How I became a ranger


How I became a ranger

The Wang Er's dog next door is barking again. What is it barking at in the middle of the night? Is there a thief? But the inner wall is so high, and Mr. Li Wei is powerful and well-known as a ruthless man. How can any thief who is not afraid of death dare to take risks? Last time, a gangster named Li San, nicknamed "Feiyan", had an argument with Li Wei on the street. Without saying anything, Li Wei took out a boning knife from the butcher shop next to him and cut it off with one blow. "Feiyan" Li San's balls in his crotch. Li San was rolling on the ground in pain, his wails and blood mixed into the loess on the street, and into the memories of the residents in the village. This is where everyone's respect for Lieutenant came from. The onlookers who were there that day were initially frightened by the bloody scene. After they came to their senses, they all praised Lord Lieutenant's swift and precise sword skills. Lieutenant Li was not modest, saying that his swordsman was the younger brother of the great swordsman Gai Nie, and that his swordsmanship was not inferior to that of Gai Nie's, far superior to Jing Ke's. Some of us know that he is bragging. He has never learned swordsmanship from a master. He only applied for a few days of training when the imperial court recruited Xiang Yong. But none of us dared to expose him to his face, because we all couldn’t bear to part with our own balls. I lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Thinking about having to work in the fields early tomorrow morning, I felt uncomfortable. When will this kind of day end? But Yuan Jiang looks so good-looking! Can I see her tomorrow morning? But what if I see her? My family is too poor to afford the betrothal gift of one cow, four sheep, and six pieces of silk. Every time I think about this, I feel so uncomfortable that I can't do anything about it. Yuan Jiang himself doesn’t really mind that my family is poor. We met once in the field. I looked at her intently, and she looked directly at me boldly. We looked around, but there was no one around. After a while, we were lying side by side in the wild grass on the roadside, holding hands. She smells so good, I don't know what it is. I forgot to ask her last time, so I'll have to remember it next time. After a while of random thoughts, the sleepiness gradually became stronger, and Wang Er's dog stopped barking.

Early the next morning, Li Zheng and Li Wei stood on both sides of the inner gate and began a routine roll call. I don't quite understand why this daily roll call system is necessary? Everyone cultivates their own fields, and the quality of the harvest depends first on God and secondly on their own efforts. It has nothing to do with Lieutenant Li Zhengli's roll call and half a penny. But Li Zheng said at the beginning that this was the law of the imperial court. The imperial court is what we must obey, and the emperor in the middle of the imperial court is what we must fear. And Lieutenant Li was crouching on his hips, glaring at everyone menacingly, ready to beat us up or chop us with a knife at any time for the sake of the emperor. The court also gave him the power to do this, which made his arms spread wider and his waist became thicker. So we must obey the roll call system every morning. If you are late for roll call, Lieutenant Li will close the inner door, lock you in the inner wall, and prevent you from going to the fields. At that time, everyone was busy working in the fields, and you were the only one who was locked up behind the wall with nothing to do. Let’s see if you were flustered or not. I've been locked up before. I was very young at that time, and when I was locked up in the inner wall and not allowed to go to the fields, I was very panicked. I followed the lieutenant like a pug and begged, hoping that he would be noble and open the inner door again. As long as I open a crack, I can slip through the door like a leaf. That's what I said to Lieutenant Li at that time, with a flattering silly smile on my face. Of course the ruthless Lieutenant would not pay attention to my plea. He mocked me hard, then walked leisurely home with his hands behind his back, and slammed the door. I stood in front of Li Wei's house at a loss, not knowing what to do. Aunt Zhao, who was watching the excitement, gave me some advice and asked me to ask Li Zheng, who was easier to talk to. He also had the key to the inner door, and he might let me out. I had completely run out of ideas, so I had no choice but to listen to Aunt Zhao and go to Li Zheng. Unexpectedly, the seemingly loyal Li Zheng was more ruthless than Li Lieutenant. He sat on the couch and refused my request, then turned his back and lay down facing the wall. After gathering the quilt around me, I turned my head to the sky and said loudly to me, no one can violate the laws of the imperial court! Li Zheng speaks without hesitation, and usually his saliva will flow from the corners of his mouth to his chin beard. But at this moment, due to the force of his words, I saw with my own eyes his spittle spurting out straight like a carp spitting water, then scattered in the air, and then fell back to his face. But he didn't care at all, he didn't even wipe it, he just turned his head and closed his eyes and fell asleep. I suddenly felt that Li Zheng was indeed extraordinary. I was surprised and stood under the porch like a fool, imagining that Li Zheng would suddenly wake up later and he would lecture me with slurred words and spit on the Internet. Open it and take out the key to the inner door and let me out. I also promise to show my sincerity by being sprayed with saliva like his old man, but never wiping it off. But a fool's fantasy cannot come true. When I finally realized that Li Zheng was completely dead. I had no choice but to turn around and come out in shame. I don't know what I'm ashamed of. Is it shame that I violated the court's laws, or is I ashamed that I'm begging like a stupid dog? I'm not in the mood to figure it out either. I didn't dare to go home because I was afraid that my parents would be as scared as me, and then I would lick my face and ask for help from Lieutenant. The scene was truly horrific. I don't want to see that scene. So I wandered around in the alley for a while, and finally sat down under a secluded inner wall, staring at the sky and the loess in a daze. It wasn't until the evening, after the villagers working in the fields had finished their work, that I patted the dirt off my butt and went home in trepidation. Seeing my mother bent over working on the stove, I felt filled with guilt. But those were things that happened a long time ago, and I don’t care about them now. Because the little power of Li Zheng and Li Wei no longer scares me. I only made some small mistakes and they can't be used to send me to jail. The laws of the imperial court may seem majestic, but they are just like the densest fences that cannot stop rabbits and dogs from burrowing. I am not one of those famous, rich and powerful people. The court's laws have no time to pay attention to me.

