How do people who are in poor health start to regain their health?

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I am out of breath after running two steps, and even feel dizzy and short of breath after exercising for a long time; I have a cold and fever when the seasons change, even though I have changed clothes in time, but I still have a cold and fever a dozen times a year; my face is dull Bloodless, always told by others that his complexion is bad and haggard; he often feels tired, and when he has free time, he just wants to lie on the bed...

How many of these symptoms did you suffer from? Be careful if you have any of these symptoms, or even all of them, it means something is wrong with your body.

Why do you feel bad?

When a person's health is not good, there will be many symptoms, but in the final analysis, there is a source. Chinese medicine believes that "the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the acquired nature", which is mentioned in the "Huangdi Neijing", so Chinese medicine believes that the patient's health is not good, and there must be a problem with the spleen and stomach. But from the perspective of Western medicine, there is a problem with the patient's immunity.

Western medicine believes that people's health is not good, it is a problem with the immune system. The immune system is composed of immune cells and immune organs. When bacteria and viruses from outside the body enter the human body, the immune cells will respond in time to remove the bacteria and viruses.

Therefore, if the human body is not in good health, it is the immune cells in the immune system. In the face of external bacteria and viruses, it cannot be cleared in time, so that the cells and viruses can develop and grow in the human body, causing various problems in patients. For example, if the bacteria in the respiratory tract cannot be removed in time, symptoms such as excessive phlegm, cough, and fever will appear.

People with weak immune systems may only be repeatedly infected by various viruses in the early stage, resulting in colds and fever, and prolonged illness. However, if the body's immunity is not improved for a long time, the monitoring ability of immune function will weaken in the long run, and tumor cells may quietly breed, seriously endangering the health of patients.

In fact, no matter Chinese medicine or Western medicine, they just explain the problem from different perspectives, and the methods for improving physical fitness are actually similar.

How to restore health when you are not in good health?

The patient's health is not good, mainly due to problems in diet, exercise, work and rest, emotions, etc. in daily life. If you want to improve your physique and restore your health, these points are complementary and have their own importance. If you can’t get up, you should exercise blindly or take supplements. Otherwise, if the spleen and stomach are not well nourished, it is very likely to cause insufficient energy in the body or lack of supplementation, which is harmful and unhelpful.

control dietary intake

For people who are not in good health, the most important thing is to control their dietary intake and eat less fried, pickled, cold, and spicy foods. These types of foods have one thing in common, that is, they are deeply processed. Deep-processed foods mostly contain trans fatty acids, which are not only difficult to be decomposed and utilized by the human body, but also difficult to be excreted from the body through the normal metabolism of the human body, so they will become harmful substances and accumulate in the human body.

Try to choose a diet that can nourish the spleen and stomach. For example, whole grains such as millet and oatmeal are rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. They are very good food for nourishing the spleen and stomach. There are also fruits and vegetables such as yam, seaweed, cucumber, apple, peaches, bananas, etc., which are warm foods, which can not only regulate the spleen, but also promote water and laxative.

The right choice of food intake is more conducive to the body's digestion and absorption of energy in food to supply the body's daily needs. With sufficient energy in the body, over time, the functions of various organs in the body will function normally, and will naturally gradually return to health.

Pay attention to your diet

Secondly, you need to pay attention to your diet, do not overeating or overeating. Everyone’s spleen and stomach work efficiency is limited. Overeating may lead to inability to fully digest and absorb food. Over time, symptoms such as weakened stomach function and loss of appetite will begin to appear in turn.

For this reason, people who are not in good health need to keep three meals regularly, and stop eating when they are full at 7 or 8 minutes after each meal. After long-term recuperation, the body will slowly recover to health.

Make sure you drink enough water

After talking about "food", let's talk about "drinking". Drinking water is right, and it is also helpful for patients to recover their health. This water only refers to boiled water, not to processed beverages such as milk tea, cola, and Sprite. Drinking too much of these sugary drinks is not only good for the body, but also accelerates the oxidation of the body.

Boiled water is different. Water is the source of life. Drinking enough water every day can enhance the circulation of body fluids and promote the metabolism of the body. Adults should consume 1500ml of water per day. It is important to remind here that the more water you drink, the better for your body, just the right amount. Otherwise, drinking too much water will not only increase the workload of the human kidneys, but even lead to water poisoning.

Because the kidneys can only excrete about 1500-2500ml of urine a day. It cannot be filtered and discharged in time, resulting in the accumulation of excessive water in the body, which may damage the normal operation of cells, resulting in fatigue, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms in light, and brain edema, increased intracranial pressure and jetting. The symptoms of vomiting endanger the life of the patient.

