The people are speaking, do you hear it?

The fire in Urumqi will not be the last tragedy of the era. But at this moment, we have the power to stop the tragedy from continuing, at least to try.

In the three years of the epidemic, we have lost many compatriots. The helplessness, trauma and anger carried by this land will not be forgotten, and should be shouted out loudly, because we are the masters of this land. Students, citizens, and workers in Urumqi, Hengyang, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Dali, Chongqing and other places have already raised their voices one after another. We cannot allow the tragedies of politics to be unleashed on everyone in this land we love.

◆◆ We mourn the victims of the fire in Urumqi and all compatriots who lost their lives due to the tyranny of the epidemic.

On the evening of February 6, 2020, Dr. Li Wenliang passed away; at the beginning of 2022, Shanghai was closed; in the early morning of September 18, 2022, 27 people died on a transfer bus in Guizhou; from October to the end of November 2022, Foxconn workers fled and protested. Great suppression; on November 21, 2022, 38 workers died in a fire in Anyang, Henan, most of them were female workers; on the evening of November 24, 2022, an apartment fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, killed 10 people... There are countless, because the epidemic policy cannot Compatriots who died or even committed suicide in despair after seeking medical treatment in time. Your names will one day be recorded and engraved on the inscriptions of history. You did not die from the virus, but from the excessive epidemic prevention policies that have been added layer upon layer.

◆◆ We want to hold the government accountable for the tyranny of epidemic prevention in the past three years; demand that the epidemic blockade be completely lifted, and monitoring methods that infringe on citizens’ personal privacy such as health codes and itinerary codes be canceled; compulsory epidemic prevention measures should be canceled to protect civil liberties and return to scientific epidemic prevention; focus on safeguarding China Livelihoods of low-income groups, workers and farmers.

The cooperation of the people of the whole country with the strict epidemic prevention policy in the past three years has not brought about a more prosperous and better life. However, the "epidemic" has become an excuse for the wanton expansion of administrative power from the central government to local governments, further infringing on civil liberties and privacy rights, and causing serious setbacks to the livelihood and livelihood of grassroots workers, lingering in distress and despair. The current new crown variant of Omicron no longer has high toxicity and lethality from a scientific point of view, but the strict epidemic prevention policy in the name of "protection" continues to cause and intensify more spiritual, economic and cultural problems in society. crisis, and even caused continuous and more serious "secondary disaster" tragedies.

Under the zero-clearing policy, the so-called "closed-loop management" adopted by sweatshops such as Foxconn and Quanta not only failed to effectively control the spread of the virus, but instead exacerbated the situation where workers were infecting each other in a "silent" environment. In Wuhan, Shanghai, Changchun, Langfang and other places, construction workers not only became victims of the virus, but even became the first batch of quarantined people in order to build shelter hospitals. They were also owed blood and sweat by greedy construction outsourcers and national construction units. money. If the government cannot protect people's livelihood, human rights and freedom, then it should not use this "paternal protection" to continue to deceive the public and exaggerate the fear of the new crown. Today, how many grassroots workers can no longer afford to eat, pay off their debts, or support their families, but the government will only provide bailout benefits to large companies. The government needs to solemnly apologize to the people!

◆◆ We are fully committed to participating in and responding to spontaneous protests across the country. We demand the unconditional release of all students, workers and citizens who were arrested and detained for opposing the epidemic lockdown.

The anger of Foxconn workers and the grief of the fire in Urumqi have caused countless citizens across the country to spontaneously take to the streets. We have witnessed too much suffering and grief in this land, maybe we can survive at this moment, but who knows if the tragedy will be our turn in the next moment. We have never been treated as individual citizens with independent spirits and free thinking - "We are human beings"! All our rights need to be fully respected and not arbitrarily taken away. On the streets of Urumqi, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu and other places, a large number of students, workers and citizens have shouted their appeals - "Don't block and control, but be free", "Don't have nucleic acid, but eat", "Ask for rent"" To live"....... A large number of protesters were violently arrested and taken away. The government gave no explanation, and the situation of the protesters was unknown. Our people will never accept it. We demand that the government immediately and unconditionally release all the students, workers and citizens who were arrested and detained for opposing the epidemic control, and promise not to settle accounts after the fall!

◆◆ We want to obtain full protection of constitutional rights, and strive for freedom of speech, association and press; we want to rebuild democratic communities and workplaces, so that the community after the unblocking is more cohesive and united.

Countless messages are constantly being "404'ed" and it has become an absurd norm of life. When I wake up every morning, all WeChat videos/posts related to policy criticism have been taken offline, and the rows of government official accounts are always only cold-bloodedly blocked and updated, always a set of paternalistic words. We are deprived of the right to discuss, to express, and even to think—rights clearly and clearly enshrined in the Constitution! The long period of government arbitrariness and violation of civil rights in the past has fragmented and atomized the communities we live in. While striving for "unblocking", we must rebuild the community and rebuild a more cohesive, united and democratically autonomous community life and workplace - this is the basis for us to build a more stable and solid public life, and it is our A starting point for self-empowerment and defense of your homeland.

The past three years have been a common experience of pain and depression for all of us; but the past few days and nights are the most precious collective sorrow and memory of our generation. We haven't given up hope for change, we haven't watched the tragedy of our times, and we've never stopped being angry. We are experiencing and witnessing this moment firsthand.

The fire in Urumqi will not be the last tragedy of the era. But at this moment, we have the power to stop the tragedy from continuing. At least try.

(November 28, 2022)

Pick up the blank paper and fight the fear


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