[Tang Ming] Three Chapters of Decompression Old Articles

A murder story written for decompression in 14 years, there are many plots that cannot stand up to scrutiny. The original plan was to finish ten chapters, and after writing three chapters, the decompression effect was good, so I did not continue to write. I'm thinking about writing serial killer homicide stories next time I need to decompress.


Song Zimo is a businessman. To put it bluntly, he is a Taobao store manager.

Although the competition in the online store industry is becoming more and more fierce, because Song Zimo is one of the first batch of people to open a store, he has done a good job. Now he has accumulated word-of-mouth and popularity, and his business is booming. When friends in the past saw his current situation, most of them praised him, especially his business vision. However, Song Zimo knew that he had just graduated from high school ten years ago, and he was just a boy with no so-called business talent, let alone the ability to predict. The reason why he resolutely joined the online shop industry is because of his girlfriend.

Song Zimo had just entered high school and was at the same table with a girl. The girl's name is Mo Ling. She has a pure appearance, a lively and generous personality, and a quirky personality. Within three months, Song Zimo fell in love with him deeply. After that, she naturally pursued the offensive one after another. Finally, in the second semester of high school, Mo Ling agreed to be his girlfriend.

During high school, the two were very sweet, and although there would be small frictions from time to time, it was nothing in the end. After the college entrance examination, the two of them were successfully admitted to the same university, which is not a well-known university like Tsinghua University and Peking University, but it is also very good. After graduating, they decided to open up their relationship to their parents to save themselves from being forced to fall in love later.

Song Zimo's parents liked Mo Ling, but Mo Ling's parents did not agree with them. Mo Ling's father is the owner of a home improvement company, and his mother runs a flower shop. Both of them are shrewd and capable people. They have only one daughter, and they dote on them very much. Naturally, they are very picky about their daughter's boyfriend. Song Zimo is dignified, talented, speaks decently, and looks smart, but in the eyes of Mo Ling's parents, he lacks "manliness" too much. It turned out that Mo Ling's father had been responsible for housework since he was a child, and when he was less than twenty, he went out to make a living and did a lot of drudgery. He always believed that those born in the 1980s and 1990s lived too affluent, so that young people generally lacked effort and sense of responsibility, and white-faced scholars like Song Zimo were the most unattractive to him. Mo Ling's mother also has the same opinion. Another reason is that she thinks that Song Zimo's family's economic conditions are not as good as her own. She is worried that her daughter will be wronged when she falls in love with him, and she even suspects that Song Zimo will be a liar.

Hearing these reasons, Song Zimo naturally exploded with anger, but he didn't dare to quarrel with his girlfriend's parents. In the end, the two sides quarreled for a long time, and each took a step back. If Song Zimo was willing to go to work and be able to take care of his daily expenses, they could continue to communicate.

He was busy with his studies and wanted to make money at the same time. Helpless, Song Zimo chose the online shop industry with lower cost and less impact on his studies. With the support of his parents, he bravely opened an online shop and promoted it to his relatives and friends. Earn some living expenses to pass the conditions. Unexpectedly, online shopping gradually became popular. Under his promotion, many college students also noticed his store, and the business became more and more prosperous. After a few years, it became a very well-known store on Taobao. Song Zimo also took advantage of the trend to work hard to run the online store, and only achieved today's achievements.

Mo Ling is different from him. She is playful, very curious, and looks forward to a colorful life. After graduation, she studied abroad for three years, and then traveled everywhere. She tried many jobs on a whim. She worked as a web editor, an illustrator, and a street artist. artist and so on. Everyone also opened one eye and closed the other, letting her play. It was only a few months ago that she told Song Zimo that she wanted to take care of herself, and she would get married when she returned.

Song Zimo was in a good mood recently, and he even invited the clerk to have a dinner together on this day. The shop clerks congratulated Song Zimo one after another, one sister-in-law at a time, making Song Zimo elated. The senior single dog Xiao Gao even hurriedly asked the store manager to introduce him to his girlfriend. Before Song Zimo could answer, the store’s artist Lin Xiaofei said yin and yang, “You don’t understand this, the store manager specially chose us girls who are not good-looking. The clerk, just to make you work hard, don't think about falling in love all day long." This caused everyone to burst into laughter.

At the party, Song Zimo drank a lot of wine. It was almost eleven o'clock when the party ended. Xiaogao wanted to help him find a driver. He waved his hand: "I'm going to drink today, so I didn't come by car. I came by subway." Xiaogao Wei Wei: "But it's so late, there's no shuttle at the subway station, why don't we find someone to take you back." Song Zimo refused again: "No need, I came from Changning District in the afternoon, and my home is not far from here. It’s far away, it’s only a kilometer or two away, and you should go home early.” Seeing that Xiao Gao hadn’t left yet, he pretended to be angry, “You look down on brother, right? They’re all people who are going to get married, what could happen if you walk this way? Hurry up!" Xiao Gao smiled and said goodbye to him.

Song Zimo now rents an apartment. He originally wanted to buy a house in a high-end community, but Mo Ling said that she wanted to choose the location and design the room by herself. Experience life in the ancient city, just like this, the matter of buying a house has not been negotiated. Anyway, Mo Ling was running around most of the time, so Song Zimo simply rented an apartment in Shanghai and planned to think about it later. In the past few years, as house prices rose rapidly, Song Zimo could only be anxious. But having said that, he is really satisfied with this apartment. It has a beautiful and tidy appearance, good property services, and good security. He also met a few enthusiastic neighbors. He was not willing to move if he wanted to move.

arrive. Song Zimo touched his pocket, but didn't catch the access card. He hurriedly searched his pocket, but found nothing. Is it lost? He tried his best to think about it, but he didn't seem to notice the access card during the dinner, maybe he forgot to bring it. He had no choice but to walk to the security room. Old Chen Zheng from the security room was snoring like thunder. Song Zimo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pushed him a few times: "Old Chen! Old Chen! Wake up, this is on duty!" Lao Chen mumbled a few words in a daze, then sat up slowly, and when he recovered, he was startled. Jump: "Zimo, you're back... It's very late today. Don't tell anyone what happened just now! I just didn't care..." Song Zimo nodded several times before turning around and leaving. This is the second time he has seen Lao Chen on duty to sleep. In fact, he can't be blamed. Another security guard has resigned recently, and a new security guard has not been recruited. Now only Lao Chen is on duty alone, and occasionally there will be part-time jobs. . Old Chen, who is in his fifties, can be forgiven if he can't bear to sleep for a while. Song Zimo doesn't want to embarrass him, he just hopes to recruit new security guards as soon as possible.

The apartment building is not high, only five floors, there is no elevator, Song Zimo lives on the fourth floor. He went up to the fourth floor and found that something was wrong. The voice-activated light didn't turn on, maybe it was broken. Song Zimo frowned, and opened the door in the dark according to his impression. Unexpectedly, just after taking a step, he was suddenly hugged by the waist and his mouth was tightly covered. He vaguely felt that the hand on his waist seemed to be holding a hard object. Suddenly, his whole body trembled, and a hoarse, icy voice came from his ears: "Don't shout, don't resist, just go in, or you won't want to see your fiancee again." Song Zimo's eyes widened, even more horrified, but he still followed the order. entered the room. The man behind him quickly closed the door and turned on the light.

"I'll give you anything you want, my bank card is in..." Before Song Zimo could finish speaking, he was beaten on the head.

"Quiet! Don't move!" He said while tying Song Zimo's hands and feet and pressing him down on the sofa. Song Zimo carefully observed this man and saw that he was a man, about 1.85 meters tall. He was dressed in black, with a black mask covering his face. Even his eyes only showed two black pupils. He looked like a black humanoid monster. Song Zimo shuddered.

"Tell me, where is the bank card, what is the password, and WeChat, Alipay, all your accounts. Be honest, don't play tricks, if the number is wrong, I will stab you to death." The man shook the knife in his hand.

Song Zimo breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that it was a robbery, and he should not kill people. He reported all his accounts and passwords, and even made it clear how many Q coins were in QQ. The man nodded with satisfaction - at least Song Zimo thought he was satisfied - pulled off a roll of tape, sealed Song Zimo's mouth, then took his mobile phone and rummaged in the room.