Yuan Jiang is always so beautiful, it is true that "Xianqi is the lower skirt and Ziqi is the upper jacket". In the morning, she respectfully sent her father and brother out. Not only is she beautiful, she is also elegant and polite, and her movements are appropriate. What a wonderful wife. When I passed by her door, she saw me, her face blushed slightly, and then she bowed slightly to salute, and I quickly bowed in return. We hide it well and no one knows our secret yet haha. Her father was stern and unsmiling. Her brother was very friendly to me and put his hand on my shoulder to greet me. Because I once helped him fight. That kid from Yongfeng Lane next door was beaten so badly! He swam straight on the ground like a loach, as if he wanted to hide under the soil. But our friendship is just like that. If I tell him that I want to marry Yuan Jiang, he probably won't help me. But I don’t particularly want to marry Yuan Jiang. It’s just that everyone else is marrying a wife, so I have to marry one too. And Yuan Jiang is the only wife I want to marry. But if I really marry her home and live with me, she probably won't be happy either. I don't want her to be unhappy. But I can't reveal this idea to Yuan Jiang, it will definitely make her very disappointed.

After the roll call, we walked out of the inner gate and walked to the fields. The crops in the fields are growing very well, and while other people’s crops are strong, my crops are not bad either. Seeing this made me feel happy. Maybe in two years, my family will become rich enough to propose marriage to Yuan Jiang’s family. Everyone started working in the fields, and I became particularly motivated. Everyone was a little surprised. Why is the boy so motivated today? I just smiled and didn't answer, thinking to myself, your reaction is too slow. I have been working hard to farm for more than a day or two, and our crops are testimony to this. During the break, Yuan Jiang's brother walked along the field ridge from his field to my field. He squatted on the field ridge like an impatient crow. He wanted me to take a break and go to the small dirt slope next to him to play egg-talk. I didn't stop what I was doing, I just said a few perfunctory words to him. Because I want to work hard so that I can marry Yuan Jiang as soon as possible. After a while, he felt bored, so he walked back to his family's field along the field ridge. When I bent down, the crops were over my head, making a rustling sound when the wind blew. This reminds me of my secret tryst with Yuan Jiang. I couldn't help but have a sweet smile on my face. Fortunately, the crops are covering me at this moment, otherwise if other people see me, they will definitely wonder, how can this kid smile so happily while working? There's definitely something weird! Happy time is always short, and it’s noon in a blink of an eye. Everyone stopped to rest, took out their food and started having lunch. I want to go find Yuan Jiang’s brother and squat on his field stalk to eat. You may see Yuan Jiang carrying a clay pot to bring water to her father and brother. Just as I was carrying my lunch to go find Yuan Jiang’s brother, he was already walking towards me with a food box in his hands. Along the way, one foot is high and the other is low, avoiding the dirt on the field stalks. I had no choice but to stand at the edge of the field and wait for him. He turned to me and motioned for us to squat on the small slope next to it. I know this kid may have something to ask me for, so he won't ask me to help him fight again, right? This kid likes to cause trouble so much that he will cause big trouble sooner or later. While I was waiting on tenterhooks for him to speak, I was also wondering if Yuan Jiang would come? We squatted on the slope and looked at the fields. Yuan Jiang's brother asked me about the war in the imperial court.

You said that the imperial court has been fighting with the Huns in the north for several years. Do you think they won or lost?

How do I know this? Some say they won, and some say they lost. You see, there are many strong men in the countryside who go to fight the Huns, but few come back. They all probably died in the north.

Well, then if we lose. The Huns won't come to plunder our countryside, right?

