Gucci said "crying and squeezing", and the clerk's expression was also crying and squeezing 🤣

Supplementary teaching of "International Zheng Yin Class", which is not hidden by Uncle Chao Kevin

❒ "Suffix" editor by:

@奇奇文( Kevin brother) is exactly in line with the impression of youthful uncle in my heart. In my spare time, I take my wife to the intellectual scenic spots to eat delicious food and take beautiful photos on the Internet ( [Yangmingshan] Light Travel - Caoshan Yuxi ), It's a series of funny workplace comics (for example: [Four Grid Comics] # 3 White Eyes ). He has been in the business world for many years and is well versed in the "U Mo" of workplace culture.

Kevin takes a beautiful photo of his wife
【Four Grid Comics】# 3 White Eyes

His latest post: <Mr Runge, what country are you from? 〉 , Kevin showed his hand again, knowing the foreigner's Last name, he can really greet his ancestors , he said:

This set of kung fu later became a hala weapon with foreigners. When I exchange business cards with a foreigner, I often judge which country he is from by his last name (Last name / Family name) . For example: someone with the surname Norgaard, the combination of aa is only available in Denmark or the Netherlands; the combination of nho in Mourinho is Portuguese; the combination of ij in Schijder is Dutch; Keβler is German, and β is the combination of ss ... ...etc. It allows me to get closer to each other in an instant when negotiating with foreign clients.

After watching this episode, I became a fan right away. It’s not a shame that he is the fake uncle who broke the tide in my mind. I quickly invited him to demonstrate for our young writers: how to fake the pronunciation (pay attention), are you ready for Repeat after Kevin?

Editor-in-chief made with Canva

❒ Foreword:

 In other words, I myself prefer to be interviewed as a painter or travel sharing writer (Isn’t everyone tired of posting so many paintings and writing so many travel notes before?), but it doesn’t matter, since the uncle’s hidden Once the identity (or split personality?) of the famous teacher was revealed, this time I came to interview as a linguist (who said that? In the end...)~

First, let me share the Phonics lecture notes that I used to live on: (Hey, this is very Buddhist. I used to charge you for listening to this.)
 The disgusting editor-in-chief disliked the fact that the handout originally provided was not fancy enough, but he was not good at art, causing Uncle Chao to stay up all night and force the handover of the beautified handout (below), sorry, brother Kevin!
English Phonics
English Phonics

Later, I suddenly had an epiphany and felt that I was instantly connected to the two veins of Ren and Du of the European and American languages, so I began to study the "natural pronunciation" of the European languages . The logic of choosing a language is: Spanish (the language most countries use as their mother tongue), German (the center of the European Union), French (in France, the language of the waiter chicken, the arrogant language), Italian (the fantasy that the previous life is Yida) benefit people). Therefore, a set of formulas have been developed as follows:

(I think you are an idiom martial artist, so I will sell it to you at a low price...)

European Phonics
European Phonics
European Phonics
European Phonics

After watching it for a long time, people with sleep disorders should be instantly drowsy, right? (Eh~ Isn't it "autumn is strong"? )
This is how I help my friends treat insomnia~ No way! Quickly learn the pronunciation of European languages~ What do you do after you learn it?

Also need to ask, of course, is to buy boutique ah!



Most people say "crying and squeezing". This is really too low, as if the Japanese are saying "くち" (mouth). Pronounce it as "Gu Qi". The clerk won't secretly laugh at you~

Louis Vuitton

As a person who loves fake bags, it is reasonable to have a Louis Vuitton bag. If you can only read LV, at least you won't make a mistake. At most, it will be mistaken for the abbreviation of Las Vegas~ (Who would be so blind?) But his French pronunciation is "Luyi V hole", which can be used when Lu husband buys a bag. At least make him feel that his wife is a little cultural~

 Brother Kevin, as an uncle Chao, it is also necessary for you to buy a "Luyi V-hole" for your wife! ? 😂(It is used for taking beautiful photos on the Internet)


The high-end brand that everyone often makes mistakes, I often hear it read as low-we (is we very low? This is really mother soup~) This is a Spanish brand, but because one of the founders is German, this brand has A little German pronunciation, you have to change w into v to send it, so read it as "cuddle-A-ve"~

It's not just stupid women who make mistakes, and a bunch of fake local tyrants don't know what they often spend money on.

For example:


Most boys often pronounce it "broken", but it's not accurate. This is the German pronunciation, it should be pronounced as "Bo drink She " (the "drink" in it is just a little bit, don't steal the show~ )


It is a mechanical watch brand that boys like very much. In fact, Panerai is an Italian watchmaker. In theory, this brand should be read as "Lai Neilai" (I also "Happy New Year's Egg Roll"~) , but because this brand was acquired by the Swiss Richemont Group in 1997 , German is spoken in many parts of Switzerland, so the pronunciation of Panerai is Germanized and pronounced as "laying on the inner sea" ("sea" must have a throaty sound of expectoration. It is recommended to practice when you have a cold and cough~ )

What to do? I went too far. I wanted to teach everyone pronunciation, but I went to the boutique to buy it. Who told me that I'm just a fake uncle who can't afford high-quality goods and can only laugh at others who can't pronounce the brand name?

In fact, the editor-in-chief also wanted to ask Chao Uncle Kevin to record directly, and come to a practical class in Zhengyin class on the spot. However, he explained:
The feature of this article is that the fun of "Chinese culture" in foreign languages is transliterated through funny, close to the surrounding environment, so that everyone can practice the illusion . If readers really want to listen to the original version, they can go to the video to listen and practice. If you demonstrate it in a solid way, will it be too serious? Seriously, you will lose...

❒ Additional screenings:

 Is there any particular emphasis on the pronunciation of IKEA, Costco, and Carrefour, which are common wholesalers in Taiwan?

▷ Thank you for your questions and feedback on behalf of readers


The most commonly heard is "Yi yi ya", and if it is falsely broken, it is pronounced "short ㄎ yi ya". However, based on my understanding of European languages, it should not be correct. I think it is most likely to read "Yi K Ya". I finally heard the authentic Swedish pronunciation once, and finally confirmed the creed of my research.


Because it is an American company, it is sent in American English. It is pronounced as "Ka dead Tekou", and "te" should be light and short , and it sounds like "Ka dead mouth".


Another arrogant French pronunciation. When you read "Ga drink Buddha drink", the two "drinks" are so light that you can hardly hear them. Only when you say this kind of fake break is complete~

❒ Postscript:

 Paying attention to pronunciation is to strengthen communication and to respect foreign cultures and languages.

Regarding the issue of brand pronunciation, in 2016, the German car factory Porsche (Porsche) specially released the official pronunciation of the brand:
 Germans teach you the German pronunciation of your brand 

And there are also many YouTube videos of related brands, such as:


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