Song Zimo had already woken up most of the time. He forced himself to calm down and think about this matter.

The man, who accurately stated that he had a fiancée, not a girlfriend or wife, clearly understood his emotional state. Thinking of this, he shuddered. He and Mo Ling agreed to get married for a few months. Apart from the people around him, he didn't mention it to anyone. How did that person know? Is he spying on himself? Or... is someone trying to frame him?

He is rich, but he has always been low-key. He doesn't interact with people casually. He doesn't wear famous brands or perfume when he goes out. From the outside, he looks like an ordinary young man. The pole can't hit. In Shanghai, the only people who know him are his shop assistants, partners and a few close friends. These people are not people who like to gossip, and that's why Song Zimo trusts them so much. It is even more impossible to say frame-up. First of all, as far as he knows, these people are all short of money, have no difficulties in daily life, and have not encountered any major troubles. Second, they are friends who have known each other for several years, but they are really short of money. Hua, they won't send robbers to rob him, after all, he is neither mean nor indifferent.

So, who will it be? Who would deliberately frame themselves?

Song Zimo was very frightened, he desperately endured the urge to shout, controlled the trembling of his expression and body, and hoped that person would not notice his abnormality.

After more than 40 minutes, the man in black returned to the living room, pulled up a chair and sat in front of Song Zimo, as if he had no intention of leaving.

"Song Zimo, a native of Jiangxi, lived in Qishui Town before going to college, then went to Nanchang to go to college, and then moved to Shanghai after graduation. Mo Ling, your fiancée, has been living abroad in recent years, and it was only four months ago that he said he would return to China. Am I right? Your occupation is an online store..." The man in black spoke about Song Zimo's information without hesitation. He fully understood Song Zimo's background and his current living conditions. Song Zimo broke out in a cold sweat. He struggled desperately and made a sound, but the man in black was not affected in any way.

"Okay, that's all. You seem to have a lot of questions to ask, and I'll tear the tape, but if you dare to let your neighbors find something unusual, I promise, not only you, but your parents and fiancée will also die. Earth." When he said this, his voice did not fluctuate, like a robot, Song Zimo believed that he could do such a thing.

"You are not an ordinary robber, who are you? Who sent you here? How do you know these things? What is your purpose?"

The man in black stood up and paced back and forth in the living room: "It seems that Mr. Song is very confused about the current situation, it's still a long time, so listen carefully.

"I've never known you, and it doesn't make sense to tell you who I am. I asked your college classmates about your basic information. Although Mr. Song is usually low-key, there are many people who covet your wealth, hehe. As for Some details of your family, just turn on the computer and look at the chat records to know everything. Mr. Song must be very trusting in the security of the apartment, and he has no precautions at all. It really saves me trouble.

"I'm here to kill you. As for the reason, I'll tell you before you die. I'll come and tell you how to die at one o'clock. The start time is one-thirty. Just wait until one. I know you Now that you have fallen into a state of mental confusion, you can make some mental preparations here, but remember not to make noise, and don’t even think of running away, even if you get away with it, it’s just an extra day or two to live.” After that, the black Yiren walked into the bedroom, leaving Song Zimo alone in the living room.

Song Zimo was so frightened that he could hardly speak. He really couldn't understand why he was suddenly killed by a stranger. Shock and fear were eating away his only remaining reason. He stared blankly at the wall clock on the wall, the black second hand slowly made a circle...and another circle...

After thirty-two laps, Song Zimo suddenly came to his senses as if he had been slapped. Someone knew everything about him, knew his relationships, and wanted to kill him. Right now, it doesn't matter who that person is and what their motives are.

He was dying.

This fact hangs over him like a dark cloud. He doesn't want to die, he still wants to give his employees a raise, he wants to thank his friends, he wants to meet Mo Ling, and he wants to give his parents a retirement... There are still so many things to do, and so many people who haven't said goodbye, he , are you going to die? He didn't want to die, he wasn't reconciled. Before he knew it, tears had filled his face, and his desperate face turned to the door involuntarily... Maybe, there was still a chance to live. Like a ghost, when he came back to his senses, he had fallen to the ground and struggled to climb to the door. He was afraid, afraid of being discovered by the man in black in the bedroom, but he couldn't bear the torment of sitting still.

So far... Really far, the distance from the sofa to the door...six meters...five meters...four meters...every time you move a little more, hope and fear increase a little bit, you can't stop...

What to do with Mo Ling! It was less than two meters away from the door, and the idea suddenly appeared. Mo Ling, Mo Ling will be in danger! Those people knew that she was his fiancee and her whereabouts. If he ran away, would they threaten themselves with Mo Ling? Will they vent their hatred on Mo Ling? Mo Ling has always been simple, she never imagined that someone would want to murder her in a foreign country, and she is so kind, if someone deliberately deceived her... Last year, the news of a pregnant woman lying to a girl for her husband's sexual assault suddenly popped into her mind, Song Zimo could only do her best Control your imagination. In addition to Mo Ling, his parents, his employees, his friends, they may all be violated because he...

Once again, before the brain could react, the body acted without authorization. He moved quickly and was extremely tired, but he didn't dare to breathe.

He must go back, he must die.

As soon as he sat back on the sofa, the man in black came out of the bedroom, and the clock on the wall stopped at 0:52 at some point. Song Zimo was still afraid, but he was much calmer than before.

"I will stab this knife into your stomach and cut off your head." The tone was calm, probably killing people was a commonplace thing for him. Song Zimo understood that he had to endure the pain next, not make any noise or struggle, and he had to be killed obediently. carnage.

The man in black sealed Song Zimo's mouth with tape again, unbuttoned his shirt, took a deep breath, and raised the short knife in his hand.

His movements were very slow, very slow, which made Song Zimo, who was already trembling, panic even more. For a few seconds, it seemed like a few minutes, Song Zimo bit his lip, and the tears couldn't stop falling.

The knife pierced slowly into the skin. Slow, but very smooth, the pain continued to intensify, and it seemed to be endless.

Song Zimo wanted the man in black to cut off his head directly. It seemed that his belly had been pierced, but the pain did not stop increasing. The first time he heard that a Japanese samurai would kill himself by cutting his belly, he just couldn't believe it. Now, however, he himself is doing something similar. He watched helplessly as the knife pierced his body, but he had to stop struggling and shouting. Even if it wasn't a strict abdominal incision, Song Zimo was in so much pain that he was on the verge of collapse.

On a cool night, Song Zimo was sweating abruptly, his clothes were completely wet, and the sweat dripped on his pants and sofa from time to time. There was a burning pain in the lips, but the teeth were biting harder like a delicacy, the tongue had tasted the salty taste, and then the blood began to flow. He felt cold, his body couldn't stop twitching, and it was a miracle that he didn't make a big move. His expression was distorted, his face was bloodless, and he didn't even want to die sooner.

The man in black finally let go of his hand and raised another big knife on the ground. This time, he moved very quickly, raising the knife without blinking and slashing at Song Zimo's head.

Xiao Ya

Xiao Ya is the legendary leftover girl. For this reason, on her twenty-eighth birthday, she even opened a bottle of wine to celebrate. She is an ordinary white-collar worker. After deducting living expenses, she basically spends her monthly salary on food, drink and entertainment, and there is not much money left. She feels very good about herself. She often says, "You must be free and easy when you are young." She is not worried about the status of her Moonlight Clan. This kind of attitude towards life is admired by many people. In addition, she has a heroic personality and has her own aura. Most of the people who know her call her "sister".

The same is true of Xiao Ya now, holding Xiaolongbao in her mouth and holding the soy milk cup tightly, walking domineeringly through the crowd. Xiao Ya got up ten minutes late. The reason was that when the alarm clock went off in the morning, Xiao Ya, who was sleeping, waved her hand and fell to the ground. The action was so brutal that the battery was thrown out.

