There are zombies in the front and external worries in the front, and there are people's complaints and internal worries in the back, forming an excellent combination ( otherwise, what's the point of everyone working together? fun ). This character can be very "joyful", such as Carol, the "head mother" in the first two seasons of " The Walking Dead "; what's more, it also has a sting, referring to Li Nayan (played by Li Yumei , in this drama, She is also Ji-young in " Squid Game "). She wears a pink shirt and contrasts it with Nam On-jo (played by Park Ji-hoo, first female lead ) in an off-white coat. It seems to be to contrast the two completely different personalities of "Spicy vs. Madonna"?

In the drama, the two of them are given a "cleansing" scene, but... don't say much (cover your mouth tightly)!


✅ Background: Zombie

In addition to normal people and zombies, there is also a "half-zombie" setting in the play, which is refreshing . I would like to compare this third force to " Tokyo Ghoul ". Firstly, there is good and evil, and secondly, it maintains self-awareness. (It is speculated that a host with a strong "obsession" can resist some viruses).

Therefore, this drama has a total of three "villain" characters: Na-yeon, the evil-doer, the zombie sea, and the evil-doing half-zombie. The latter is like the evil god of revenge in " Castle of Evil 2: Apocalypse ", chasing closely The protagonist is a group of people who are not letting go, and he still has the ability to think, forming the coercion mentioned before. However, this "big devil" has repeatedly failed in the same move, and has reached the point where he has lost control of his mouth .


I feel that the length of 12 episodes is a bit too long. It should be because there are too many sub-plots (bullying, pregnant women, mothers, YouTubers, police, soldiers, congressmen... etc.). If I trim the branches a little, it may be about the same in 8 episodes; you can see these The branching is the ambition to bring (insinuate) more social issues, but it ends in some places.

Overall, the elements that a zombie movie should have are well incorporated, with flesh and blood, thrills, and excitement, mixed with a bit of humor and novelty . Watch this movie during the Chinese New Year, and I will be happy to see the red .

This is the reappearance of "Corpse Train"

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