How will you respond when you encounter plagiarism? (Hongqiao Design plagiarism)


The feeling of being plagiarized recently, the other party (Hongqiao Design) used it for commercial purposes. After reporting the response, only today's article was taken off the shelf. I am sorry, I am sorry, I didn't say anything. I personally encountered plagiarism for the first time. In what way do you respond? (Thanks for the novice answer!)


I am the author of this article by JIE, currently working as an assistant, in charge of interior design drawing...etc.

We were plagiarized and decorated by Hongqiao Design

How can I spot Hongqiao design plagiarism?

One day in the club, I saw designer Zhang from Hongqiao Design looking for a job in the same FB club. It was a demand article for a designer. I didn't leave a message, but I saw designer Zhang leave a message on the official website below. Because I saw this designer for the first time, I thought it was very novel, so I clicked in. The most attractive article on the official website was the article, how to choose the floor, choose the right air conditioner, ceiling... etc. It looks good without reading I almost fainted ◎_◎ When I read the first line, I realized that it was very similar to the tone of my article! Looking down, I knew without thinking that Hongqiao Design was copying the entire article I wrote (one word of the entire article has not been touched), how to choose the floor to copy, how to choose the air-conditioning copy (this one is better , not a full copy, just amuse it segment by segment)

Hongqiao Design plagiarized our article without moving a word.
This is just a part of the plagiarism of Hongqiao Design. The copied article is the whole article. Don't post it first, otherwise there will be too many photos.

Follow-up with Hongqiao Design Reflection

At the beginning, I reported on the Hongqiao Design FB fan special, and I read it but didn't reply.

At the beginning, I reported on the Hongqiao Design FB fan forum, but I can't read it.

I couldn't read the Hongqiao Design Powder Brick, so I had to add the contact person of Hongqiao Design directly. The emergency response method was to take it off the shelf, and I didn't even say sorry.

Hongqiao Design Article Plagiarism - I discovered it almost a month ago

5/16 Screenshots found that Hongqiao Design plagiarized the article

At first, I was surprised to find that it was copied by the designer. I wanted to say that it should be taken off the shelves soon, so I didn't respond to Hongqiao Design (maybe I was too naive) , but when I added this floor article recently, I suddenly thought of Hongqiao. Design, I didn't expect that the article has not been deleted for almost a month. (At present, I am only disappointed with Hongqiao Design, and I do not have the ability to create articles on my own)

Our plagiarized article - the advantages and disadvantages of floor materials for interior decoration! See this to know !

Where is the difference between window air conditioners and separate air conditioners? What should be paid attention to in installation and maintenance? Read this article to know!

My thoughts after being plagiarized by Hongqiao Design

This is the first time that an article has been plagiarized by others. When the article was used by Hongqiao Design for commercial purposes, I felt a little unhappy. The interior decoration article was written by me using my time. After a year and a half of the article, I occasionally go to see what I can add, not for the number of likes, but I care about whether my article is helpful to those who want to know, and I put a lot of effort into it before that, I don't want the article to become obsolete or even completely unhelpful after a few years.

  1. The main purpose of writing this post is to ask how people will respond when they encounter plagiarism?
  2. The other party has not yet apologized. Will the other party take the initiative to apologize after everyone is plagiarized?
  3. How do you adjust your mentality after encountering plagiarism?

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