"A vicious robbery and murder case occurred in Yangpu District. Song Zimo, a 28-year-old online store manager, was murdered in the apartment he rented. The murderer's methods were very cruel..." A news on the radio attracted Xiao Ya , she helped her earphones. It was not the case that caught her attention, but the name of the victim: Song Zimo.

Xiao Ya has a junior high school classmate named Song Zimo. They are not closely related, but they have met at the alumni reunion in recent years, and they learned from chatting that he also lives in Shanghai. In the news, it was introduced that the victim was from Jiangxi, and had opened an online shop for ten years. Xiao Ya was a little dazed. After all, someone she knew died and was still mutilated, so her heart was inevitably a little shaken.

Xiao Ya is an ordinary person who obeys the law and cherishes life, but because she sometimes behaves extremely savage and unrestrained, and some special people have a close relationship with her, recklessness is one of them. Xiao Ya immediately thought of asking Xiang Ruan about this.

Reckless is also Xiao Ya's junior high school classmate. It is said that his father drank alcohol on the day he was born, and he wrote the word "reckless" without even thinking about it when he was writing his name. Later, he thought it was good, so he officially decided. Reckless and strong, he grew to 1.8 meters in junior high school, and his face was fierce. His classmates agreed that he lived up to his name, and later became a gangster who "lived up to expectations". However, Xiao Ya heard that Reckless is a very good person. He has done a lot of illegal things, but he has not encountered any big trouble. In this way, he is not reckless.

"Life is too short, tomorrow is infinitely far away, and it's never farther than forever..." After hearing the ringing more than a dozen times, Xiao Ya finally couldn't help but hang up. Maybe he didn't turn it on now, Xiao Ya knew that he had more than one mobile phone, and the number left for her was for use when he was free. She called another person, the reckless attendant, Qiangzi. Fortunately, Hadron answered the phone quickly.

"Hello? Sister Xiao, what's the matter?"

"Where is the recklessness? I have something to ask him."

"Brother Mang has been feeling unwell recently. He said he would rest for a while. Let us not disturb him for a few days. It will only take a few days..."

"It's too late!" Xiao Ya realized that she was too excited, and cleared her throat: "Just help me check it out. Do you know that Song Zimo is dead?"

"Song Zimo, it's the Song Zimo from the class reunion, why, he died? Sister Xiao, don't you suspect that we did it? It's too much to kill a classmate..."

"Okay, okay, who said you did it? I'm just a little curious and want to inquire."

"Okay, I'll watch the news first..." Qiangzi reluctantly responded.

After two minutes, Qiangzi suddenly screamed: "Sister Xiao, this person died too badly! He was stabbed in the stomach and beheaded! It is said that only a layer of skin remains on the head and body. When my girlfriend came in, she rolled her head off! And..."

Qiangzi said over there that Xiao Ya was also terrified here. She didn't hear the details of the case in the morning, but she didn't expect the situation to be so terrifying.

"Qianzi, this matter... it really has nothing to do with you?" Her voice trembled a little.

Qiangzi was silent for a while, and then said: "Sister Xiao, this is really not like ordinary people do. Generally, criminals who rob and kill want to be quiet and fast. How can they use this method to kill people! Vendetta is possible, but Song Zimo, who I have dealt with, is very low-key, and very honest. He doesn't talk too much and has no bad temper. He is like a clerk, and he can't see it as the boss at all. I really can't think of anyone who would hate him so much... ...I think this murderer is either a psychopath or just trying to take revenge on society."

"Have you ever cooperated with Song Zimo?"

"I often buy things with him, and he gives discounts, but he only buys daily necessities, snacks and other odds and ends, and he agrees after he repeatedly promises not to do illegal things with him. I know what you're thinking. , it's really not like that. Besides, if he really sells prohibited items, then I can't know him, and many people don't let me touch him at all. "

Xiao Ya was speechless for a moment, she knew that Qiangzi could not be involved in these matters, and she also felt that Song Zimo did not look like someone who dared to sell prohibited items. Seeing that she didn't speak, Qiangzi continued: "Sister Xiao, you say, someone wants to take revenge on Brother Mang? They even spared those who dealt with Brother Mang...Sister Xiao, Song Zimo is dead. , next, next, could it be me...I follow Brother Mang every day, they must know me...Sister Xiao...my parents..." As he spoke, Qiangzi's voice was sobbing and choked. When she got up, Xiao Ya suddenly panicked.

"Bah, bah! What nonsense! Song Zimo's matter is not necessarily related to recklessness, otherwise why did he kill Song Zimo, who was estranged from recklessness, instead of other gangsters who did evil things? I think he was just too lucky to meet him. A perverted robber! What are you afraid of? All the people who live with you are not good people, and those who dare to slash with a kitchen knife will not be able to hide when the robbers meet you!" Xiao Ya tried her best to comfort Looking at him, his mood gradually calmed down, saying that he was going to find Brother Mang and hung up the phone.

Xiao Ya put down the phone, her heart was far from being as easy as she said, she was thinking about Qiangzi. She thinks it's nothing strange to die recklessly. He has done many evil things, and it's not a pity to die. It's just that he doesn't attack acquaintances and pretends to be a good person, so Xiao Ya has occasional contact with him. But the strong son is different, he should not die.

Said to be a follower, Qiangzi is a veritable follower. He was timid and afraid of things, not only did he dare not do bad things, but sometimes even discouraged recklessness, which made him very annoying. He tried to get rid of him several times, but in the end he stayed. Trivial things like schedules. Qiangzi doesn't like to be a gangster, and his inner world is closer to ordinary people. Therefore, Qiangzi has no friendship with the people around Reckless, but he has a close relationship with Xiao Ya, whom he met by chance. Xiao Ya also has a good impression of Qiangzi, and usually takes care of him.

"Sister Xiao, have you corrected the document yesterday? Send it to me now." Xiao Ya was startled by the voice of her colleague. Xiao Ya responded quickly and began to pay attention to her work. Tian finds time to ask Qiangzi to come out and ask about this.

On this day, she failed to contact Qiangzi, and Qiangzi's phone was turned off after that, until ten days later, Qiangzi took the initiative to call her.

"Sister Xiao, it's me, Qiangzi. Brother Mang is dead." Qiangzi's slightly tired voice came from the microphone, and Xiao Ya's accumulating complaints instantly vanished, and it took a while to hold back a sentence. : "What's wrong?" Hadron took a deep breath over there and began to tell about his experience.

It turned out that Qiangzi called Reckless that day, but no one answered, and no one else knew where Reckless went. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, so he went to the reckless residence to find him. After ringing the doorbell for more than ten minutes, no one came to open the door, so he opened the door with a spare key.

As soon as he entered the house, he was frightened by the scene in front of him. Less than two meters away from the gate, there was a skeleton standing! The hollow eye sockets of the skeleton seemed to be seducing him, and when he looked carefully, he had a half-smile expression on his face. The strong son, who had recovered his senses, rushed out of the house with a tumble and crawling. The skeleton in the room should be reckless and didn't run away. After all, with his understanding of recklessness, the possibility of him inviting someone to his home is even less than the possibility of being killed at home. He doesn't kill people at home, and he has no interest in playing with skeletons.

Qiangzi will not follow the reckless killing and arson. He doesn't know how to deal with this situation. The first time he saw the murder scene, it was his eldest brother who died. He called several reckless cronies about the incident and called the police. Rushing to call the police might make other people dissatisfied, but now Qiangzi can't control that much. Qiangzi didn't expect much from the police. He had seen many things that the police couldn't solve. He was mentally prepared that the police would probably not be able to solve this case.

He tried to think about the case, Song Zimo and Reckless, the murderers in these two cases were very cruel, both of them were killed at home, and the murderer did not throw their bodies after the murder. Other than that, however, there are no other similarities to be found. It is not certain whether it is retaliation for reckless murder. What is certain is that after the news of reckless victimization, it will invite serious disasters. Even if the murderer is not targeted, many people will come to seek revenge. In this situation, Qiangzi is absolutely unable to cope. For him, it may be safest to be detained as a suspect, which is why he called the police.

