Are there many cases where custody rights are awarded to mothers? Insider Violence: Mom's Secret to Winning Custody!

This is really a different time and space background. In the past, it was not only a patriarchal society, but also the economic lifeline was in the hands of men. It is very difficult for professional women to return to the workplace and raise children alone. In addition, they cannot afford a lawyer. It is naturally not easy to win guardianship at a disadvantage. But now that the concept of equality has become popular, it is much easier for a woman to become financially independent. In addition, most divorced women can still afford a good guardianship lawyer, and the guardian can ask the other party for child support after the divorce. , Simply put, as long as mothers can afford to raise children, the advantages of economic income will be significantly diluted.
According to the statistics of the Judicial Yuan, in recent years, the proportion of courts awarding child custody to mothers is almost double that of fathers. Taking 2019 as an example, 321 cases of custody were awarded to fathers, while 835 cases were awarded to mothers. pieces. There are many factors that are taken into consideration in the determination of guardianship, and in most people’s impressions, mothers usually play the role of the main caregiver, and caring for children is often regarded as a mother’s duty by the general public, but does the court also see it this way?

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How is guardianship determined? Tell you what the court thinks!

Of course, the judge will not rashly think that "only the mother is good in the world" and award the mother to the mother. Most of these are based on the social worker's visit report and the performance in the court. After comprehensive consideration and evaluation, the result is in the "best interests of the minor child", and the mother's The advantages come from the accumulation of being the main caregiver, and the quality of companionship is often incomparable to my father. These will be revealed in front of the social worker's eyes and during the trial period. It is also my father's most fatal weakness when fighting for custody .

(Featured Article: Guardianship│Responsibilities and Duties of Primary Caregivers )

Financial income is no longer an important indicator of guardianship determination?

This is really a different time and space background. In the past, it was not only a patriarchal society, but also the economic lifeline was in the hands of men. It is very difficult for professional women to return to the workplace and raise children alone. In addition, they cannot afford a lawyer. It is naturally not easy to win guardianship at a disadvantage. But now that the concept of equality has become popular, it is much easier for a woman to become financially independent. In addition, most divorced women can still afford a good guardianship lawyer , and the guardian can ask the other party for child support after the divorce. , Simply put, as long as mothers can afford to raise children, the advantages of economic income will be significantly diluted.

Maybe many people will say that hiring a lawyer is so bad? If you are sure that the other party will not hire a lawyer , and your conditions are significantly better than the other party's, there are no obvious flaws that can be manipulated, such as a history of mental illness (depression), improper discipline, neglect of care, protection orders, etc. Then your chances of being overturned will be very low.

(Featured article: What to do with divorced children? Custody, visitation, alimony )

How to improve the odds of guardianship?

First of all, don’t use Aobu to influence the guardianship lawsuit , especially if the other party hires a lawyer , these hands and feet may become a fatal flaw in the lawsuit’s offense and defense. Do you think that the judge finds someone doing these small actions, and the guardianship judgment will still be against him. Is it beneficial? The most practical way is to show the greatest sincerity and let the judge know that you are more considerate of the child than the other party, and that you can give the child the best care plan and life. But don't feel like you'll lose your child even if you don't end up with custody , the law as a father will still guarantee your visitation time with your child.

You can also consider finding a professional lawyer to help you fight for guardianship , analyze the advantages of your best guardian and the doubts about the other person's care, use positive planning to make up for your own shortcomings, show a friendly parent side, and give yourself the opportunity to become That's less than a third of the good dads!

(Featured article: The gender gap in the fight for guardianship is huge? )

The above is the relevant information about guardianship . If you like our article, you are welcome to share it! If you have any related questions, please click the button below for free legal consultation immediately.


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