Weasel Pushing Pit Sketch|The Island of the Mountains and They Who Will Die if They Don't Go (Part 1)

What do you think the mountain has given you?

This series is to push the drama or movie that I have seen before. I hope you will like it. I will put it up to chat with you if I feel it. It is not necessarily a plot analysis, it may just be a push. XD
If there is any spoiler about the lightning protection line of the club, please take it with peace of mind

From Public Television - The Island of the Mountains will die if they don't go

This is a mountaineering documentary
<br class="smart">I always mistyped the title at the beginning <br class="smart">The Island of the Mountains and Them Who Won't Die (seems reasonable XD)
It's the island of the mountains and they who will die if they don't go

There are four episodes in total and four protagonists. They use four different mountains and different interview methods to tell their mountaineering spirit and what meaning the mountains give them in their lives.

 There are many beautiful mountains in Taiwan. In recent years, mountaineering has become more and more popular. Everyone has begun to go to the mountains, but the public is extremely lacking in mountaineering knowledge and risks. In the past two or three years, there have been more than twice as many mountain rescues as before. Mountaineering is a high level. In addition to taking you to admire the beauty of Taiwan's mountains and forests, this album of consumption, high-risk, high-intensity, and high-risk sports, many life philosophies and beautiful places in mountaineering are welcome to watch the following feature films 
The Island of the Mountains and the ones who will die if they don't go - take me back to Chi Lai? Take me back to Chi Lai?

The Island of the Mountains and they who will die if they don't go - the adventure is three small??

-----------------------------------Lightning protection line------------ ------------------------------

There will be a plot introduction and experience sharing below, please be careful not to be bombed.

It's coming~ It's going to be spoiled~~~

The following text begins

Episode 1 and 2 take me back to Chi Lai? Take me back to Chi Lai!! And the adventure is to kill the little? ! !

Source - The Island of the Mountains and Them Who Die If You Don't Go - Take me back to Chi Lai? Take me back to Chi Lai!

In the beginning, we started this round with a super-beautiful scene. Taiwan is really beautiful. Those who are just able to see the beauty are lucky. This is a mini-series that captures the beauty of Taiwanese mountains in the form of interviews and records.
There is no bloody plot, only the truth and life philosophy of climbers full of

These two episodes climbed two routes,
The first one is the North Peak of Qilai, where the weather is cloudy and sunny.
(Personally known as Black Qilai, a hot spot in Taiwan's mountaineering industry where high mountains are difficult to occur)

The second is the holy edge line, (the vertical route from Dabajian to Snow Mountain)
These two are advanced routes, not recommended for novices, but they are worth it. Please find an experienced guide and team leader to take you up the mountain, or (find the ferret newspaper group~XD)

These two episodes talk about the important concept of mountaineering

Mountain disaster and retreat

Take me back to Chi Lai? Take me back to Chi Lai!!

The heroine of the first episode is a famous mountain guide (Zhan Qiaoyu - Three Fish)
One of the few strong women (8000M) in Taiwan who have climbed Mount Everest and the top ten peaks in the world
In 2015, when he was technically climbing abroad, he fell into the glacier because the rope fell off. He was rescued after 26 hours, but the nerve in his left foot was necrotic, and his left foot was almost paralyzed.
After coming back, he used Qilai North Peak as his rehabilitation place, endured the pain, and still loves mountain climbing.

In the process, when he said that he suffered in the glacier,
The idea of the person to be rescued is unknown and afraid, not knowing when they will be rescued,
Even if I know I can't be taken, I hope I can be accompanied.
The idea of rescuers is to assess what can be done, how to do it for the most benefit, and how they can get the job done with the risks they will face.

The director asked: What is the attraction of mountains? Let you be rescued after 26 hours in the glacier, and you have to climb a mountain when you come back
What does the mountain give you?

Santiaoyu said: I lived with my teammates on the mountain and solved a problem together. The sense of accomplishment after completion, the friendship in adversity, and in a daze under the most beautiful scenery, I can't think of the reason why I don't go to the mountain.

Due to the bad weather on the North Peak of Shangqilai, the beautiful scenery was finally photographed after many summits. The point is that he is not a very easy summit route. It is really tiring to climb so many times.