What happened later was as he expected. He was detained, and after ten days, the police announced that he was not suspected and could leave. Only after he came out did he realize that the people around Reckless had indeed been in trouble during this period. He did not dare to ask in detail about the specific situation, but only remembered that he could no longer mention Recklessness to others.

"Then, what are your plans in the future..." Xiao Ya couldn't tell how she was feeling. When she learned of the reckless death, she was not shocked, but she was a little worried about Qiangzi.

"After dealing with Brother Mang's funeral, I will go back to my hometown."

"Aftermath? You?"

"Well. Brother Mang ran away from home before finishing high school. Two years ago, I helped him take a look at the situation at home. His parents couldn't find him, and he felt that there was no hope, so he thought he was dead. Brother Mang He said that what he did outside was immoral, and maybe he would be killed one day. Going back to see his parents would only add to his grief, so he simply didn't go home. His family doesn't know his whereabouts now. Brother Mang explained. However, if he dies, it will be set on fire and the ashes will be scattered into the sea."

"...The day you leave, I'll escort you off." After speaking, Xiao Ya hung up the phone.

Qiangzi was a little tired. He just left the police station and called Xiao Ya before he had time to rest. Now he just wants to sleep.

This sleep lasted until noon the next day. After a brief wash, Qiang Zi began to sort out the boxes of relics he brought back from the police station. He is not a relative of Reckless, but he is the heir designated by Reckless in a suicide note written in advance.

There is a box full of cassettes. Reckless is an avid recording enthusiast. He has collected a lot of classic music cassettes and often records himself. Many boxes in the box were still covered with dust, apparently untouched for a long time. It seemed that the police had not listened to all the recordings. Qiangzi didn't know whether to complain that the police were not serious, or to be thankful that they didn't pay attention to these tapes. These tapes, which were worthless to the police, were very precious to Qiangzi. Anyway, there are a lot of reckless and Hadron memories in here...a memory of when Reckless wasn't so bad as a villain.

He dug out a cassette with the label "Ode to Love", which was the cassette that Reckless didn't like to listen to and cherished the most. The content is very ordinary. It is a love poem written by Reckless when he was in high school. It is quite long and takes four or five minutes to read. Back then, when Reckless read aloud, he thought that he was so emotional that he was about to ejaculate—the original words of Reckless—and gave the tape to the girl he liked. In the end, the girl returned the tape to him the next day, and declined him, and hinted that he would not have any contact with her in the future. Reckless and defeated. Later, he also wrote several love poems one after another. According to his own words, he no longer had the original spirituality. Of course, the earliest poems were not very good. Qiangzi was suddenly very nostalgic. He took out the tape and put it into the tape recorder to listen.

The first two minutes were blank, and Hadron remembered that the original opening should have been a whistle, which somehow became this.

click! This sound startled Hadron. If I heard correctly, it should be the sound of the lock of the reckless house being opened. Then there was the sound of a person's footsteps. Just after walking a few steps, there was a sudden sound of a heavy object hitting the ground, and then the sound of a person falling to the ground.

Qiangzi felt his scalp go numb, and immediately took a photo of the pause button, clutching his chest and gasping for several breaths. This is not the original "Ode to Love" tape! The reckless tape has been sub-packaged! Moreover, this tape should have been recorded on the day of the accident! To put things in perspective, what I just heard should be that Reckless had just returned home and was attacked. That is to say, the murderer had been ambushed in Reckless's house from the beginning, secretly turned on the tape recorder, and after killing Reckless, he took out the tape leisurely. , in the "Ode to Love" box. This murderer actually dared to record the process of his murder, he really is a pervert! Then, the reason for the reckless murder and the whole process of the murderer's murder should also be recorded. Hadron was terrified, but curiosity prevailed, and he pressed play.

The murderer dragged Reckless to the living room, and let Reckless sit on a chair. After tossing for a while, he - Qiangzi intuitively believed that the murderer was a male - also found a chair and sat down, waiting patiently for Reckless to wake up.

"Um...how can't I see anything...Ah! Crap! Who are you? Robbery? Don't kill me, I'll give you the money!"

The murderer was silent.

"No, you're not here to ask for money. You're here for revenge? But how did you know my address? How did you get into my house? Who betrayed me?"

"It's really a noble person who forgets things. Don't you remember that you brought a lady from a massage parlor home a few days ago? Poor that lady, she was followed after get off work the next day, and she died tragically in an alley. As for the door lock, you can do whatever you want. Find a locksmith to put in some money and then pick it up. Don't worry, this is not the first time Wang Er has collected money to help someone open the door. There are many people staring at him, and he will never stand up to testify. Besides, he is very I'll go down to accompany you soon." The man's voice was hoarse and low, and it sounded like a man.

"Wang Er? So, you are really here to deal with me? Who did you send? How much did he give you... Ah!" The answer to him was a gunshot, and the other party was threatening him. The murderer said, "I'm not here for anyone. I'm here to listen to your confession. You've lost your way, so hurry up and think about your experience, and cooperate later, maybe you can die happily."

Reckless silence for a long time, said: "You ask."

"How many girlfriends have you had over the years? How are they all?"

"Sixteen. One disappeared, one died in childbirth, three committed suicide, three escaped, five were killed, and the others, forget."

"How did those five people die? Why did those who committed suicide commit suicide?"

"When I was in a bad mood, I would bring home the escort girls who lived alone and put them under house arrest, and then humiliated them until I lost interest. Those people were basically released or killed, and a few stayed and did mine. Girlfriend, I don't know if it's true or false. One of them couldn't stand it and committed suicide. I was very careful at the time, the doors and windows were locked, but she still hanged herself with a bed sheet.

"The other two women who committed suicide found that I was entangled with other women and asked me to cut off the relationship completely. Of course I didn't agree, and then they jumped off the building. What a stupid woman, it's just for fun, how can a person like me be possible Not looking for a woman?

"Among the five victims, one of them was killed by my enemy, and the other four were completely self-inflicted. Let's just say there was a woman who always wanted to ask me for money, a house, a car, a child, and a marriage. Put me next to her. She's too snobbish, and I don't know how I fell in love with her in the first place. She loves money so much, so just send her to the underworld and let her spend it slowly. In other cases It's almost the same, asking a lot, entanglement, and even threatening to tell me about me, so I killed him."

pause. Hadron was shocked. He knows that Reckless is not a good person, and he has also heard that he has committed murder and arson, but he has never been in contact with him, and Reckless does not talk to him about it, perhaps because he is afraid that he will be frightened and talk about it all over the place, in short, he has never experienced it. the cruelty and horror of such things. Now that he heard the reckless words with his own ears, he was horrified. The reckless person who was always well-dressed in front of him and never talked about his work turned out to be such a beastly guy! If you are so vicious to your girlfriend, what about outsiders, and... yourself? He couldn't figure it out and continued to play the recording.

"Not bad. How many cases have you been involved in about forced demolition in the city?"

"That's not clear, anyway, it's money to do things, whoever gives money to do it, only a few times I go there myself. Let's just say that old man, he won't leave no matter how much money he gives him, just say there. It is a treasure land of feng shui. His wife's soul has already made a home there, and he wants to stay there. Isn't this nonsense? If this kind of thing spreads out, who will dare to live in this place in the future? The employer is with me I said, no matter what, I have to get rid of this family. I was polite enough to him. People beat him, trees were chopped down, and graves were dug, but he just couldn’t go away. What can I do? People don’t nod their heads. , I can only carry my head to cross." At the end, Reckless laughed coldly.

Qiangzi gradually clenched his fists, but he couldn't connect this crazy recklessness with the reckless one he was familiar with.

The murderer asked Reckless many more questions, and Reckless answered them all. He explained the evil deeds of many people, including the cronies around him. His memory is actually very good, and the details and participants of most cases can be clearly described. Qiangzi only felt terrified, not only because these cases were too dark and vile, but also because he recklessly betrayed the people around him so thoroughly... Naturally, the so-called sincere cooperation and sharing life and death are just exaggerated and sensational rhetoric, something really happened, Everyone wants to pull someone to support their backs.

"That valet next to you, Qiangzi, what did he do?" When he finally heard this question, Qiangzi felt that time was frozen. He was afraid of hearing the answer, but his heart was secretly filled with curiosity and excitement.

