Thank you all around


It's hard to feel.

In the process of growing up, facing a lot of bird events, and the difficulty is not increasing, there will be a super unreasonable event at a time, and then I will tell you that these should be done a long time ago.

Aggrieved, frustrated, anxious, flustered, sad, angry, annoyed, bored... These are probably all the emotions that you will have when you first enter the society, and do not include those unreasonable beyond the scope of cognition. Later, I got used to it and became numb. I did my job well, put away tears, got used to the environment, and gradually forgot the smell of rain.

But the people around me remember. They are like a street lamp in the long night, warm and beautiful. They will remind you that while you keep moving forward, you can look up at the stars and continue to be romantic and feel life.

This is the social curriculum, the way teachers teach. "Clap" hit me in the face, I held back my tears and went back to my seat, you secretly tapped my shoulder, I turned my head reluctantly, and saw a group of people making faces over there, super ugly. As a result, of course, I couldn't help it, and was amused again.

thank you all.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

伊恩試著寫下經歷和故事,因為知道不會再回到相同的位置。 如果可以,希望我的文字也能讓你找到自己。 他們教你知識,我想帶你看到生命的美。 instagram: @ian_wu_ 方格子 傳送門:
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