To end with the producer's words, I was impressed,

 Zhan Weixiong: Going up the mountain is to escape from the thing that you could not escape by ascending the height, so you came to a world without pressure.
Climbing is a painful thing, why do people still run into the mountains, except that there are beautiful things in the world that are hard to reach on the mountain, because there are more painful things waiting for you to do down the mountain.

Therefore, the comprehensive difficulty of mountaineering is much simpler than life.
Climbing is a place where one can escape the world and temporarily forget some things.
Escape though shameful is useful,
Go hiking when you want to go on vacation~ XD
(remember to be prepared)

Source - The Island of the Mountains and Those Who Die If You Don't Go - Mount Sumitar

Episode 2
Adventure is three small!???
The protagonist of this episode is Zhang Yuanzhi, the first mountaineer in Taiwan to climb K2, the second highest peak in the world.

Everyone must be familiar with Mount Everest as the first peak, but the degree of danger and climbing difficulty of K2 is many times that of Mount Everest. The death rate is also the highest mountaineering in the world, and it is also the most difficult mountain to climb in the world. He has also climbed many 8000m world ten The big peak, but what is even more powerful is that he climbed anaerobic and did not use oxygen cylinders to assist climbing. Of course, he failed many times, because it is really difficult to climb the 8000M mountain with only 7.541% oxygen.
It is probably that you take 3 breaths on the mountain to take one breath on the flat ground.
But you can tell that he is a very experienced mountain climber.

This time he took his mother to climb the holy ridge~OAO
It's probably the 11.8-kilometer road from Dabajianshan to Snow Mountain, but before that, you have to kick the 19-kilometer industrial road to get to the trailhead.
11 kilometers from the mountain entrance to Dabajian Mountain (I have walked by ferrets)
It's a very challenging route. You have to walk 30 kilometers before you go from Dabajian Mountain to Snow Mountain~

During the process, he talked a lot about his mountaineering philosophy,
Risk is knowing to avoid, not ignorant risk.
The reason why he will take his mother to climb the mountain is that as long as he goes to the mountain, his mother will be very worried
Worry comes from irrationality, fear comes from ignorance, those fears you imagine <br class="smart">You will increase the fear of encountering an unknown state if you have no experience, so take his mother to the first time mountain climbing

After a lapse of 15 years, his mother went to climb the holy ridgeline.
That's right, this time they finally decided to retreat before reaching the most difficult Sumita cliff, (snow and gravel slope attack)
Before that there was a bunch of arrow bamboo forest attack and snow attack.
The process is really a lot of adventure~ XD
Please see for yourself~ XD

Director: I also asked what did the mountain give you?
Won-sik said: Don't be afraid to explore new things.

Finally, when I retreated during the interview climbing K2,
Yuan Zhi said: I was actually not dazzled by the name, (became the first mountaineer in Taiwan to climb K2)
But it is only possible to live, and to stop there when I die, I also want other partners to create more common memories and climb more mountains.

Yuanzhi's Mountaineering Philosophy: Everyone goes down the mountain safely. As long as there is a certain degree of risk that will violate this principle, I will choose to retreat.

Finally, it ends with the words of the producer

 Zhan Weixiong:
Taking risks is the art of pursuing the critical point, and pushing the critical point in the process, so that you can grow up. If the risk is not at the cost of life, then it is not an adventure; because you will always think about it and understand the problems you face, Understand the condition of your body and the nature you face.

Retreat is not a term for failure. In mountaineering retreat, you have to go back the same way. If it doesn't end like this, you still have to pay a price.
The purpose of mountaineering is the journey, not the destination. If you start, you will succeed. It is a glorious thing for you to bravely step out of the boundaries of your life and then choose to retreat.

Source - The Island of the Mountains and They Will Die if You Don't Go - Adventure is Three Little!???

After reading it, I really want to go mountain climbing. The philosophy of mountain climbing is not to conquer, but to learn to face nature more softly. I really like the ritual before entering the mountain.
Commitment: don't let nature cause too much damage here, respect the land Thank you: thank your family or yourself, because we are lucky. Be willing to climb mountains.
If we are all ready to get to know this land you will find beautiful landscapes and more precious memories.
If mountaineering has taught me anything, it should be to listen to the voice of the world more quietly, to enjoy the beauty of nature, and the process of sharing weal and woe with the partners around me, and to stay away from the world.

cat is really cute

It's the first time I try to push a movie and drama, and the writing is not good, please bear with me~


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