"He hasn't done anything. He's just a piece of trash who accompanies him to dinner occasionally, buys gifts, settles small accounts, and can't do anything major." The reckless tone was very disdainful, like scolding his own dog.

"It's only him, who didn't do anything." An understatement made it unclear whether the murderer was mocking or questioning.

"That's right. He's such a jerk."

"Qiangzi followed you three years ago, I also know something about him.

"In mid-August of the previous year, when you were arrested for whoring prostitutes, he paid bail. There are quite a few similar things he has come forward to solve.

"At the end of September of the same year, you poisoned a group of executives of an online business company who had a dinner party in a restaurant, and the evidence was also destroyed by Qiangzi, who was pretending to be a waiter at the time. He cleaned up the table, but in the final investigation, he could not find the waiter. At that time, almost all the waiters had no conclusive alibi, and the interrogation did not yield anything, and the case became an unsolved case. You know those people How many of their relatives are in pain? Some people risked their lives to ask the police to investigate the case, and finally committed suicide in desperation, while the murderer is still at large.

"Last year, you sent Qiangzi many times to deal with the first scene and destroy the evidence. There was no surveillance to capture this kind of picture, but the figure of Qiangzi appeared in the surrounding surveillance, and I brought some of them. You can't see, I describe Let's take a look. The person under surveillance is about 1.75 meters tall and dressed in casual style. However, if you look closely, you can find that the clothes have the same cartoon shepherd dog pattern. Maybe he especially likes this brand of clothes, combined with walking. Judging from his posture, it can be basically inferred that it is the same person. A person repeatedly appeared at the first scene shortly after the incident, and the first scene was severely damaged. Can this be said to be accidental? As for why this person is Qiangzi, you won't let the little bastards do this kind of thing on the scene. They have close relationships and can walk unnoticed on the road, only your little follower Qiangzi who doesn't show up often. In addition, last June Qiangzi's leg was injured, causing him to limp. Guess what? In two surveillance sessions last June, this man was also limping while walking.

"Now, do you still want to say that Qiangzi didn't do anything? Maybe he didn't kill people and set fires directly, but he acted for the tiger and helped the emperor to abuse, so that justice could not be served. Is this done by a soft bastard who doesn't understand anything? ?"

The murderer's voice was not actually fierce, but at this time, his plain words were engraved on Qiangzi's heart like a knife. That's right, that's true. He always regards himself as a weak person, a person who has to rely on the darkness in order to survive. He will resent, avoid, and even discourage recklessness. He has changed the lives of many people... He is just a weak and incompetent scum, he just doesn't want to face it, and is immersed in the bubble of being a good person.

"No, you're wrong. He bailed us only because it was my order and he didn't need to do anything, he just wanted to listen to me and please me. He cleaned up the place because the idiot really didn't know anything. I understand... He doesn't know how doing these things will hurt the victims and their relatives and friends, and he doesn't know that it will destroy others. It's not that he didn't think about it, but he chose to turn a blind eye. We still have to use him, of course It won't expose the facts. If it doesn't fall into your hands today, he probably won't find the problem in three years." After speaking, he snorted recklessly.

"Why do you defend him like this?" The murderer didn't seem to care about the reckless explanation, and calmly asked the next question.

After another few minutes of silence, Hadron could imagine the blindfolded reckless staring at the murderer.

Recklessly sighed softly and said, "Because, he is a good man."

Hearing this, Qiang Zi closed his eyes tightly, holding back his tears. Unexpectedly, I know myself best, I have witnessed all my sinful recklessness, and I believe that I am a good person. The next words don't seem to be important anymore. With these words, he faintly felt hope.

"A ignorant good person who lives in his own dreams and doesn't want to open his eyes."

"Most of the good people in the world are such good people!"

Reckless roared suddenly, Qiangzi was stunned, and the murderer seemed to be shocked. After a while, he said: "Yes, but most people will not fall into the situation of Qiangzi, they have no chance to help others. Bail, there's no chance of deliberately destroying the scene. In a sense, Hadron is no longer a good guy."

"But he is essentially no different from these people. Almost anyone can become a Hadron, and a Hadron can also be an ordinary person."

"Are you envious of Qiangzi? Do you want to be a good person? Don't forget how many innocent people you've killed. Would you be so righteous for a Qiangzi?"

"He's the only good guy I can choose not to hurt."

"The so-called people are in the rivers and lakes, can't help themselves?"

"Don't say it as if I'm pitiful. Some things are indeed not my choice, but my nature is evil. Even if I could choose, I would prefer a barbaric and sinful behavior style. I still have this self-knowledge."

"So, you don't regret it."

"Yes, winning the king and losing the bandit, I just lost, and there is nothing wrong. Which founding emperor in history did not rebel and came to power? I do the same thing as them, and it is the same as those dignitaries do now. If my family background Better, you won't see me in this shabby house now, maybe you will see me on TV." Reckless was obviously full of unwillingness.

"The last question, if there is an afterlife, who would you be?"

Recklessly took a few deep breaths and said, "Ordinary people, ordinary 'good people'. I don't want to live in conspiracy and darkness all day long, and I don't want to be slaughtered by others. Just be an ordinary person."

"If you have any last words, say it quickly."

"My suicide note is in the toilet tank of the toilet. Please take it out for me. Finally, I have a word to tell Qiangzi. Qiangzi, be a good person."

There was another long silence. The two sides had no dialogue in tacit understanding. Then, the murderer said a word in a very small voice: "Tell you, my name is..."

boom! The gunshots sounded, and the reckless man and the chair fell to the ground. There were footsteps in a hurry, and the recording ended.

Qiangzi was already in tears, he could no longer think, and the shock of complex emotions made him unable to recover, and he fell asleep again.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when he woke up, and Hadron's mood had calmed down, and he began to think about what to do with the tape. to the police? This is the behavior that an ordinary person should have, and it is also the first reaction of Hadron. He hesitated. There were too many things revealed in the recording, and too many people were involved. Even if it was given to the police, would they be able to solve these things? Not only might they not be able to move these people, but they also put themselves in. Besides, this tape has also been to the police station. It was because they didn't investigate the case seriously that they lost such an important clue. Even if it was because they were sorry for the reckless spirit in the sky, it could not be given to them. To reckless cronies? Why? Reckless sold them all before they died. If Reckless died, they would also have a lot of trouble. If they block others, they might be angered. At the same time, Qiangzi also feels guilty. He understands that only by working in this industry can he have such a good income as in the past, but he has never visited a prostitute, robbed, or killed anyone, and even destroyed the evidence without saying it clearly, and monitoring cannot be done. What he did under the circumstances of the filming, he has been with Reckless for three years, never left a handle in the hands of the police, and never even did any obvious wicked things. In the past, he thought it was because of his firm will, but now he realized that it was because they were reckless and they took special care of him and let him go. He is not better than others, he is just lucky, he has been enjoying the fruits of other people's crimes, and he thinks he is kind, which is ridiculous and pathetic. The only thing that can be repaid now is to hide the cassette and prevent it from falling into the hands of the police. He thought about destroying the tape again, but in the end he didn't do it. In any case, this is the last trace of recklessness left in the world... This is the proof of his guilt and existence.

He changed a box, carefully sealed the tape, placed it in the lower middle of the box, and booked a train ticket home. At that time, he will fill a suitcase with tapes, and the security inspector will not be able to take out every box and listen to it. Even if he did get it, he could just pretend that it was accidentally torn. He had already glued an extra piece of tape on it.

Qiangzi hid at home and spent a few days on instant noodles and snacks, until the day the train departed, Xiao Ya came to pick him up.

Xiao Ya invited him to lunch. For Qiangzi, who had not eaten well for a few days, these home-cooked dishes were rare and delicious. He devoured the food and couldn't stop thanking Xiao Ya. Xiao Ya didn't answer, and kept staring at the direction of the train station outside the door.

