old shop and new shop

The connection between people and the community can only be felt on the spot, and it is difficult to understand through news reports or theoretical slogans.

Under the impact of the plague, the streets that we usually pass through have undergone some changes. Many shops that do business with tourists have closed down. There are fewer shops selling almond cakes, fish balls, and exaggerated men's clothing. Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, and hot and sour noodles are not as popular as before. During the epidemic, online shopping consignment stores and vegetable and fruit stores will still expand, and some popular tea restaurants still seem to have potential for development. Of course, some areas have quietly closed down, and many vacant shops have posted leasing notices outside, but maybe the rent is not cheap, or the prosperity of the area is not as good as before, these temporarily unattended shops reflect the reality of experience Happening.

The demise of old stores and the emergence of new stores sometimes reflect not only changes in appearance, but also changes in social consumer groups. Some industries are already very difficult to survive under the current situation, but there are always some businesses who still hope to show their strengths and take advantage of the times. The so-called caring for the society, in my opinion, the most direct way is to observe on the road, pay attention to whether various stores have returned to their anger, and gradually see how the interests of consumers, operators, and even store owners have evolved. Sometimes you can also predict which old stores will fail and which new stores will gain a foothold in the area.

Maybe I am really old. Sometimes I pass through some old districts. The coordinates of the road are still dominated by childhood memories. Comparing the new appearance of large and small shops and the changes over the years, I seem to feel the life and death of each street at the same time. Extinction, in fact, the years really flow away unknowingly. As an old resident, I always look forward to seeing a new store in the old district. I hope that the young operators will inject new energy into the community, and imagine that more new entrepreneurs will bring good changes to the street in the future. The connection between people and the community can only be felt on the spot, and it is difficult to understand through news reports or theoretical slogans.

Although the market is not optimistic now, life still has to go on. The old and new stores tell the stories of many people in Macau who work silently. You can see how creative the businessmen in Macau are. Do you have any ingenuity that outshine others? Is the business attitude positive or negative? In the face of adversity is it struggle or loss? When shopping, you might as well put away your mobile phone and pay attention to the city you live in. The situation on the street may allow you to read more personal information!


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