South Korea's Dongdaemun wholesale reveal

The wholesale market in Dongdaemun starts at about 11 pm. There are thousands of people here every day, and millions of goods flow around. Those who walk through Dongdaemun Night, ostensibly, are only known as wholesalers and retailers.

"Nightlife" in Dongdaemun

The wholesale market in Dongdaemun starts at about 11 pm. There are thousands of people here every day, and millions of goods flow around. Those who walk through Dongdaemun Night, ostensibly, are only known as wholesalers and retailers. However, in order to connect the supply chain of Dongdaemun, there is a "broker" that connects the two. We will look at the connection between the Dongdaemun supply chain through the roles commonly known as "Uncle Pick" and "Logistics Company". This connection is connecting Dongdaemun's supply chain in different forms, which is also a current trend.

("Uncle Pick" is carrying a large plastic bag to collect goods around Dongdaemun Wholesale Market)

In the past, the store directly went to Dongdaemun for wholesale, and there were some restrictions. For example, the MOQ of the store was two, and one could not be purchased; secondly, there was no bargaining and no discount. In addition, day and night are reversed, and it takes at least 3 hours or more for each revolution, which consumes a lot of energy, physical and mental energy. Therefore, everyone began to look for local buyers to help, that is, "clothing purchasing agents" can also be called "Uncle Pick" or buyers.

Purchasing agency process for "Uncle Pick" buyers:

The customer order received by the agent on the same day, the information will be sent to the shopping center. The buyer of "Uncle Pick" will ask the Dongdaemun wholesaler who owns the item to prepare it in advance according to the order, and then go to various stores around 11 pm to collect the item he requested in advance. The goods will be shipped directly from Dongdaemun to the shopping center on the same day, and then sent to the merchant.

("Uncle Pick" bypasses dozens of stores, receives the goods, and confirms receipt by hand.)
(Dongdaemun Korea Express Service Kiosk)
(a mountain of order items)

In addition, in the wholesale market of Dongdaemun, it is also easy to find logistics vehicles, four-wheelers or trucks. For "Uncle Picks" handling a large number of orders, it is common practice to use a 1 ton truck to ship because, in some cases, delivery by truck is advantageous over delivery by courier.

(Dongdaemun pickup truck)

It's Dongdaemun night, and the wholesalers are busy selling goods and contacting the mall at night. On the surface, retailers and wholesalers have represented everything in the Dongdaemun ecology, but they also need a connection, so Dongdaemun's "Uncle Pick" and "logistics companies" have become its supply chain, providing collection and transportation of wholesale goods. assist.


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