"Qiangzi, you're gone, why don't you go back to Shanghai." Xiao Ya said softly, her tone was flat, and Qiangzi sounded a bit of sympathy and regret. He slowed down the speed of eating rice, and replied, "Well, I won't go back. I'll come and take a look when I have time." He lowered his head and didn't look at Xiao Ya, and Xiao Ya never turned his head.

After dinner, the two rushed to the train station platform. Xiao Ya said first: "Qiangzi, go back and find a proper job and live a good life. When I come to Shanghai in the future, my sister will take you to play, and make sure no one dares to bully you. Please don't hesitate to speak up, and report any happy events. When you go back, contact by phone." Qiangzi tilted his head, pursed his lips, and said word by word, "Thank you, Sister Xiao. Really, thank you... Xiao Sister...I..."

The radio sounded, interrupting Qiangzi's words, Xiao Ya hurriedly urged him to get in the car. Qiangzi took out a bracelet from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Ya: "Sister Xiao, this is the jade bracelet that my mother gave me before I went out. It was bought at a street stall, and it's not worth a few dollars. Mom asked me to give it to someone who is kind to me. Take it, Sister Xiao. "

"No, how can this be done? Actually, I didn't do anything..." Xiao Ya quickly waved her hand to refuse.

The radio sounded a second time, urging passengers to get on the bus.

"Don't talk too much, just accept it. Sister Xiao has helped me a lot, and I have nothing to return. That's all, take it! I'll call you when I get home!" Qiangzi put the bracelet in Xiao Ya's hand A plug, hurried to the train.

After Qiangzi found his seat, he hurried to the window to look at Xiao Ya, who also looked at him silently. When the train drove away, Xiao Ya showed him a sweet smile—yes, Xiao Ya also had a smile that could be described as "sweet"—was goodbye to him, and the bracelet swayed accordingly. Qiangzi desperately waved his hand in response to Xiao Ya, stared at him without even blinking, until Xiao Ya's figure completely disappeared from sight, he sat down quietly.

"It's a girlfriend." A girl opposite asked him with a smile, presumably because his movements were too exaggerated. Qiangzi smiled and replied, "No, that's someone who has helped me a lot and is kind to me." The girl opposite nodded and continued to look at the scenery outside the window. Hadron rested on the back of his chair, looking forward to returning to his hometown.

Xiao Ya said goodbye to Qiangzi and went home alone. She has no shortage of friends, but Qiangzi's departure still makes her a little lost. She thought, Qiangzi is a hard worker. He came to Shanghai to make money. He originally had a good vision, but he went with someone like Reckless. In the past few years, except when he was in contact with her, he had almost no chance to meet ordinary people. Life. Now that he has died recklessly, and the strong son has no backer, it is not necessarily a blessing to go back to be an ordinary person.

Forget it, think about it so much. There is still time to think about these things in the future. It’s better to wait for the answer of the time. It’s not free and easy to worry about a trivial matter. Xiao Ya smiled self-deprecatingly, scratched her nose, and felt a little more relaxed.

Xiao Ya walked to the door of the house, skillfully took out the key, and opened the door to enter the house. She changed her shoes and took a few steps inside, when she suddenly felt a heavy blow on the head, and immediately fainted and fell unconscious.

Meng Fan

"The King of Babylon issued the Code of Hammurabi, engraved on black basalt..."

The bell of "Love in BC" kept ringing in the room, but the man beside him curled up in a ball, his expression distorted in horror, his eyes fixed on the phone but he didn't dare to step forward.

Oops! Oops! It must be the policeman who came to the door again, that monster, who somehow got his phone number, and is now trying to kill him with this phone number. As soon as he answers the phone, there will be a death prophecy coming from the opposite side. He doesn't care. No matter what!

The bell rang tirelessly, and the man opposite, no, the ghost, seemed patient. He suddenly remembered that the police have positioning technology. Although it is not clear whether they can locate the phone when the phone is not connected, it is always not a good thing to have the phone on like this.

He carefully rubbed against the side of the phone, stretched out his hand and pressed the power button, but there was no response when he pressed it lightly. In this way, the screen of the mobile phone is facing up, and an unfamiliar number is displayed on the screen. Just as he was about to get his phone, a white shadow suddenly jumped out on the screen! The faint, fog-like white shadow could vaguely be seen as a miniature long-haired woman wearing a long skirt. She turned her back to him now, looking like a pretty doll at first glance. Before he had time to be afraid, the woman turned back suddenly, revealing a bloody face with a grim expression, her hands turned into blood-red vines, and crawled towards the man, with black droplets oozing from her body. Where the drops fell, there was a cloud of blue smoke. This is clearly a kid! The man grew up, but he couldn't shout, he only felt pain in his throat, and his limbs were completely frightened, and he was powerless to resist. He could only watch helplessly as the vines wrapped around his arms, climbed up his face, and crawled under his eyes, as if he was about to stab in!

"Ah! Ah! Ah ah ah!" A shrill scream came from the room, and even the neighbors who passed by outside the door were terrified. The young woman couldn't help shaking her head. The resident greeted the neighbors in advance, saying that she was in a poor mental state and sometimes behaved strangely, but it would not endanger others, please don't worry. I really didn't expect that he was so terrifying when he fell ill, and even if he was mentally prepared, he was scared to death.

The man waved his hands indiscriminately and accidentally knocked the receiver of the landline in the bedroom into the air. There was an eager "Meng Fan!" from the receiver, and it was quiet. Obviously, the people over there were also quite frightened.

Mu Feng felt that he was going crazy. As soon as he found Meng Fan, he found that he had disappeared. After finally getting in touch, he resisted when he heard it was the police and didn't want their help. He even got scolded after a few words of persuasion. Then he immediately threw his phone away and disappeared again. They found one of his little lovers to learn his other number. No one answered the call this time, but finally got through, and found that Meng Fan was screaming frantically, and it was useless to call him. Mu Feng rubbed his temples, which was his habitual action when he felt a headache, as if the current situation was about to kill him. Well, it's actually true to say that now.

There were two knocking sounds from the phone in succession, then the whining stopped, and a few seconds later, the phone was hung up. The police officers at the scene looked at each other, guessing that Meng Fan fell off the bed while struggling and knocked over the landline. As a result, he fainted and the phone line was unplugged. Looking at Mu Feng with a gloomy face, none of the people present dared to speak, and just like that, everyone fell into an awkward silence.

Meng Fan got up and blinked, everything was normal. It turned out to be a dream just now. Fortunately, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and went to the living room to drink a large glass of cold water. After returning to the room, he picked up his mobile phone and found that there were hundreds of missed calls with unfamiliar numbers. Hmph, it's probably the damn police officer again, and I don't know how he found out about Qian Qian. It seems that the police will come to this rental house soon. Meng Fan took out his newly bought handbag, changed into a woman's outfit, and prepared to go out.

"Do you want to leave before you pay me back..." A resentful female voice came from behind, Meng Fan's hair stood on end, and he ran away. Unexpectedly, the scene in the living room was even more terrifying.

As far as the eye can see, it is a ghost...

"Son, son, you return my son!" The scream was a middle-aged woman, dressed as a rural person, in ragged clothes and unkempt, holding a dead baby that had begun to decay and gave off a stench in her arms. The dead baby turned to face Meng Fan, showing an innocent smile.

"Fanzi, when will Uncle's money be repaid? Uncle doesn't need interest anymore, he just needs the capital. Uncle's coffin is inside. Uncle is so cold now, Fanzi, come and see Uncle." One The old man's eyes were dull and the corners of his mouth were drooling, staring straight at Meng Fan.

"Brother Fan, you have to count the 400,000 yuan! Juan'er is waiting for this money to save her life. Juan'er, you also have to say something." The man turned to look at the woman beside him, who was floating upside down strangely In the air, his head was bleeding, his brain was bursting, and he had apparently fallen to his death. She didn't speak, only smiled at Meng Fan.

Dozens, or even hundreds of grievances filled almost every corner of the house. They act weird, they look horrible, their voices are terrifying, and they literally turn the house into hell!

