Matt City Author Digging Treasures - Different But Same

Each Matt City author has their own speciality. Here, perhaps some creators have not been discovered, but you can definitely meet creators from different backgrounds and communicate with each other.

Recently, I finally finished my first semester of college and was able to have time to write an essay. Unexpectedly, I was able to catch up with community events in Matt City!

right! First of all, the creators I admire are…………………………………… .All the creators who created in Matt City , and you who are reading this article. Yes, you are not wrong, and you may have doubts, so isn't what you say very mysterious? Not really! I was in Matt City for about a month. What I see are different types of articles, some are talking about the blockchain and the learning process @米高and dog ThankYou @高建, some are talking about the history of Likecoin @Daisy, let me participate @小 frog who is on the SolGoats NFT project, some are talking about politics @the legacy of the Song Dynasty, some are sharing their college education @周宝松, and some are posting the matter label list so that newcomers can be more integrated into the community @Erica… . These are what I’m looking at. If you have some authors that you find interesting, please share them with me too! The above creators wait for me to talk about it in detail.

You can see many different types of creators here, and the things you see are very different, and it can even be said to be completely different. But that's what makes us understand the difference in the world from a different perspective. This is also the credit of all creators and, so everyone in Matt City and Matt City should also take credit! 🥇

This! Yes! very! Heavy! want! of!

Just imagine, you choose an interesting Post on Facebook/Instagram. After reading it, similar articles will slide over repeatedly! ! ! You might say: Do it! Is it this type again? ! This damn algorithm!

But here, different types of articles will be displayed on popular , latest and essence , whether you use traditional or simplified characters, in Mandarin or Cantonese, niche or popular themes. The creator's articles will have nearly the same opportunity to be seen , so that readers can explore more areas of interest, and they can only focus on certain areas.

I believe that creators in Matt City will have different styles, writing styles, purposes, interests..., and there will be different reasons for appearing in the same place - Matt City. But I can contribute with everyone here. This is fate. It feels like in a real community, there is no difference.

Seems to be talking too much nonsense ^^

names not listed in order! ! !

The first one I would like to introduce is @米高and puppy ThankYou.

I often read his learning experience to learn more about NFT, blockchain, and cold wallets, so that I know the blockchain knowledge that I am interested in, but what I don't know. The learning experiences he wrote were not only detailed, but also motivated me to learn. To be honest, a college student will always encounter the bottleneck of learning and compare with the powerful people. At this time, I would be more frustrated and discouraged, but his learning experience gave me a lot of motivation to continue to overcome difficulties. As the saying goes: "It's hard to pass, but it's over." If you want to know more about virtual currency, you can go to him and take a look!

The second is @Erica.

When I first came to report and wrote the first one or two articles, the Cat Spy Newspaper helped me a lot. Thank you so much meow~ (I also like cats 🐈, but I can't keep them 😭)

My first newcomer introduction is also on the list yeah!!! Also, the first community activity was also discovered through the Cat Spy Newspaper ^^ I believe it is very hard to be a Cat Spy Newspaper every day. time consuming. Respect!!!

found me?

The third is @小 frog

Xiao Frog's article is to recommend to Matt City, let me see. She shared the Goat Gang 🐐NFT, which made me lucky to be able to participate together. Goat Gang 🐐 is an NFT cooperation on Solana, and the producers will donate part of the proceeds to charity. You can also join if you are interested. Recently, Xiaowa and I have also become part of the community managers of the Goat Gang 🐐 , and if you are interested, come join us! ! !

Attach my little goat 🐐 咩~

The fourth is @HighRebuild.

Gao Reconstruction doesn't need me to introduce, I believe you must know him in Matt City! (Little potato boy passes by)

Actually I didn't know him at first, I never even heard of this man. But after walking around in Matt City, I realized how powerful he is. The cooperation of Travelogger also has his portrait. And I also really like his explanation of the metaverse, especially the difference between the Facebook metaverse and the multiverse, which resonates very much.

my Travellogger

The fifth is @The Legacy of the Song Dynasty.

In fact, I read his articles on other social platforms early in the morning. He has unique insights into the analysis of China's political situation and American politics. To be able to see the world with an angle and a mindset, that kind of critical thinking, is not something you can get in college. His divination also intrigued me! !

The sixth is @周宝松

As a Hong Kong scholar, especially a student of politics and public administration, you will definitely know him. In fact, when I was in middle school, I already knew his name, because I also wanted to study in Chinese University (just like Mitsui Shou told Coach Anxi that he wanted to play basketball!!). Fortunately, I can see his article here. However, I still go to court in CUHK? !

The last one is @Daisy.

I first met her when she left a comment on one of my articles on "Travellogger I Bought". I'm really surprised. Because creators in Matt City really pay attention to articles written by newcomers to Matt City. It behaves like an interaction between old neighbors and new movers in the community. Hee, this seemingly trivial act will definitely make people feel warm. If we want to pass it on, we can let more people know about Matt City.

Finally, I wrote about the discovery, and I probably also talked about some of the creators. Most of them are very famous (maybe you know them without me saying it 😶‍🌫️). However, there are many other creators that I haven't covered, and they are all awesome, just waiting for you to discover for yourself. There is a sentence I want to send to you who are reading this article: "Some paths are interesting only if you travel by yourself; some creators have to discover their own value in order to have their value." (My writing energy is exhausted, I need to rest one day ^^)

 Don't forget, it's because each creator is different that they contribute to the same places. Extend this contribution to the real world. Let people who are not in Matt City feel the warmth and difference of Matt City.

Finally, because I know that Matt City author digs treasures, this community activity is a charitable community activity led by @VolunteerGrandpa@Code Farmer's Daily Big Things-Li @Daisy— @Matters Charity. In order to allow more people and animals to live a happy Christmas, I will donate the Likecoin obtained from this article to this community activity (the Likecoin obtained should not be much 👉🏼👈🏼, I hope the cat will like me 😭). Hope you all have a happy Christmas.

Ps: I will add the amount of Likecoin I got in the comment area, based on what Liker land shows / I will write another article for announcement


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