Returning to the topic, drinking water is helpful for patients to restore their health because water is the best solvent. After the human body ingests food, the "garbage" produced by the body's metabolism will dissolve in water and be excreted as the human body sweats and urinates. outside the human body. The garbage in the body can be excreted in time, and people who are in poor health can naturally recover slowly.

What’s more, the effect of warm boiled water is greater than that of cool boiled water. After the water heats up, the hydrogen bonds linking different water molecular groups are cut off. powerful. Therefore, warm boiled water can enter the cells of the human body faster than cold boiled water, improve the metabolism of cells, and thus improve the immunity of the human body.

quit smoking and drinking

People who are not in good health should also quit smoking and drinking. Tobacco and alcohol are very harmful to the human body. When smoking, human blood vessels often spasm due to the increase in nicotine content in the blood, resulting in reduced blood supply to local organs and affecting the supply of nutrients and oxygen. The respiratory mucosa is often not supplied with nutrients and oxygen, and people's disease resistance will decline.

The same is true of drinking alcohol. Alcohol will damage the phagocytes and immune factors in the human body. When the human defense system is attacked by alcohol, the immune function will naturally weaken. In addition, long-term drinking will damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, so that the ingested food cannot be well absorbed by the body, the body's nutritional needs are not met, and the immunity will gradually decline.

maintain moderate exercise

In addition, people who are not in good health should also exercise in moderation. Regular exercise for a long time can improve the body's immune function. Because during exercise, the number of human immune cells will briefly rise and return to normal a few hours after exercise. In the process, warming the body also increases the cells' ability to engulf viruses and bacteria.

Qi and blood nourish the internal organs, and if Qi and blood are not running smoothly, they cannot provide sufficient energy for the human body. And moderate exercise can speed up the blood circulation of the body, so that the blood can run smoothly in the body. The whole body is full of qi and blood and runs smoothly. Over time, one's complexion, appearance and physique will be improved.

In addition, moderate exercise can also play a role in strengthening muscles and bones. Moderate exercise can improve the blood circulation at the bones and joints, speed up the body's metabolism, and promote the absorption of calcium by the bones. Persistence for a long time is of great help in enhancing bone density, increasing bone fracture resistance and bending resistance, and preventing osteoporosis. At the same time, exercise can also promote the secretion of joint membrane lubricating fluid, which helps patients lubricate and protect joints during exercise.

Therefore, it is very necessary for people who are not in good health to maintain moderate exercise for a long time. But you don't need to do strenuous exercise, brisk walking, jogging, swimming, yoga, outing and other aerobic exercise, whether it is from the recovery of qi and blood or the strengthening of muscles and bones, will be more suitable for people who are not in good health, to initially improve the body. constitution.

develop a good routine

Develop a good routine, go to bed early and get up early, and ensure adequate sleep every day. Sleep can improve the body's immunity and enhance the body's ability to resist viruses, because when the body enters sleep, it will produce a sleep factor called muramic acid. Bacteria and viruses that invade the human body.

Therefore, people who are in poor health need to maintain adequate sleep and develop a good daily routine. Persistence for a long time can relieve physical fatigue and restore physical condition as soon as possible, so that the physique will gradually become stronger.

maintain a positive and optimistic mood

Finally, people who are not in good health also need to maintain a positive and optimistic mood. Don't ignore the power of emotions, depression can really affect the body's immunity. Because the human immune system does not exist in isolation, it is closely related to the human nervous and endocrine systems.

When people are in a positive and optimistic mood, the central nervous system will be in the best functional state, the internal organs and secretion activities will be balanced, the whole body will be more coordinated and full of vitality, and the human immune system will be strengthened.

There are really many such examples. For example, I saw a news recently that patients with advanced lung cancer gave up treatment because they were too old. But he did not give up life, he maintained a positive and optimistic attitude every day, and wanted to spend the last days of his life happily. However, the patient was still alive two years later, and a re-examination at the hospital found that the lung tumor miraculously shrunk instead of expanding.

"Always laugh, keep healthy", maintain a positive and optimistic mood, and the recovery of physical health will be unexpectedly powerful.

Starting from these seven points, start to slowly recuperate, and those who are not in good health will gradually improve their physique and become healthy.

final remarks

Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, they are all expressing the same meaning. Serious diseases cannot be formed in one day, but are a gradual process of the body. If the health is not good, but the patient still lets it go, in the long run, organic lesions will be dangerous, and physical health will be seriously threatened.

Therefore, people who are not in good health need to pay attention. Don't ignore some symptoms that seem to be less serious. These are all warnings issued by the body to you. Prevention is better than cure. Changing your daily life style and preventing illnesses is the best way to gradually make your body healthy.

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