The house full of grievances slowly surrounded Meng Fan, and new grievances kept crawling in outside the balcony. The doorbell rang hurriedly, and the ghosts outside seemed to be impatient. Meng Fan was surrounded by a group of ghosts, unable to move, his cries were drowned out by the cries of the group of ghosts. The last few ghosts had already shown their sharp fangs and excitedly reached out to grab Meng Fan.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle, Jingle...

Mu Feng waited for three minutes, and there was no movement in the house. He signaled the police to break in.

Fortunately, Meng Fan didn't pay much attention to the safety of this newly rented house, and the chain was not renewed, and the door was quickly knocked open.

Mu Feng rushed into the house first, then checked the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. No, there is no trace of Meng Fan anywhere. There is a laptop on the coffee table in the living room. It is not sleeping, and the battery level shows 15%. Maybe Meng Fan has not gone far.

Now Meng Fan pretended to be an inconspicuous woman, quietly waiting for the bus to arrive.

It's not the first time to dream within a dream. He experienced it when he was a child, and it has become more and more frequent in recent years, and he even had a fivefold dream. Meng Fan felt motion sickness as soon as he got in the car. It was useless to adjust his sitting position. Perhaps, as the Taoist priest said, his soul had been eroded by ghosts.

He was rushing to a Taoist temple in the suburbs, Qingfeng Temple. It was a dilapidated Taoist temple. Now there is only an old Taoist priest living in it. He heard that Taoism is very high. A fruit, thirsty to hit a bucket of well water. Therefore, very few people know this Taoist priest, and Meng Fan also learned about it by accident.

A month ago, he met a fortune teller on the street. The fortune teller took the initiative to stop him, saying that he was haunted by ghosts, and that he was very yin, and I am afraid that he would not live for a few months. Meng Fan was so frightened that he hurriedly begged the fortune-teller to save his life. The fortune-teller told him helplessly that there were more than one, at least thirty or forty souls entangling Meng Fan. He only knew one person who saved him, the mysterious old Taoist priest in Qingfeng Temple in the suburbs.

The Taoist priest was tall and thin, with an unremarkable appearance, like an ordinary old man in his 60s or 70s, but he was actually 92 years old. About forty years ago, when the fortune-teller was a child, he encountered a hanged ghost and was entangled by it. Fortunately, the priest who passed by was kind-hearted and took the risk to help him communicate with the ghost, and finally let the ghost let go of his obsession and leave. The world is gone. In this way, the fortune-teller got his life back. Later, he recognized the Taoist priest as his adoptive father, and because of this, he learned some skills and became a fortune-teller. Unfortunately, his talent is mediocre, and he can only feel the existence of ghosts and cannot communicate with them in depth. To quell grievances and save the souls of the dead, only Taoist priests can do.

With the idea of a dead horse being a living horse doctor, Meng Fan immediately decided to look for the Taoist priest. Unexpectedly, he found it. The Taoist priest also agreed to try to resolve the grievances. Today, Meng Fan and the Taoist priest agreed on the day.

He remembered the police who had been looking for him these days. Police, what do they know! They only have the means of investigating and solving cases, these ghosts and gods, they will do anything other than deny the facts! A group of arrogant so-called materialists actually want to fight with ghosts, that is against the way of heaven. If you seek asylum from the police, I am afraid that even yourself will be implicated when God convicts.

When Meng Fan arrived, the Taoist priest was ready. A statue of Zhong Kui is pasted on the main entrance of the Taoist temple, garlic and dog teeth are placed at the door, and a mysterious pattern is drawn on the ground inside the temple with black dog blood and ink. His expression was solemn, and he was not angry. Seeing this battle, Meng Fan almost thought that the Taoist priest was greedy for life and feared death, and he was ready to escape before the ghost came, until the Taoist priest handed him a few yellow talismans, two jade pendants and a peach wood sword. Take it easy.

The Taoist priest pasted a talisman paper on Meng Fan's forehead and asked him to drink a bowl of viscous transparent liquid, and then asked him to sit in the center of the circle. In the end, he covered Meng Fan's eyes with a black cloth, warning him not to open his eyes, mortals can't see ghosts with their naked eyes, they can only perceive ghosts with their minds. Once they open their eyes, not only can they no longer communicate with ghosts, serious If so, it will even attract evil spirits into the eyes, causing blindness in both eyes. Meng Fan nodded again and again, repeating that he obeyed the instructions of the Taoist priest.

It was a cloudy day. In the evening, the light in the Taoist temple was already very dim, the wind was stronger, and the temperature was lower. Such an environment made Meng Fan very nervous, as if he was crowded with ghosts.

The Taoist priest held a spell between his palms and recited something in his mouth. The distance was too far for Meng Fan to hear clearly, so he thought he was chanting a spell. After a while, the Taoist priest stood up, drew out the peach wood sword, and began to dance the sword. Meng Fan tried his best not to pay attention to the Taoist priest, and concentrated on perceiving the existence of the ghost.

The wind was loud, and the strong wind ruffled Meng Fan's hair. Meng Fan felt several hands pulling at his hair, but thinking of the Taoist priest's words, he still did not dare to act rashly. The environment became more gloomy and cold, and Meng Fan couldn't help but regret that he didn't bring enough clothes before going out. He now suspects that the air is full of sinister poison. He vaguely heard a scream, the voice of a woman, and he comforted himself that it was an auditory hallucination, but a new shout came the next moment. Gradually, more and more people shouted, and the voices became louder and clearer. Meng Fan heard some words clearly, his face became paler and paler, and cold sweat broke out. At this moment, he felt a cold hand on his shoulder, and his arm was grabbed by several hands.

"Help! Daoist Master! Help!"

The Taoist priest did not answer Meng Fan, but the cold touch quickly disappeared.

"What did you see?"

"Ghosts, many ghosts, they questioned me, tore my body, and came to arrest me! Daoist priest, please save me!"

After more than ten minutes of torment, the Taoist priest said: "Listen, these grievances are very serious, I can't hold them down for long, you only have less than half an hour. They ask you to sincerely repent, Compensate the victims, fulfill the promises you once made, and other things. They say that you know it in your heart. If you can't resolve your grievance within half an hour, you will be killed by a group of ghosts and locked in this law forever. In the formation, you will never be able to transcend life.”

Meng Fan was startled, and then he remembered that this circle was not an ordinary circle. There are too many wronged souls chasing him, and the power is too strong. Only this kind of magic circle can connect Yin and Yang, and people can communicate with ghosts. However, if the time limit passes and the ghosts still do not leave, the people in the center of the magic circle will die violently. Death, the soul is locked, can never escape. Therefore, this kind of magic circle is extremely dangerous, and even the murderers who are haunted by ghosts rarely dare to try it.

"My house, my house, my house..." A man squatted in front of Meng Fan, holding his head in his hands, and kept repeating these words. Meng Fan tried hard to recall, and finally remembered what happened to this person.

He was a stubborn nail-biter, and he refused to eat hard and soft, which made local officials very distressed. Later, someone found Meng Fan and asked him to solve the matter. Meng Fan sent someone to provoke him. He was detained for fighting, and when he came back, the house had been demolished. He was homeless and wanted to sue the person in charge of the demolition, but the lawyers of the law firm thought he was insane, and he was put in a mental hospital, and he was also classified as the type with the most severe symptoms. Later, he became like this, unable to communicate with people, and when he saw the person who looked like an urban management officer, he would rush up and desperately.

Once, he actually killed an official from the province. The reason is that the official happened to come to this city and was walking with his nephew who was an urban management officer when the man saw it. He picked up a brick and rushed over to beat someone, a brick knocked down his nephew, and the man in a state of madness knocked down an official. Then, he threw down the bricks with a grin, reached for their pockets, and patched up a brick when he saw someone moved. In the end, he didn't find anything - he probably didn't find his house - he sat on the side of the road and cried a lot, crying and talking about his house... It is said that the mentally ill should be treated for murder, but the people on the official's side He just took out a certificate of recovery from mental illness, and said that the man was not sick at first, he was pretending, and finally sentenced him to death.

Meng Fan was very disdainful when he learned of his experience, but it was just a house, and it was really stupid to let him take his life. But now, the ghost is the uncle, and he has to coax the uncle.

