The Great Eve: MIT Dr. Qinxuan Pan was searched by the United States, suspected of hiding in Georgia


Amber kite on the road to the United States

The once-in-a-century virus impact has filled the year of Gengzi with too much sadness and parting, and everyone can't wait to look forward to the coming of the Year of the Ox. In the past few days, Chinese all over the world are immersed in the atmosphere of celebrating the New Year in different time zones.

In the north of the United States, the climate of thousands of miles of ice and snow makes the feeling of home more warm.

However, not all families have the opportunity to enjoy the festive atmosphere of the old and the new. On the night of February 6, eight gunshots occurred in New Haven, Connecticut, northeastern United States, destroying two families within a minute .

With the exposure of the New York Times, The Boston Globe, The New Haven Independent, and the Yale School Newspaper, the details of the case surfaced more clearly.

01. Car theft across states

On Saturday, February 6, at 11 a.m. local time, James, who was working at the Mansfield garage in Boston, saw a six-foot (1.83 m) tall, calm and talkative young man.

This is the second time the two have met in three days. On Thursday, the gentleman in James' eyes visited the car dealership, saying that he rented a car and planned to buy a second-hand off-road vehicle (SUV).

Even with 21 years of sales experience, James, who has read countless people, could not imagine that he would soon witness in half a day that this polite person turned from a promising customer to a car thief.

The man chose a $15,000 used black GMC Terrain SLE off-road vehicle on the grounds of a test drive. James replaced the car with a dealer's license plate as usual, and let him drive away with confidence.

At 3.30pm, the man also sent James a text message on his mobile phone, saying that he would return the car at 5pm.

Within hours, the car dealership was unable to contact the man again.

At 7:30, the car dealer decided to call the police.

This man is Qinxuan Pan (transliteration, Qinxuan Pan), 29 years old, a Ph.D student at MIT, and a silver medalist at the International Olympiad in high school.

Police first contacted Pan Qinxuan's home in Malden County, Massachusetts, where he and his mother lived. Pan's mother told the police that Pan Qinxuan had changed his mobile phone number and could not get in touch. The police records also mentioned that he had visited the house several times before regarding the mental state of the resident.

At 10:40 p.m., the Malden County police called for support across the United States to search for the stolen vehicle; 5 minutes later, the police in New Haven, Connecticut reported that the vehicle had been found there and had been scrapped and parked near a junk car dealership. of the rails.

When the car was found, it already had a Connecticut license plate, and it should have been replaced by Pan Qinxuan's license plate of a Massachusetts dealership on the road.

New Haven police met Pan Qinxuan at the scene after receiving a call from the hotel in front of the railway. At that time, the police officers did not know that the Yale graduate student Jiang Kevin was shot and killed nearby at 8:30.

Here's another detail, Kevin's homicide scene witness told the police officer in charge of the homicide, "saw a shiny new black vehicle flee the scene" .

Pan Qinxuan had already checked in at the Best Western Hotel at around 10:30 pm before the police arrived. The hotel is eight miles from where Kevin Jiang's accident occurred, and is where he was last officially seen after becoming a policeman.

The scrapped car caught on the rails was towed away by a tow truck, and Pan Qinxuan was also taken back to the hotel by a tow truck. After the police made some records of inquiries to him, they let him go.

As soon as the police left, Pan Qinxuan quickly left the hotel without even touching the room he registered in.

He never came back to check out.

Looking back on it afterwards, although it was two different groups of police officers who dealt with different incidents, this miss was a major mistake.

02. Party photos

Soon, Pan Qinxuan became the target of the police because of the theft of vehicles across the state.

The statement given by the police was that he was the object of questioning in Jiang Kaiwen's murder case, and that he was a "person of interest", but he was not officially listed as a "suspect" in the murder case, nor was he "prepared to be identified as a "person of interest". killer".

As for the relationship between Pan Qinxuan and Jiang Kaiwen's case, the Yale School News quoted information published by the New Haven Independent that Pan Qinxuan and Jiang Kaiwen's fiancee, Zion Perry, knew each other. The two are friends on Facebook.

There is evidence that they had several contacts and attended an MIT birthday party together in March 2020.

Kevin Jiang and Perry met for the first time in January 2020, and officially started dating in May 2020. The two met only three times before.

03. Flying to resist arrest

Pan Qinxuan has become the target of the US police in local, Connecticut and even the United States.

The FBI, the United States Marshals Service (USMS), the Bureau of Tobacco and Alcohol Explosion Protection, and the Drug Control Center all began to participate in the nationwide search for Pan Qinxuan.

It was not until Thursday, February 11 that the US Marshals Service found Pan Qinxuan's whereabouts again.

At this time, Pan Qinxuan had already flown to Georgia, and was in the suburbs of Atlanta in the state on Thursday morning.

Pan, who was in the car with his family, got off at a stop sign between the Atlanta suburbs of Duluth and Brookhaven and left on foot.

Eight hours later, the family reported the situation to police, describing him as "wearing a black backpack and looking unusual".

This allowed Pan Qinxuan to add a charge that has full extradition effect in order to avoid prosecution for illegal interstate flight.

Pan Qinxuan was described as " armed and threatening ".

His Facebook profile picture became the photo used in the warrant issued by the police.

The police appealed to the public to assist in the investigation. The US Marshals Service offered a reward of $5,000, and encouraged the public to contact the police as follows if they find any clues:

At present, the police believe that it is most likely that Pan Qinxuan is still hiding somewhere in Georgia.

04. The unfortunate mother

For a detailed introduction to the murder of Jiang Kaiwen, please refer to the previous article, Eight Guns Destroyed Two Families .

According to Jiang Kaiwen's Facebook account, he was raised by his mother alone. Kevin's Yale friend opened a donation, and the introduction of the webpage stated that the donation would go directly to Kevin's mother, Ms. Liu (Zhen Liu).

The sponsor of the donation was contacted. According to her reply, Kevin and his mother depended on him to support them. On the day of the murder, Kevin's car was damaged. Now his mother has no convenient means of transportation, and is in a very poor state. Please help spread this donation to help the lost mother Kevin .

We only knew one unfortunate single mother before. There are some rumors about Pan Qinxuan's family circulating on the Internet, but the public account "Yamizhitu" gave unexpected information in the article "MIT Suspected Murderer is also from a Hardship?":

Jiang's case will be tried in Connecticut, which has abolished the death penalty since 2012.

I hope Pan Qinxuan will stop escaping and cooperate with the police's investigation of Jiang Kaiwen's case as soon as possible. Give some hope to the mother who brought her up through hard work!






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