The workplace is like life, too many choices are really not a good thing

Behind the diversity of work styles, a more difficult problem arises, which is "choice".
The hardest thing in life is "choice"

Last week, I had a small career talk with a group of new people in the workplace.

Every time I come into contact with these post-90s children (I have called them "children" OMG!), I always feel very emotional.
Although the career questions that each person asks are different, the confusion and doubt that each person, and even each generation, will experience in the answering process is surprisingly similar.

Remember when we were at that time, the golden sentence in the workplace was still “If you work hard, you will win”. As long as a person works hard and works hard according to the established path in the workplace, there will always be predictable results; but now this generation is different, because the digital age is coming. , The world is changing too fast, everyone can receive all kinds of information quickly but in pieces, only one skill is not enough. In the past, it was all about working hard and doing one thing well all your life, but now it is about "cross-domain" and "integration". will be easily cracked and replaced.

Behind the diversity of work styles, a more difficult problem is "choice" .

People now have a lot more choices than before. Whether it’s a lifestyle: you want to be single, get married, get married but have no children, have children but be single…etc, in terms of career, besides regular jobs, there are now more internet celebrities, bloggers, e-sports bloggers…etc. There are more and more young generation of freelancers and entrepreneurs in occupation categories that were unimaginable before...

Do you feel happier with so many career choices?

People are very contradictory. When they have no choice, they always envy others for having many choices, and think that is the best way. But after years of looking at all aspects of the workplace, I found that as far as I can see, among the group of people who are currently developing relatively well on the stage, or can be called the so-called "successful career", many people have no choice. accomplished himself.

Naturally, these people have different personalities and life paths, but they have a common feature: if they choose a direction, there is no way to go forward, they are focused and persistent.

For example, a boss who has been in business for 30 years has made brilliant achievements. His original intention was simply "I want to make money", and he used his parents' pension to start a business. So I rushed forward under the pressure of no retreat; some people didn't have such a good education, and they didn't have a strong backstage. The field went all the way, thinking of nothing else, and became a director at a young age.

When I was a workplace mentor, I met many younger generations who were more talented than their predecessors and had better family backgrounds. few. why? Some people are very talented and smart, but just because they can learn everything, they choose A, thinking that B may be more suitable for me, and I switched to B when I haven't fully grasped A. In the process of learning B, I feel that there is no better place than A, or I found C again at this time. As a result, you can only see that he keeps going around in various options, unable to settle down, and unable to anchor.

For me, a case like this is far more worrying than a kid who doesn't know what he wants or just wants to work within the framework.

How you choose your career is also about how you live your life.

I especially disagree with some parents who teach their new-born children, "Anyway, you are still young and you are just beginning to join the society, so you should try them all and see what you like". If you feel that it is not suitable for one year, you will change the field and change the company. I always feel that the ideal job is like Mr. / Mrs. Right. When I find it, I will make a "bang", everything is right, it is right. In the end, I found that, as the years passed, the ideal Mr./Mrs. Work did not appear in your mind, and you fell in the process. Because you did not accumulate professionalism and competitiveness in the job, you were inferior to your original talent. But the people who accumulate silently along the way are not as good.

There is only one thing that is fair to everyone, and that is "time" .

Don't think that you can spend it and make trial and error just because you are young. You will find that the speed of the bird of youth flying away is much faster than you think. Career choice is an important issue. It is best to set a direction when you go to school, or at least before you leave the society, rather than leaving the society. You should spend time and effort searching for it directly when you cultivate and harvest in the workplace. , and when there is no right person beside him to guide him, he can only search and search, deserted, desolate and miserable.

Li Qingzhao_Slow voice


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