33 - Chapter 1

Arte 阿緹
You are the kind of person who I want to love all over again.

When I was 25 years old, I met you, and then we walked together for a while, not even a meaningful time, but it was worth it.

The restaurant was so busy that the meal period was not over yet. At this time, Xiaohui's voice from the front desk sounded again in the earphone: "Riya, there is a new customer for you, 8 tables." I have seen Xiaohui leading the guests into the area I am in charge of, thinking that it is useless to complain, hurry up and end the slow meal period! "Hello, do you want to help you prepare sparkling water or normal mineral water?" As he said, he picked up the small note that Xiaohui put on the table. It would write the guest's surname, the number of people to eat, and some special needs, etc. Waiting for the information, so that we can grasp the situation of the guests in the shortest time. Um? It's the first time I've met a steakhouse with a price of more than 3,000 per customer for a meal. "Ordinary mineral water is fine, thank you." This Mr. Huang didn't lift his head, his voice was very deep and deep, not even showing any emotion. "Okay, wait a minute." It seemed that it was a customer who didn't pay much attention to the service staff, and I thought that if that was the case, I would just do my job well.

After I walked back to the front desk of the restaurant and met Xiaohui, she looked at me with a thief face and said, "How is it? Isn't he handsome?" I couldn't help laughing at her nympho face, "I just didn't take it seriously. Look, but the voice is nice, but he doesn't seem to care about people." "I think he should be your dish and I brought it to you! You have to thank me!" Yes, the work of a restaurant waiter is so boring , The guests who are so bored that they can only lust for dinner, and reluctantly find some fun in work. "Sanba, what else can I do with him? Not to mention I'm going to order food, I'm exhausted!"

In a high-end restaurant, the service staff does not need too much labor. Instead, they should pay more attention to the guests and observe their every move. All services must be before the guests, so the basic appetizers are finished. Later, I started to patrol the restaurant, and Mr. Huang, who came to eat alone, took out his laptop and put on headphones, as if he was sitting in a high-end restaurant as a coffee shop. To be honest, I don’t even have service hours in the restaurant. Short, this is really the first time I've seen someone who can feel comfortable in such an environment. And even though he was wearing headphones, I found that every time I served him dinner, he would stop what he was doing, take off the headphones, look up at me and say thank you. It turns out that he is not a very cold person... I thought so.

Observing him carefully, he looks very gentle, with white and clean facial features, inner double eyes with long eyelashes, a high nose, and he wears very simply, a white T with a suit jacket, and no extra accessories on his body. . Compared with lean muscular guys, it is true that this kind of white and scholarly boy is more my favorite, Xiaohui is still full of vision.

He sat for about an hour, and he didn't really think of it as a coffee shop! After all the dishes were served, he simply paid the bill and was about to get up and leave the restaurant. Before leaving, he turned to me and asked, "Are you a full-time job?" I looked at him and thought that I looked like a part-time worker. sister? An unwilling thought of not wanting to be looked down upon was in my heart: "I'm the foreman." He smiled slightly: "No wonder, everything is just right. Thank you today!" Huh? Before I could react, he just left the restaurant. Was it to compliment me? suddenly feel a little happy

After that day, every day is actually the same as before. There are only those regular customers, and no one eats high-end restaurants every three days, so we are actually one-sided with many customers. I really don’t know when we meet again next time. . However, after about two or three days, during a certain lunch period, I saw a familiar figure sitting at table 8. Yes, it was Mr. Huang. But today's front desk is not Xiaohui, and the 8 tables are not my area, so I didn't get close to that table, but secretly felt that it was amazing that someone came to the store to eat in such a short period of time, and this time it was the same while watching. Computer while eating steak.

Because I was on duty today, I would keep patrolling the restaurant. As a result, I was walking around and suddenly encountered Mr. Huang who came out of the toilet: "I thought you didn't go to work today." He smiled slightly. "Yes! I rarely rest. I saw you just now, but I won't bother you if I want to!" I also responded politely. "Then why didn't you serve today? I also designated the same seat as last time." "We will always change, it will not be fixed!" "So can you designate a service person?" "If you need it, you can." Yes Customers who regularly come to the restaurant to eat still have a certain spending power. Of course, being a service staff can be remembered by the guests is also a proud and happy thing. Usually this kind of question means that the customer likes the service staff, so I am secretly happy when I hear this. "What's your name?" "Ria"

