Online Exhibition at The Space Museum: "Covid-19 in Shanghai"

We set up two easter eggs in the exhibition, look for the easter egg question and tell us your answer in Discord, you can get extra Bonus! ! !

The Space was launched on May 31, the last day of Shanghai's lockdown. In the lower right corner of the creation map, we use the similar but different "big whites" as the starting point of The Space, hoping that everyone can leave memories of Shanghai, COVID-19, and the lockdown of the city together on The Space.

The creative area in the lower left corner of The Space

On June 5, the first weekend of The Space's launch, the on-chain co-creation canvas of "Shanghai Spring" was held, and everyone was invited to paint on the canvas your most unforgettable pictures in the new epidemic era. Everyone added different props to the "big white" on the canvas, painted the landmark "Oriental Pearl" in Shanghai, and also painted nucleic acid testing samples under the 72-hour new normal.

We have recorded these memories of co-creation on the chain, and organized them into this online exhibition hall, inviting you to come and see: -62ceb11b7fa1020001f0d8f0?share=2019180843230968428

At the same time, we also set up two easter eggs in the exhibition, find the easter egg question and tell us your answer in Discord, you can get extra Bonus! ! !

We also invite everyone to continue to draw the issues and memories you are most interested in on The Space canvas, and submit your works to The Space Museum. For submission instructions, please visit: -Museum-MVP-1b563a8d84d7474da80c09c8ebc9c12b

Since Shanghai reported the first local case in this round on February 28, Matters has seen many city closure records and backups. We also invite you to re-read these articles and think about our era and present.

The next preview of Museum curation: The Space Zoo


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