"Awei, your house has not been demolished. We have already had it installed. Go home now, and a house will appear soon. You can have money if you want, as long as you go home, You can get 30 million!" Seeing that Awei didn't answer, Meng Fan continued: "30 million is not enough, I'll give you 50 million! In addition, I will give you fifteen houses! You have one set, brother one set, One for your parents, one for your wife and sister-in-law, and one for your good friend, okay?"

Awei finally raised his head, looked at him, nodded with a smirk, and slowly disappeared. Meng Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally coaxed the fool away.

This time, what appeared to Meng Fan was a group of small animals, which made him dumbfounded. These animals are of different types, including cats, dogs, snakes, ants, mice, rabbits, sparrows, parrots... all of them were animals that Meng Fan had mutilated. They all remained dead: one puppy had a broken right front leg, one eye was bleeding, and parts of its abdomen were exposed. One parrot had its tongue cut off, one of its wings was torn off, the other was chopped off, and its neck was twisted by force. A sparrow was severely slashed, and the left and right sides of the body were separated. It lay on the ground like this, with two eyes that were far away staring at Meng Fan. Most of the other animals died tragically and horribly. Some were scalded to death by boiling water, some were burned to death, some were skinned alive or their organs were smashed to death, and there was even a kitten whose skin was ripped apart, its limbs were mutilated, and its body was missing. Lots of meat and organs. It was torn to death, and it was not killed immediately, but was tortured for a long time before it died - Meng Fan carefully healed it and fed it, just to make it die later.

Meng Fan could not comfort these animals. They don't want money, power, fame, everything that attracts humans can't attract them, all they want is revenge. Crushing him, tearing him apart, letting him die thousands of times, and returning all the pain he inflicted on animals several times over. Sincere fear, primitive hatred and animal nature are beyond his understanding or control, the only thing he can do now as a human being is to wait for them to vent. His trousers were rolled up, his shirt was lifted, he didn't know if it was real, and the next moment the animals rushed on him. The puppies jumped up and bit his body. They nibbled at random, and sometimes ripped off a piece of meat, but they didn't bite his throat. Most of the attacks were on the limbs. The birds came forward and attacked his eyes. After a while, his left eye was taken away, and the only remaining right eye was slammed. Soon, he could see nothing. Ants crawled all over his body and got into his ears, nostrils, eye sockets... He felt disgusted, but he was powerless to resist, his whole body was in severe pain, he couldn't tell where the pain was, let alone who the culprit was. All animals tortured him as best they could. If it was reality, he should have died long ago, and he not only did not die, but also remained conscious. Probably as the Taoist priest said, after entering this magic circle, the boundary between life and death is blurred, and he is neither alive nor dead now.

Seeing Meng Fan dancing and shouting, the Taoist priest realized that he was in danger, and hurriedly reminded Meng Fan to stay awake and continue to appease the grievances. After a while, Meng Fan became better and began to try to communicate with the ghost. His words grew louder and clearer. The Taoist priest can also hear some of them clearly. The content is probably how much money he owes, who he killed when, which children he abducted and so on. He said sadly that he already knew what was wrong, that he was determined to repent, and that he would definitely repent. will compensate them. However, judging from his expression, the ghosts didn't buy it.

The Taoist priest frowned, and his face became more and more gloomy. Meng Fan was afraid that he was in a bad way, so he should think about how to get rid of the relationship. It's not just the ghosts to deal with, but the police, if he's alive.

If the Taoist priest hadn't called the police, they probably wouldn't have imagined that Meng Fan would go to a Taoist temple in the barren mountains for another ten days. It was as if they wanted to know where Meng Fan was before he went to the barren mountains. Mu Feng reluctantly complained to himself. Meng Fan's death was expected, but hearing this fact made him feel gloomy.

When Mu Feng arrived, the statue of Zhong Kui had been wet by the rain and fell to the ground. Looking through the door, there were many instruments scattered on the ground. Mu Feng did not understand Taoism, and only recognized that the peach wood sword was something to ward off evil spirits. As for Meng Fan, who was lying quietly on the ground now, as for the Taoist priest who called the police, he couldn't find half of him. I heard that when he called the police, he said that he wanted to save the ghosts who didn't leave, and he might fail. If he disappeared, there was no need to look for him. Mu Feng naturally did not believe it, and immediately sent someone to look for the Taoist priest.

Of course, they didn't find the Taoist priest, they found nothing. Like the previous case, there are no useful leads.

It is absolutely true that Meng Fan died of fright. Judging from the various manifestations of his life, he should have been scared to death by a ghost. In other words, he died of an illusion. Meng Fan's whereabouts during his lifetime have been determined, and no clues have been found. They found out that Meng Fan was introduced to the Taoist temple by a fortune-teller, but no one knew him and he never appeared again. The Taoist temple was cleaned up very cleanly, leaving no footprints, hair, blood, or traces of life. To make matters worse, there was a torrential rain that night, possibly ruining even any evidence. In fact, when they arrived, even the magic circle had been washed away. So far, the clues are basically interrupted.

This Taoist temple has long been abandoned and has not been inhabited for many years. The local people do not know its condition, and many people do not know its existence at all. The only information about it is a rumor: there will be many ghosts gathered in the dilapidated Taoist temple. Once a living person enters, they will be absorbed by yang energy, become weak, and even die in severe cases. In this way, even if the locals encounter the Taoist temple, they will definitely flee quickly and dare not enter at all. Obviously, the Taoist priest chose to receive Meng Fan here because of the inaccessibility of people. However, Meng Fan did not understand these secrets. Seeing that the Taoist temple was old and dilapidated, he thought the Taoist priest was an expert outside the world.

Mu Feng was not surprised when he learned about the situation. Rather, he was forced to get used to being in trouble. After all, everyone's case was like this before - Meng Fan was the thirty-fourth victim of a massive serial murder case. Their opponent is not an ordinary person, not "an ordinary person" nor "one".

The murderer used various methods to torture the victims and then brutally kill them. There was no trace of the murderer at the crime scene, not even the murder weapon. It is futile to conduct interpersonal investigations around victims. Retrieving the surveillance video also found nothing. The murderer knew the blind spot of surveillance and could always avoid surveillance when committing a crime. No one suspected of stepping on the spot could not be found in the video, and the relevant video had probably been deleted. They also tried to secretly enhance surveillance, and as a result, people were killed in the field. They can't force people to be imprisoned, but they have to send people to follow and protect them. The result is often that people disappear or are killed if they are not careful. Moreover, nearly half of the victims refused to accept protection, and those who took a tougher attitude threatened them, which also caused resistance to them.

The investigation was repeatedly blocked, and the protection continued to fail. The people involved in the case gradually fell into a state of depression. They had no hope of finding the real culprit, and only hoped to protect the remaining people. The only exception is Mu Feng, whose determination is extremely firm, he has never given up on the investigation, and he attaches great importance to the protection of possible victims. He comforted and inspired everyone, but he never showed depression or anxiety, not even now.

There is only one person left by the murderer, Mu Feng's wife, Wan Qin.

On the eighth day after Meng Fan's death, a man and a woman were chatting leisurely in the open air of a deserted pastry shop.

The woman looked at the young man in front of him. He seemed to be in his early twenties, with a shy personality. He was several years younger than himself. It was hard to imagine that he was an old Taoist priest with immortal style not long ago. The appearance in front of him must not be his true face. His appearance and identity have always been a mystery.

"This guy who has lost his conscience is actually afraid of ghosts, which is easy." The woman stirred the smoothie in front of her.

"Thinking problem, when he came to me, he already had hallucination symptoms, and the nightmares continued. According to his self-report, before you stimulated him, he was in this state, but it was not that serious. I think he suffered from it. Mental illness, but dare not go to the doctor. This person is already on the verge of collapse, we just lit the fuse."

"If Meng Fan doesn't believe you, what other plans do you have?"

"I can also refer him to Western mediums and private psychiatrists."


"Happy cooperation. The last person, do you need my help?"

"No, I'm ready."

"Find me anytime if you need it. Your commission is a bit interesting."

The woman nodded slightly.


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