Reading Historical Records to see the magical way of conception: Jiang Yuan and Jian Di

It's very dangerous outside, we girls have to protect ourselves!

Life is full of surprises~

The little deer last night suddenly wanted to eat porridge!
Could this be implying that I should go to Kinmen? Kinmen Cantonese porridge (porridge) is delicious~ Too bad there is no vegetarian version....

In short, because eating late night will make you fat, Xiaolu had to pick up Shiji to read...., and suddenly found out! Historical records have porridge! Although it is meat porridge? !

But before entering the meat porridge, Xiaolu was attracted by Yin Bengji and Zhou Bengji~

First of all, they told us right from the start that we shouldn't pick up and eat things randomly, and don't compare the sizes!

Let me first mention the matter of eating. This happened to Jian Di, the young lady. Jian Di is the second concubine (not the eldest wife) of Emperor Kuu, and once she and the other two did not know who they were. (presumably a maid or other concubine) went out to take a bath together, and saw a black bird (should be a swallow) laying an egg, Jian Di saw a bird egg, um! This can supplement protein, just eat 0.0 and then....she has it (just say you can't pick up things to eat!)..., Jian Di gave birth to a contract like this.

.....Every time Xiaolu thinks about this, he wants to ask Di Ku's opinion on this matter......

The above is the record of picking up eggs to eat and getting pregnant, please refer to Shi Ji. Yin Benji:
Yin Qi, whose mother was Jian Di, had a daughter of the Lu family, who was the second concubine of Emperor Ku. The three of them were taking a bath, and when they saw Xuanniao fall off its eggs, Jian Di took it and swallowed it.
There are also related records in the Book of Songs:
"The Mysterious Bird of Heaven's Order came down and was born in Shang, and lived in the vast land of Yin. The ancient emperor ordered Wu Tang to be in the four directions."
"Book of Poetry. Shang Song. Mysterious Bird
And Qi is the ancestor of Yin (Shang Dynasty), so.... the earliest father of Shang Dynasty people is a bird's egg 0.0

Hmm.... don't think this is ridiculous, the earliest father of the Zhou Dynasty people in the dynasties behind the Shang Dynasty is even more rare~
(It's a bit long, let's put a fun photo and take a break)

There are circles ㄟ~ Is it interesting?

Let's look at Shiji. Zhou Benji:

Zhou Houji, the name is abandoned. His mother had a Tai daughter named Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan was the concubine of Emperor Ku Yuan. Jiang Yuan went out into the wild, and when he saw the footprints of giants, he said in a heartbeat, if he wanted to practice it, he would move like a pregnant woman when he practiced it. When living in a period of time and giving birth to a child, thinking that it is ominous, abandoning the narrow alley, the horses and cattle pass by are not practiced; resettled in the forest, suitable for many people in the mountains and forests, move it; and abandoned in the canal on the ice, the birds are recommended with their wings Of. Jiang Yuan thought he was a god, so he adopted him. At first I wanted to abandon it, because it was called abandonment.

It means the ancestors of the Zhou Dynasty, called abandonment.
The abandoned mother is Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan is Di Ku's concubine Yuan, she should be Ku's eldest wife, and there is also a writing about her name. Anyway, one day, sister Jiang Yuan went out to play, and suddenly she saw a big footprint on the ground ㄟ! Because it was really strange, little sister Jiang Yuan suddenly wanted to compare how much bigger her feet were? Put your feet up for comparison.
(I personally suspect that she took off her shoes to measure)
As a result, the behavior that I thought was interesting for a while had a very "big" consequence. After stepping on it, I suddenly felt a vibration in my body! Not long after, Jiang Yuan found out that she was pregnant!

I really want to ask Di Ku's opinion.... The second concubine is like this, so is the Yuan concubine...... Fortunately, there are two other second concubines, and the other two second concubines did not eat indiscriminately. There is no random ratio of size, relatively speaking, it is relatively normal to give birth to two other sons~

Jiang Yuan gave birth to a son whose father was unknown. Everyone felt that this was not auspicious, so they started a series of crime records. . . . They first threw the children on the road, thinking that they would be trampled to death by cattle and horses, but the cattle and horses avoided them when they passed by; they also wanted to throw the children into the forest, but there were many people in the forest cutting down trees, and they would be found if they were thrown away; Next, they threw the child on the frozen ice, thinking that the child would freeze to death, and as a result, many birds flew over to keep the child warm with their wings.

In this way, under the protection of the animals, our Snow White, no, our unknown father finally let his mother and relatives know that this is a child with a history! Please pick it up and take care of it~
But because he had the experience of being thrown away from the beginning, the child's name was named "Abandoned".

......The mother who stepped on the footprints was called Abandoned, and the mother ate a bird's egg called Qi..., ummm....

The same thing is recorded in the Book of Songs:
"In the early days, the people were born, and when the Wei Jiang Yuan was born. How did the people live, Keshen and sacrifices, and Ephesus had no children."
"Book of Poetry. Great. Lives

The above is the conception process of the ancestors of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

Um? Xiaolu seemed to want to talk about meat porridge at first? Hmm...., it's been too long, let's talk about meat porridge next time, let's see if we can talk about the origin of "wife" by the way~

What do you think about these two conception legends?

take a walk


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