No, the Huns are far away from us. They have to cross nine rivers to reach our hometown. They can't swim or ride in a boat. Can't get here.

But the Huns can ride horses, can horses cross rivers?

A horse can only cross a small river, but how can it cross a big river? We have four big rivers and five small rivers, but they can't cross them!

Hmm... Then you said it has been two years since Wang Er went to fight the Huns. Is he still alive?

How do I know this? Anyway, Wang Er never sent money or letters home.

So 80% of them are dead, right?

Maybe, how could I know?

Yuan Jiang's brother pondered for a moment, and then Yuan Jiang was walking towards us carrying a clay pot. I wanted to greet him immediately, but I was afraid that Yuan Jiang's brother would notice something fishy, ​​so I hesitantly held back my temper. So I pushed Brother Yuan Jiang’s arm and said, your sister has brought you water. He hummed and made no move. So I immediately got up and walked towards Yuan Jiang. Yuan Jiang smiled at me, and her face turned red again. I said, sister from the Yuan family, are you here to bring water to your brother? Well, you should drink some too. Okay, okay, thank you very much! No need to be polite. she whispered with a smile. Then she walked towards his brother.

The three of us sat side by side on the slope, with the wind blowing slowly. The scene was quite beautiful. Neither of us spoke, Yuan Jiang kept looking forward, but I knew she must be very happy in her heart. I was happy too, but I didn't show it. The boy who likes to cause trouble is completely unnecessary, but he is the brother-in-law after all, so we still allow him to have fun with us. But my uncle obviously didn't think so. He asked Yuan Jiang to go back early. He had some things to say to me between men. Yuan Jiang looked at me, then at her brother, then gently stood up and left. I couldn't think of anything to say to stop him, so I scolded my uncle a hundred and eighty times in my heart. Watching the graceful figure of Yuan Jiang gradually walk away. Her unfortunate brother spoke;

If Wang Er dies, wouldn’t Wang Er’s wife become a widow? It shouldn't be a problem if I go find her, right?

Um? This... logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with it. However, the document that Wang Er was dead did not reach the village.

So many people died without documents.

Maybe none of them are dead yet.

fart! You didn't mean that they all died in the north.

How do I know this? I do not know.

Uh... do you think Wang Er's wife is very attractive? She has been winking at me these days.

Um? Is this happening? I do not know how?

Of course you don't know, she's not winking at you.

Well, too. What do you want to do with it?

I need your help. Your house is next door to hers, and I want to borrow the back wall of your house.

Hmm...cocks are crowing and dogs are stealing.

fart! This is called the beauty of adulthood, what a gentleman does!


Yuan Jiang's brother and I agreed, then we patted our butts and walked away. I was left alone sitting on the slope in a daze.

Throughout the afternoon, I was thinking about Yuan Jiang’s brother and Wang’s second wife. Wang Er's wife is indeed very attractive, and she is very romantic and likes to show off her coquettishness. If I hadn't had Yuan Jiang, I would have been seduced by her. Wang Er probably died in the north and could not come back. His soul could not return home because of the long road. However, Yuan Jiang's brother may encounter another trouble, the ruthless Li Wei. Wang's second wife obviously wasn't the only one who had winked at Yuan Jiang's brother. Lieutenant Li is having an affair with Wang's second wife. I have some clues about this, but I'm not sure, so I can't tell anyone about it. However, Wang's second wife is good at dealing with things diplomatically, so the two of them may not be able to run into each other. However, Yuan Jiang's brother is very brave and fierce. If he really fights with Li Wei, it will cause big trouble! When the time comes, Yuan Jiang will also have a hard time!

However, the development of things was beyond my expectation. Yuan Jiang's brother and Wang's second wife had enjoyed themselves happily without any trouble. But something happened on Yuan Jiang's side. One evening, when I came back from the fields, I saw Yuan Jiang standing at the inner gate, waiting for me, with a strange look on his face. I thought something must have happened, so I quickly stepped forward to ask. But she didn't say a word, looking like she was hesitating to speak, and then turned around and left with an ugly look on her face. My heart skipped a beat, thinking that something big must have happened, otherwise Yuan Jiang wouldn't be like this. I quickly caught up and wanted to find out. Yuan Jiang walked so fast that I had no choice but to catch up closely behind him. If Lieutenant Li saw him, he would definitely accuse me of "having unruly behavior and molesting women." But I don’t care about that much anymore. Finally in a secluded place, Yuan Jiang slowed down. I quickly caught up from behind, stopped her, and said, "Yuan Jiang, what's wrong with you?" What happened? Are you telling me? Yuan Jiang bit her lip stubbornly at first and said nothing. In the end, she couldn't help but let out a "wow", squatted on the ground and cried loudly. I had no choice but to lean down to comfort her in a panic.