A few days later, it was still the combination of me and Xiaohui. "Riya, the handsome guest from last time is here again! 23 tables, he appointed you." Xiaohui was gossiping, but I suddenly felt like a hotel lady was ordered to the table... And does this person not have to work? How to eat steak all day long? Just as I thought about these strange thoughts, and then moved towards the hall, I saw him waving at me with a bright smile from a distance. No, this person is too far behind, right? What's the matter with smiling so brightly today? And today he is not alone to eat, it seems that he still has friends! "I'm not here to eat alone today! It's an accident!" He seemed to be in a particularly good mood today. "It turns out that you have friends too, which really scared me a bit." I smiled perfunctorily. "Let me tell you, it was my friend who said he was coming today, so I just wanted to say that it would be better to ask you to serve." Mr. Huang said to himself. "How can I serve well? I didn't talk to you too much, and I didn't do anything special." "Because I'm very polite and not too humble, and it's very comfortable to eat!" The sudden compliment also made me Happy for a while. But today I have friends, so I didn't participate in any conversations at the dinner table, I just did my job, but this time I sat for a long time, probably talking about things! Then there is no room for me to join!

Next time, it was an extremely busy weekend dinner. It was as if all the people in Taipei were crowding into the restaurant to eat. It was so busy, especially my box was a company dinner for 30 people, and I brought a few younger brothers and sisters there. The innermost box was very busy. I don't know how long I've been busy, Xiaohui seems to be calling me with headphones, but I'm too busy to take care of it. I think she should come to me if she really needs my help, so she didn't pay much attention to it until the meal. As the period is about to end, I have a chance to walk beside Xiaohui.

"You were so busy just now that you didn't have time to talk to me!" Xiaohui looked anxious, "I'm dying in the back, okay, Miss~ What's wrong?" I was already paralyzed from exhaustion. "That Mr. Huang came to dinner with his family today, and he was just looking for you! But you didn't answer me!" Looking for me? Anyway, it should be just for dinner to say hello! "He said he was going to the United States for a while! He doesn't know when he will come back next time!" I don't know why, I felt a sense of loss when I heard this. Say goodbye. "Oh... it doesn't matter! Forget it!" Holding his face, life still has to go on, isn't it just a guest! Everyone has their own life to live, and if you are really lucky, you will meet them! Just don't know when.

Several months have passed since then, and I still spend every day during the busy meal period. Even I have forgotten the existence of Mr. Huang. After all, there are so many things to worry about every day, and there are countless passersby. With that thought, another busy weekend night. I was trying to order food for a family of four. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw another little V at the front desk bringing the guests in. I was thinking, "Is there any end to it..." Suddenly I saw a very familiar figure, it was Huang gentlemen! I was very surprised and turned my head to meet his eyes, and found that he was staring at me with a smile on his face, showing a freeze frame that I was very surprised, and he smiled calmly and passed me with a wonderful picture. "He's back!" my inner voice was shouting, maybe I couldn't say goodbye, and now this person has a feeling of lost and found again!

He was sitting at the next table where I was ordering, but the next table was not my service area, so naturally a colleague in charge would take over. It seems that today is dinner with my family, and he rarely leaves the table. I am also busy in and out of the kitchen and the hall, and I really don't have much contact. When I came to my senses, the meal period was coming to an end, and Mr. Huang and his family did not know when they left the restaurant. "Didn't you say anything this time..." On the one hand, I felt happy, and on the other hand, I felt pity on the other hand, and this always filled my heart. At this time, Xiao V ran over and said, "Riya! This is for you!" "What is this?" I took the note she gave me, and opened it in extremely scribbled handwriting by this lady, with a string of phone numbers on it. "Just now a guest said that he came to serve you several times. He came back from abroad and met again. He felt that he was very connected with you and wanted to meet you! It's so romantic, my God~" crazy, and then floated away. I looked at the note "Should I reply..." until I got off work, and I kept worrying about it, and when I called me, did I want to call him? But I hate talking on the phone, and I don't know what to talk about... Or let it go... After constantly talking to myself, I still enter his phone number and use text messages (who still uses text messages in this era!) I told her who I was, and gave him my LINE. After about ten minutes, a message came from my LINE...

Hello everyone, next I want to share some romantic past (?) If you like this kind of story, please give me encouragement or leave a message to communicate with me, and share the love and hate of young and frivolous together!


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Arte 阿緹射手+天枰+雙魚 既現實又愛幻想, 理性與感性常常在打架的女子
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