People are surging on Queen's Road | Finally, it is necessary to rely on the great comrades to make new ideas?

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On July 1, 2020, Hong Kong "returns for the second time", and Hong Kong in the true sense may become a swan song. At this moment, it is the author's selfish grief and anger, and he has to review a song "Queen's Road East" to suit the situation.

In the face of the 1997 deadline, Hong Kong people were confused and fearful, especially after witnessing the crackdown on Tiananmen Square on June 4, they were all gloomy and gloomy. There are many songs in the music world that allude to the political status quo, and "Queen's Road East" is the most famous one. Lin Xi said in the interview that he wrote this song before 1997 to leave it as a witness to history , to record that it can be written now, but it may not be possible to write it in the future.

The mv is also very interesting. Images of the Queen of England and the heroes of the CCP have appeared. It is indeed possible to do a time-space comparison experiment on freedom of speech.

 Queen's Road West, Queen's Road East, Queen's Road East, Queen's Road Central, Queen's Road East

Luo Dayou said, "Queen" of course refers to the Queen of England, while "Queen's Road" is the capitalist road. Then "Queen's Road West" is the United Kingdom, "Queen's Road East" is Hong Kong, and "Queen's Road Central" is China. Can capitalist prosperity be passed from Britain to Hong Kong, and from Hong Kong to socialist China? Although Luo Dayou had doubts at the time, he still left a question mark with hope. How has this question been answered today?

 There is an aristocratic friend who is young and unchanged behind the coin. His name is the queen There is a unit but Mong Kok may have to change its name

Behind the coin is a young and unchanging portrait of the Queen. In addition to echoing "coins" and "capitalism", "Buying and selling follow me everywhere." In the video, there is a picture of Queen Elizabeth II visiting Hong Kong to inspect people's feelings. Under the "faceless" (little intervention) Queen's rule, Hong Kong has gathered achievements and emerged as a metropolis where East meets West. This is the achievement of several much-loved governors of Hong Kong in the later period of the British rule, and it also expresses the gratitude and nostalgia of the Hong Kong people for this. Tao Jie said that Hong Kong people are not in love with colonialism, but in excellence , which is evident.

It's just that 1997 is approaching, "bye bye to confidants", and this city will have to rely on great comrades to come up with new ideas. Buy and sell as you go, there are capitalist off-the-plan apartments and building units that are springing up like mushrooms after rain. Hong Kong's property prices have always been world-famous. But if we want to "decolonize" some place names that have accompanied Hong Kong people from generation to generation to collective memory, do we need to change their names?

 This righteous friend is kind and friendly, so he allows horses to run two days a week, and the common people naturally have to fight faster than the finish line. If you are a citizen of a big country, you only need to be rich.

"Run as you horse, dance as you dance" is the CCP's promise to Hong Kong. However, this promise has been misunderstood or even dwarfed by Hong Kong from the very beginning.

Law Yongsheng mentioned in "Colonial Home Abroad" that the uniqueness of Hong Kong is that under the loose and practical British governance, which is not statist, Hong Kong people have "rejection of coercion, whether against the British, the Kuomintang or the Communist Party." State power, rejecting the space of a unified ideology" . In Hong Kong, "national identity, patriotism and patriotism must exist at the same time as the options of rejection and criticism." This freedom of choice gives Hong Kong citizens "the freedom of mind, value, and culture" to create "a space for judgment outside the home country".

During the Sino-British negotiations in the 1980s, China did not respect Hong Kong's unique colonial experience, and did not affirm the "self-decolonization path that Hong Kong people have taken, as well as their unique culture of embracing freedom. Instead, together with the old colonial masters, The freedom that Hong Kong people are attached to is reduced to the freedom to get rich and the freedom to pursue enjoyment, and it is even more taboo for Hong Kong people to have representatives to join the future negotiation. ——Luo Yongsheng

From the very beginning, Hong Kong has only been regarded as an instrumental economic and financial city, a "white glove" of the CCP. Deng Xiaoping, the "friend of justice", approved Ma Zhao's run, so the common people naturally only need to seek profit. Therefore, as a so-called international metropolis, there is only a single boom in the financial industry. Is it a "citizen of a great country" or a tool person with only money left?

 Goodbye to my confidant and go away This city depends on great comrades to make new ideas The bronze statue of a martyr

As an international metropolis, the international climate will naturally affect the city, but the "seasonal change" - or "the rotation of the ruling party", a socialist country with a one-party dictatorship probably had to rely on the supernatural people who were fashionable in the mainland at that time. Magic can do it.

On the day of 1997, it was a night of heavy rain. Today, 23 years later, the "Second Celebration" is really "everyone should applaud." The bronze statue of the martyr on this Hong Kong coin is a tribute to the martyr, but it is better to dedicate it to the young people who "survive and fight to the end" today.

The song ends with the constant repetition of "color is emptiness" , accompanied by traditional gongs and drums like a Peking Opera soundtrack. "Will the feasting nights of Hong Kong become empty under the baptism of socialism?" Has the answer to the question of Luo Dayu and Lin Xi more than 20 years ago has been given today?

Luo Dayou said at the time that politics is an expression like singing. If no one dares to express it and no one makes a sound, then the loudest one will be the dictator.

I only hope that this little spark in Hong Kong will stir up this long-cherished grassland in mainland China and even the whole world.

This interview is highly recommended. At that time, Luo Dayou and Lin Xi were still very young and innocent. They lit cigarettes in one hand and drank Coke in the other. They easily accepted interviews with Hong Kong and Taiwan, and they were even more lovely and comfortable.


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