Small Sparrow Plastic Reduction| Bring Your Own Environmentally Friendly Lunch Box

Today, I’m going to implement the plastic reduction plan I mentioned earlier. This time the plan is relatively simple. I make my own breakfast, and then bring my own environmentally friendly lunch boxes to the company to eat.

Today I'm going to implement the plastic reduction plan I mentioned earlier.

The plan this time is relatively simple. I make my own breakfast, and then bring my own environmentally friendly lunch boxes to eat at the company.

The last time I went back to my hometown specifically to find the existing environmentally friendly lunch boxes, my mother and I rummaged through the boxes in the kitchen, looking for a moderately sized environmentally friendly lunch box. Unfortunately, it was not too big to carry, or it was too small to hold much food. Finally, I entered the difficult box to choose one of three. There are flat and long boxes, moderate round boxes, and tall squares for me to choose. After thinking for a long time, I chose the moderate round box.

The next step is to make your own breakfast.

But first of all, of course , the ingredients to be used must be prepared in advance, so I went to the supermarket the night before and bought half a toast, gherkin, and beef tomato. As for the rental house, there are canned tuna, Cheese slices, eggs or meat floss, if you like jam, peanut butter, or chocolate, you can prepare it separately.

Now that you're all set, it's time to get your hands dirty (just get the ingredients right

First prepare a pot of water to boil, throw the eggs into the water and wait for about ten minutes, wash and slice the cucumbers and tomatoes while waiting, open the canned tuna, meat floss or cheese slices, or spread the jam on the toast in advance , I personally recommend peanut butter here, it is perfect for everything , it can be sweet or salty. Then our boiled eggs are almost cooked during the preparation process. After peeling off the egg shell, it depends on personal preference whether to slice or chop it like egg salad, but pay attention to the state of the egg yolk. It is more convenient to cook it thoroughly and slice it. If it is slightly liquid like a sweet-hearted egg, it is recommended to chop it.

The next step is to assemble the toast . I will spread a thick layer of my favorite tuna on the toast, spread the sliced cucumbers and tomatoes evenly, and then sprinkle the chopped boiled eggs all over the toast. Add a slice of cheese if you can, and you've got a perfect and healthy breakfast.

Of course, today's focus is on plastic reduction, so don't forget to pack your breakfast into your own eco-friendly lunch box , so that you can easily take it out to the company for breakfast. If you usually have the habit of drinking in the morning, you can also put milk or Juice, or even a hot pot of black tea with tea bags, is simply perfect for the morning of the day.

In fact, I occasionally used a plastic bag to put my sandwiches in when preparing for breakfast. Although it is convenient and fast, I can throw away the plastic bag after eating breakfast, but it is wasteful. It is better to prepare an environmentally friendly lunch box. It's still very convenient to simply clean and dry.

Finally , environmental protection is implemented in daily life . Even if it is just a simple self-provided lunch box, reducing the use of one plastic is the beginning of improving the environment. Welcome everyone to protect the environment together. Dependency makes life less plastic.

You are also welcome to share how you usually reduce plastic. You can leave a message below, or write an article about how little sparrows don't like plastic | Let life reduce plastic . Later, I will gather plastic reduction methods into one article.

PS. I bought a box of eco-friendly lunch boxes for only 30 yuan in Jingmei Market. The size and shape were the same as I expected, which once again increased my motivation to take them out.

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小麻雀 我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西
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