七日書:寫出成長軌跡 · 第五天

Seven Days Book S5E5|Besides eight hours of work, there is a huge sense of happiness

friday night manifesto

On the fifth day, share a very ordinary moment that brought you a huge sense of happiness.

When walking outdoors in spring, I find green buds bursting out of the trees, crystal clear water flowing in the creek, wild ducks in the park appearing by the river again, green grass mixed with small white flowers, and why are there so many mints on the roadside ( Can you pull up a cart here and get a special drink of lemon and mint?), the sky is nice, the blue clouds are so cute, I saw a group of white sheep while hiking (what is that next to it, there is a shepherd cat!), the trees are full of pink flowers , a tree full of white flowers, a small wild strawberry in the grass, a bright blue dragonfly, a cat lying on the sofa meowing and asking if we could make some space to lie down together, she fell asleep while I was reading a book, She seemed to be dreaming about a cat drinking milk (recording a close-up of the video). When he was sleeping, the cat was sleeping next to him. I secretly took a few pictures. We were watching a movie and a drama together and suddenly I realized, "Ah, I am so happy." ”, I am writing on my mobile phone with my legs up (at the moment), touching a handful of plush forearms feels good (family privilege), the first ice cream in the summer, the first day of wearing short-sleeved shorts, watching from the balcony The afterglow of the setting sun, watching the sky dyed pink, the clouds moving so fast when it’s windy, the rainbow appearing again and again, eating a lot of cherries during the cherry season, eating a lot of strawberries during the strawberry season, eating half of a small watermelon per person with a spoon, He dug a picture of Chibi Maruko-chan, the feeling of taking off his shoes and stepping on the beach barefoot, walking on the beach, stepping on the sand with one foot and being washed by the waves, lying flat on the beach, sunbathing with a salted fish towel and falling asleep with a hat covering his face. I had a simple but satisfying dinner, the fried potatoes I tried to make for the first time were so delicious, the first night in autumn when I changed into a warm quilt, the sound of stepping on fallen leaves, walking a long way hand in hand, and it was OK Wear your favorite sweater, the weather is cool and your appetite for meat is restored, eat hot pot on the balcony, eat Korean barbecue on the balcony, bask in the balcony on a sunny day in winter, close your eyes and face the warm sunshine, stay at home and watch the strong wind outside the window. Rain, drink hot chocolate, decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the living room with Christmas ornaments, light scented candles (still warm), make new candles from stored unburned candle residues, Christmas roast chicken, various desserts, buy uneaten ones from the supermarket Snacks or new products, building Lego in one go, avocado pits sprouting...

This is an ordinary and huge happy moment called "outside work".


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