[TV series] [Russia] The War of Psychics (Битва экстрасенсов) Season 15 Episode 1 - I'm going to be the psychic king!

A while ago, I didn't know why I suddenly saw the introduction of this series, and then I saw Julie, who is called the strongest psychic in history. Wang, inexplicably interested, let's take a look at how amazing and powerful the psychic in this reality show is
Image source: Internet

A while ago, I didn't know why I suddenly saw the introduction of this series, and then I saw Julie, who is called the strongest psychic in history. Wang was inexplicably interested, so let's take a look at how amazing and powerful the psychics in this reality show are.

Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video

I don't know if this remark has also aroused your interest?

Next, let's take a look at how the first episode selected 12 psychics from the crowd

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Three psychic tests

There are three selected tests, and they are free to allow many participants to use their own methods to display their abilities. The first one is to let everyone sense the portrait of a boy who is hidden behind the curtain and the legend will cause a fire. The second test is in 30 cars. Find the car with the owner, the last test is to guess Mr. X's identity

The test not only judges failure or not, but also asks the participants to express their feelings, allowing the participants to participate in the judgment, so it will be seen that some psychics have failed the task, but they are recognized by the participants. Advance but feel that the participants are actually very subjective judgments, so sometimes the process, appearance, and attitude will become the focus, not just complete ability first

Are psychic tests really justified?

In fact, sometimes there will be very mysterious words, but I feel that most of them are based on the ability to sense. On the contrary, it is not easy to show other types of abilities in this show. There are hundreds of ways to channel, if you happen to encounter an unsuitable project I can only drink hate, but this is where reality shows look good!
Expect all kinds of strange problems to come up in the future

But to be honest, because there is no real basis for judgment, there is no strong referee, but we look at it from the perspective of some layman, so we just watch it for entertainment, and we don’t need to judge too much whether it is true or not.

Facing the competition of elimination, it is about to start...

Image source: Screenshot of the video

After 12 people were selected in the sea, the knockout round officially started. It was very interesting that the host asked them who would take the first place. If it was a real psychic, they should be able to sense which one they won, so everyone was very excited. The language band is reserved, which is different from the confident appearance of many reality shows.

Then guess what, who will be number one?

Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video
Image source: Screenshot of the video

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