Later I found out that it was Li Zheng's old dog who repeatedly teased Yuan Jiang while we were weaving in the same alley. Yuan Jiang was a little frightened by the seemingly venerable old liar. She didn't dare to speak out, let alone tell her family. Because her brother was a young man who was aggressive, fierce, and had a bad temper. If he beat Li Zheng in a rage, it would be a big crime. She was helpless and could only come to me. This is my responsibility. Although Yuan Jiang and I are not officially married, we are still privately engaged for life. My wife was insulted by this drooling old scoundrel, Li Zheng. How can I bear this? So, I reassured Yuan Jiang that I would avenge her. Yuan Jiang saw that my expression was unusual and murderous, so this time she was worried about me. She followed me, tugged on my sleeve, and whispered, "If you don't forget it, it won't matter anyway." I shook off Yuan Jiang's hand and told her, don't worry about this, I will make sure that old dog Li Zheng doesn't dare to bully you again! Yuan Jiang has never heard me speak in such a vicious tone. She was completely frightened and grabbed my sleeve tightly, refusing to let me go. I pushed Yuan Jiang away cruelly and strode away. When I left, I looked back and glanced at Yuan Jiang who was lying on the ground. My eyes were wide open, and he looked like he wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry. This was the last time I saw Yuan Jiang.

What happened next was nothing new. After I got home, I took out the hidden dagger from under the mattress, tucked it in my arms, and then went to find Li Zheng. When my father saw me coming and going in a hurry, he just asked, "Boy, where are you going?" I answered vaguely, and the person had already disappeared into the depths of the alley. At the door of Li Zheng's house, after waiting for a short time, I saw this old scoundrel with drool on his beard, wandering out of the house. He was about to supervise the woman Ye Zhi, and the proud look on his face made me furious. I jumped out of the darkness, grabbed Li Zheng's clothes and punched him violently. Because my face was covered, Li Zheng could not recognize me. He shouted to Lieutenant Li for help, but Lieutenant Li was unable to arrive for a while. So he recited the imperial laws in a spitting manner to scare me, but the old dog was leaking what he said and was in a panic. He recited it confusingly and I didn't understand a word of it. So I knocked out his teeth with the handle of the knife to make him stop carrying it. But this old dog was very stubborn, and he started to recite the names of high-ranking officials in the township, county and even the county to frighten me. He carried me very excitedly, and his spit mixed with blood sprayed everywhere. If I hadn't covered my face, he would have sprayed all over my face. I was already irritated by his smelly spit, and because he had a unclear speech and couldn't understand a word of what he was reciting, it made me even more irritated. So I pulled out the dagger and thrust it into his mouth. This time, blood really poured out of Li Zheng's mouth like spring water, and he stopped reciting completely. At this time, I stood up with a long breath and heard Lieutenant Li coming from a distance with his people and banging their wooden clappers. I didn't have time to think too much, so I ran to a damaged inner wall, climbed over the inner wall, and disappeared into the vast wild grass. In the weeds, I thought of Yuan Jiang again. I seemed to hear her heart-rending cries in the distance, coming from the inner wall.

Later, I evaded arrest by the government, changed my name, and hid in the grass. By chance, I joined the great hero Guo Xie. Now I was taken in by him and became his guest. Several years have passed and I have been hidden by Mr. Guo in his home. I want to find an opportunity to repay Mr. Guo. Recently, I finally got an opportunity. Someone in the county government was in trouble with Duke Guo and wrote a letter to the court to slander Duke Guo. So I volunteered to kill the county official on behalf of Duke Guo. Mr. Guo was quite happy, touched my shoulder, and solemnly told me that no matter whether it was successful or not, he would definitely find a way to bribe the government for me and pardon my death penalty. Then I can return to my hometown as soon as possible. Mr. Guo made a huge promise, and I also swear to God that I will avenge Mr. Guo’s blood. The scene was so grand and heroic that Mr. Guo and everyone were very excited, with tears in their eyes. After bidding farewell to Mr. Guo, I returned to my residence to prepare. After preparing the dagger and costume, I sat on the couch and waited for dawn. The dim candlelight shone on the earthen wall, reflecting my shadow. My body shape seems to be very different from a few years ago. I wonder if Yuan Jiang can still recognize me now. She is probably married. And I don’t know if my parents have been implicated by me or are they still alive? I don’t really want to go back now. Things and people in my hometown have changed, so there’s no point in going back. The only thing I can do now is to repay Mr. Guo for his kindness or die. As the rooster crows at dawn, the sky gradually becomes white. Holding the dagger in hand, I jumped off the couch, pushed open the wooden door, came to the yard, and checked the direction. He looked back at the empty swallow's nest under the eaves, then strode out of the courtyard and embarked on a journey to avenge Mr. Guo.


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