Why did you decide to sell used books yourself?

Selling second-hand books on my own is a bit of a struggle, but seeing that they all have new owners, I feel like I've done the right thing. I hope that in the days to come, there will still be many people who will need these paper books that are no longer available and do not have e-books! If no one wants it, just recycle it. Hahahaha. I am determined to empty my bookshelf within two years!

From the moment I received the studio in 2019, I took out my book and sold it. These books were originally I wanted to open a shop one day, not selling books but for people to read, maybe some groceries or food in the shop. In 2017, the studio was established with such a concept, but some things are like this. After doing it, I found out that "God damn it, I don't like this thing that much!"

Before that, I worked in new and second-hand bookstores from 2006 to 2009. I felt very happy reading books every day, selling and recognizing books (the focus of bookstore clerks is not "love to read" but "sell books" and "books". Knowing books”) I probably got to know 99% of the authors and books in my life before that, and developed my ability to “recognize books”. (When selling books, you must at least know the attributes of which publishers, although the boundaries of publishers are becoming more and more blurred now)

If I was rich, I still wanted to open a shop, and I would read books to people, and read them for as long as they liked. The most important thing is "I don't want to greet anyone" (especially long-winded and rude guests) It really takes a lot of money to be so sloppy (laughs.) It's really "I tried it" to know Although I love sharing books, I would like to provide a space for people to read if I have the ability, but I don’t want to interact with anyone at all. If I am rich, I would invite a clerk who is passionate about books to greet customers. The problem is, there is no money XDDDDD

So for the sake of my living space and comfort, I started selling books, and I wanted to reduce the weight of moving a little before taking away the studio. My second-hand books were not only put into reading books or taken to Jasmine and sent to some friends who opened second-hand bookstores. At that time, they were also open for people who wanted to buy books to buy books. It's just that I wasn't so determined to clear them all at the time, so I left hundreds of books behind and followed me out of the studio.

"Dushu" is indeed a good store. I have sold more than 250 books on Dudu, but there is a small problem that some books have not been archived, sometimes the requirements for reviewing books are too high, and some books are too popular or It is not accepted that it cannot be sold at all, and often very good books are called back, and it is not necessary to spend money to return them.

So I finally decided to sell used books in my store in April at a lower price than reading books. Many books did not meet the preservation standards, or were taken to second-hand bookstores for cheap valuations, or even thirty or fifty dollars that you thought could not be sold, they were all sold! In less than five months, I sold nearly 100 books + a few CDs in my store.

Although it is time-consuming to take pictures, put on the shelves, find information, package the goods, and ship them (even encountering nasty ghosts who don't take the goods), and sometimes selling a copy of 30 or 50 yuan does not meet the time cost at all.

(Please don’t ask me whether the book is yellow or not. For 30 yuan, you ask me whether the book is yellow or not, and you go to buy a new book. The book will be yellow is the problem of paper, you can ask the publisher why they use the kind that will turn yellow after a long time. Paper. Many of my books have not been yellow for more than ten years, and many of them are yellow after two years. Do you mind buying new books. Many of my books are out of print and you don’t want to buy new ones, so don’t talk to me about books or not. yellow.)

But even for 30 or 50 yuan, I'm glad they all have new owners. I also looked at the account and found out that I opened a store that sells books for people to read. I am also very happy. It is also very good for others to complete my original idea and to be read by readers in other bookstores!

And those books that have been out of print for a long time, the condition of the books is really only 50% new, and they will not be unable to be put on the shelves or bought at a good price because the condition of the books is not good enough. They can still find people who need them, and let me feel very happy.

Especially recently, because I wanted to watch all of Lee Byung-hun's movies that I could find, I also shot a lot of DVDs worth more than ten to twenty yuan on the Internet and came back to watch them. I sincerely thank those DVD rental shops that sell them like this and I can't find them online (and I don't want to watch pirated films. It also made me rethink this digital age, will it really make everything only exist on the Internet? There is no doubt that the era will enter a future where everything is digital and metaverse. Those physical, classic, and not remade into digital versions, they will still be in the physical world, leaving a little possibility of being needed. !

My second-hand book store: https://bit.ly/sunlinebooks (please log in to the account on the mobile phone to see my account, and I don’t know why. Shopee excludes me)

Long-term Shrimp Coins give back 10%, please use them for free shipping on Wednesday. Don't ask me if the book is yellow or not? A man who hates the author to sign his name on a book will not like to draw lines on it. There are more special situations will be written on the page.

There are several authors classified: Calvino , Wu Mingyi , Murakami Haruki , Yoshida Shuichi , Shiraishi Yiwen , Sha Linjie , A Yi , Zhang Tiezhi , Yoshimoto Banana , Mishima Yukio , Oe Kenzaburo , Angela. Carter , Writing Series , Raymond Carver , LGBTQ Series

There is also a large piece of history, geography, society and humanities that have not yet been put on the shelves, as well as film and television, architecture, photography, and poetry collections that have not yet decided whether to move.

Selling second-hand books on my own is a bit of a struggle, but seeing that they all have new owners, I feel like I've done the right thing. I hope that in the days to come, there will still be many people who will need these paper books that are no longer available and do not have e-books! If no one wants it, just recycle it. Hahahaha. I am determined to empty my bookshelf within two years!

From 2019 to the present, there are just over 500 copies sold and those currently on sale (excluding those sold by the studio), and there should be 300 or 400 copies on my bookshelf that haven’t been photographed yet.

Picture: 20200311 Dagou Wenshi Zaixing Club, Canon EOSM50


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