[Positive practice] It is difficult to maintain a high frequency state


This is the article I saw @ Drunk Love Athena. Since I started to meditate, I have often gained knowledge to maintain a positive attitude, or I should say that algorithms have helped me access such knowledge (laughs).

It takes practice to maintain a good state. The more you practice, the more you realize that you can gradually move towards your goals, and gradually begin to believe that our thoughts and ideas will indeed attract corresponding things. I hope I can get help from my peers and teach me how to maintain a high frequency state.

Frequency table

I don't know if there is anyone like me who will have a past that is as distant as it happened in a previous life . Or even a feeling of parallel time and space? Because of this experience, I began to believe that to want good things, you must first make yourself feel good . When I feel low, the unhealed past will eat away at me, and the illusion will not be broken unless I realize that the pain that is eroding me is an illusion. To break the illusion, you have to bring yourself back to the present moment.

To put it simply, it took me a lot of effort to practice. Meditation helped me a lot. The most important thing was that my five senses were opened, and my senses of touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste became sensitive. If there is no way to get rid of the painful feeling, find a way to get close to the people and things that give me energy.

Person: High energy person to me (usually feels like he's energizing or calming me)

Thing: Do the things that motivate you in the moment (I will remind myself of the one thing that I have to do today)

Objects: trees and plants (the most direct place to get energy is near mountains and forests)

This morning I realized that I managed to maintain the high frequency energy and started to drop too low again. Filled with anger, worry, and feeling stagnant, I just saw the video below.

After reading, I got up and walked around and started doing what I expected. Letting go of the past and grasping what can be done is the goal of my day.

You are making choices every moment, and the path you want, as long as you can see it, is yours.

Hope someone can teach me how to stay in good shape? Not easily influenced?


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我是心心醫檢師登出中。 【轉職路上x 情緒覺察 x 學習動能】 【我的其他連結】https://linktr.ee/sinsin.tw
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