stupid talk


I rarely talk about my major on the Internet, because few people know about it. But a few days ago, I attended a school job fair and was surprised that I didn't know much about it.

My undergraduate major is environmental engineering, and the school is not a famous school, just an ordinary one. I did not fill in it for the college entrance examination, but because of the school's adjustment, I entered this major inexplicably. I still remember at the class meeting on the first night of school, the counselor asked the non-adjusted students in the class to raise their hands, and the people who raised their hands could count on one hand, and then asked if there were people who knew about this major, but no one raised their hands.

From this day on, I have doubts about my profession. There are many professional courses: biology, chemistry (organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry), physics, and graphics are all being studied, but after studying it, it seems that they have never studied. It may be that I forget what I have learned by myself, or it may be a problem with the level of teachers in ordinary schools (some teachers of professional courses give students only online courses and do not teach themselves, and they do not know the principle), and I do not feel the professionalism and professional characteristics of the so-called university majors. , Although teachers are saying that this major is a hot topic in the future, it is said that the slogan of "hot future" has been shouted since they were in college. I also know that in one of the four majors of "Biochemical Environmental Materials", I am always worried about the future. Teachers have teaching positions and do not worry about eating and drinking, so I naturally draw big cakes with students.

For a long time, I had no feelings for this major, and I tried to change majors in the middle, but I failed, so I gave up. I used to envy my high school classmates, who had a long-term vision, enlisted in the army in the second year of sophomore year, and returned to school after two years. In China, the environmental protection industry can only say a few words: the environmental assessment of Shenzhen Bay is blatantly falsified, and engineers report environmental pollution and have been harmed. Environmental protection is an industry that makes companies pay more. It is difficult for small companies to develop, and large companies have high vision. If you want to find a good job after graduation, it is almost impossible to find a good job after studying another popular major during college. Except for the second generation).

Two days ago, a company came to the school to recruit, and I also took a test, not to find a job (to take a postgraduate entrance examination), just to understand the situation. In the afternoon, it was the same as what I thought before: small companies are short of people, and almost all comers are welcome; large companies have high requirements, and few students from ordinary schools can enter. However, the two have similarities. There are many places for environmental engineering. Because of the hardships, they ate and sleep with the construction team. The time to go home in a year is almost only a few days during the New Year. The salary is low and the promotion is slow. A master’s salary is 4,000 to 5,000 more than an undergraduate’s monthly salary (entering the company to do the same thing), and the promotion is faster, and the doctorate is faster.

I have to sigh that it is really a "diploma society" now. No matter what other people say, regular schools are worse than colleges with numerical titles. Just try to keep you as far away from this industry as possible.


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