What's good about sleeping in on the weekends? Lazy sleep is also a luxury for people in developed areas


A researcher at a Korean university published his research in the journal Sleep Medicine, and found that sleeping in late on weekends reduces the risk of depression.

In order to study human sleep problems, scientists have publicly recruited about 5,500 volunteers who have serious problems of insomnia when sleeping at night on weekdays. According to their research conditions and requirements, they have been tracked and analyzed for a long time.

The final result is: Based on the average adult's 8 hours of sleep per night, sleeping in at least one hour more on weekends can reduce the risk of depression by about 30%, and the effect is significant; people who sleep two hours more suffer from depression. risk may be reduced by up to 48%. But only two more hours of sleep at most works best. If it exceeds this time period, the risk of depression increases by 16% instead of decreasing, which is more than the loss.

The problem of lack of sleep has always plagued the Chinese youth generation. During the school days, there was a lot of competition pressure. Every day, homework was written at 11-12 o'clock. Although the country has stepped up efforts to implement the double reduction policy since last year to reduce the pressure on students' homework, increase the usual extracurricular activities, and put an end to subject extracurricular classes during school. The most important thing is that in order to let the children sleep more, the school start time in the morning cannot be delayed earlier than 8:00.

Although it seems that the national policies are all good, because the pressure of further education is always on the parents' minds, and the competition for students to enter a higher school is too great. If you relax, other people will climb. There are countermeasures. There is no homework in the school and parents come by themselves, which in turn creates a very hard situation for both students and parents.

Young people who work part-time are even more sleep-deprived. As the saying goes, working overtime and overtime is a blessing, working overtime in the middle of the night, and continuing to work overtime on weekends. What’s more, there are 770 hours of work and rest. , Sleeping is a luxury, lazy sleep is a luxury.

But the country is still developing, the family also needs development, and the future of the family also needs mutual promotion and support. How can you lie down at will? The way you struggle is the way China is today, and it is also what you or your family is like in China now. look. Young China has me, and young and middle-aged China needs me as well. Does anyone need to get up and work hard?

Did you get up early today?


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