You can do anything as long as you believe in yourself

Believe in yourself, have confidence in your abilities, and as long as that thing is for the benefit of yourself and others, you can do it without any difficulty or difficulty. You may doubt: "Really? I don't seem to be capable enough." If I tell you that you can really erase this negative thought, you can truly achieve "confidence in your own ability" and become incompetent. It's impossible.

Sound self-confidence is a guarantee of success, and feelings of inferiority or lack of competence can prevent you from living up to your expectations.

You may find it difficult, but in order not to let yourself often walk on the track of failure, I suggest you seriously consider the countermeasures. By taking the proper approach, you can build up confidence in yourself step-by-step, a completely legitimate confidence, and you'll be able to solve the problem.

A while ago, a friend who I had not met for a long time spit out bitterness to me. He said dejectedly, "I'm just not very confident. You look at me in my 40s. I don't seem to be successful in anything I do. I'm very depressed. I seem to suffer from this inferiority complex all my life." There are currently two steps for first aid treatment:

1) Take 15 minutes every day to calm yourself and your heart, and try to find the source of these inferiority complexes. This usually takes a while, not a day or two. After finding the source, you must face and deal with it. If you have faith , I suggest you can add faith healing.

2) Find a sentence that motivates you, read it three times every morning when you wake up, read it three times in the afternoon, and read it three times at night before going to bed. Here I use a statement from Christianity as an example. The Bible is one of the authoritative books in the world. There is a statement in it: "All things are possible for me through him who strengthens me."

Later, this friend continued to do it, and within a week or so, there was a noticeable change in him. The aura he exudes from his whole person is more positive, not as negative as it used to be, and he also shares examples. There are things that he has done successfully and in retrospect he can't believe that he could do it.

Inferiority comes from various reasons, many of which come from childhood. Maybe your parents were dissatisfied with real life and spoke negatively when you were young, which had an impact on your self-esteem, or maybe you were forced to live in a situation where you were compared with other children when you were a child. . No matter what the situation is, these things will always cause some kind of emotional damage to you, and year after year, these emotions will hide in the dark corners of our hearts, gradually forming different degrees of inferiority.

How to get rid of inferiority complex? The answer is to cover it with confidence that is greater than inferiority complex (of course, first of all we have to find the source and face that emotion bravely)

The question is, how can we build confidence? Here are some methods, as long as you practice every day, you will have an 80% chance of success if you fail to succeed:

1) Make a photo of yourself in your mind that represents success, it may be a photo in front of a big house or a famous car, or an honor at an awards ceremony, etc. Your heart will automatically develop according to the picture of you, don't think of yourself as a failure, and don't have the idea of doubting the picture, the result will only be worse.

2) If negative thoughts about your personal abilities come to mind, deliberately speak out to counteract them. For example: "This project is huge and difficult to handle with my education, right?" Replace it with: "This project is huge and challenging, and I will definitely learn new things from it."

3) Don't set up obstacles in your imagination, depreciate every obstacle you see, fantasizing that it will be small. Most of the time, we take difficulties seriously, and this practice effectively prevents us from thinking seriously.

4) Repeat a powerful saying ten times a day. For example, there is a sentence in the Bible: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" It means that if God is for us, how can we fail? This may not be your belief, it doesn't matter, just find a sentence that can give you strength.

5) Make a real assessment of your own ability, and then add 10%. This is to ask us not to become self-proclaimed people. Your confidence must be commensurate with your real ability and slowly evolve. You can't say you are Let's complete the dream of landing on the platform in one day. The purpose of adding 10% is to give yourself a little bit of self-confidence.

Well, I will write here for now. There are still many things that can be said about the proper use of thinking to change the current situation and lead to success, and I will share it slowly in the future.

Hope to see you all successful~


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