Crossroads of Nazi Roads

Joanna Recus
By now, everything seemed to be repeating itself on the road to World War. But there's something different in that -- a big difference. Will the world get better? Will the wicked be punished? Will we be redeemed?

Liu Zhongjing often discusses the United Kingdom and the United States together, euphemistically calling it "Anglo-Saxon Freedom", or "Angsa" for short, which is an awkward word for outsiders to understand. The self-governing five such as Shangao County also often discuss the United Kingdom and the United States together, also referred to as "Ounza", and call it "slave owners group", "must be destroyed". Their positions may seem very different, but if you look closely, you will find that their positions are exactly the same. It's just that the object has changed.

The likes of Shangao County, and Li Shuo, who later reformed the former non-praise of the rise of a great power, hoped that China would inherit the mantle of Nazi Germany; while Liu Zhongjing and his like, who seemed to be incompatible with Nazi China, hoped to inherit the British Empire, oh no, I mean the mantle of the American Empire. Shangao County insisted that China would embark on the road of enriching the country and strengthening the army, rejuvenating the nation, and conquering the world, while Liu Zhongjing insisted that the United States would embark on the road of "protecting the freedom of the bourgeoisie all over the world" like the British Empire.

The history of a hundred years ago seems to be happening again in front of them, and their predictions about the future are full of self-satisfaction that they know the history. History before them seems to be the peaceful transfer of power in the same ecological niche, and the nature of the next and the previous is always the same. The second of them has prepared himself for Goebbels, and the second has prepared himself for the position of British Governor-General in Syria or Egypt. Although their end has not been very good in history, they obviously believe that they will not repeat the mistakes of their predecessors.

Are there more than a few "historians" who are trying to seize the moment? The financial imperialists and global financial groups on Wall Street take the so-called liberalism of Britain to "guarantee the world order" as a model, denounce the evil and hypocrisy of communism, and shout that the natural laws of the market (or, in other words, God's Arrangements) to solve all social problems, so as not to interfere with their making a fortune; while Chinese real estate speculators are looking at the future of a house in Beijing (Berlin?), the capital of Germania, for a county in the United States, and they shout at the same time. The superiority of the national socialist system (the socialist system has been equated with it in the hearts of the Chinese people), how North American slave owners and evil capital and financial groups oppressed the people at the bottom of their country, and how the Chinese people united against imperialism. In addition to Goebbels and the Governor, there are thousands of people's lustful positions waiting for them to occupy.

This is the root cause of the outbreak of the world war: the conflict between two kinds of people. If you look at each side of the narrative, it seems like everyone is right. They are extremely righteous and admire the righteous heroes of their nation, Duke xxx, Feng xxx; their cause seems to be just, because the enemy is portrayed as extremely evil by them, is that true? It is indeed true, and the descriptions of the enemy on both sides are true.

Aren't American workers financiers with endless wealth at their disposal, people at the bottom unemployed, homeless, drugged, shot, with no future? Isn't China's Xinjiang concentration camps where there are collective gang rapes? Do the people at the bottom of China have any justice at all? But each side feels that the other side's narrative is evil, because the other side is evil, desperately trying to harm each other out of their own survival. So, on the Somme, 50,000 British troops climbed into the trenches in one day, went to the position, and were shot. Step into position and get shot.

It seems, as if, China is Nazi Germany and the United States is the British Empire. Rise, threats, then war, and neither side felt like they were going to lose.

In fact, China has been on this path ever since the Cultural Revolution took place and the belief in communism no longer seems to hold in China - "development is the last word", morality and the social goals of communism, due to the cultural revolution It has been proved that the proletariat in the basic tenets of Marxism is a bunch of immoral, cruel and selfish bastards - a communist government whose only legitimate existence is the justice of a communist society becomes a government without legitimacy, because almost No one himself believed that the people could be changed by the revolution.

As a result, in these dozens of years when the idealists who "get rich first and then get rich, and share the road to prosperity" are gradually coming to an end, selfish and greedy people seem to have found a perfect paradise. Here in China's reform and opening up, Get rich first, then enjoy the freedom of stomping on the testicles of people who aren't rich yet. They have many options: for example, move their ill-gotten gains to the United States, enjoy the real free air, and scold as desperately as the group of Guo Wengui fans why the United States has not gone to war with China.

Now, now that the situation has become more polarized, there are two divisions in the beliefs of this group of people who seek the freedom to oppress others: a group of people who have gained a favorable position in China's introversion, are unwilling to lose their existing property, and Talking about the survival of the nation and the struggle in the jungle, "Thanks to the wise leadership, they killed people on June 4 and maintained stable development." "In today's China, there is a lack of a pragmatic strongman like Deng Xiaoping" -- turn to "pragmatic" Attributing social contradictions to U.S. imperialist oppression and advocating foreign wars; another group of people did not gain a favorable position in China's introversion, or gained some favorable positions in the West's introversion, hoping that a free United States will soon come to liberate the autocratic dictatorship China, thereby gaining an opportunity to gain a favorable position.

Therefore, these two categories of people actually belong to one category, and in speech, they really seem to be fighting for justice. They are accusing the other of the accusations they are trying to avoid. The so-called "Don't judge others, lest you be judged"!

Perhaps what all conscientious people born in China hate is no different from China's road to the Nazis, and now, in the hearts of most Chinese people, the Nazis' road seems to be a certain, fanatical future.

What does the Nazi road mean? It means that people no longer think about justice issues and why there is a gap between the rich and the poor and social involution. All roads lead to the only direction, is to win the war to survive, to preserve and expand one's own earned capital, which is better than the inferior. As for the lower class, in the face of "national peril", regardless of the selfishness and ugliness of the upper class, they should first fight to the death with other ethnic groups, and the upper class should therefore give the lower class a victory in the war before the slaves of other ethnic groups. Master's promise.

The upper class has the freedom to continue to be the master, the lower class has the freedom to be the master - not a zero-sum game, but a win-win, win-win - as the so-called "freedom is not free", the freedom to be the master, Certainly not free.

The premise of this situation is that people recognize that the existence of class is not an injustice, but a necessary means. Or, acknowledging that "selfishness is the driving force of economic development" and denying that people are inherently equal. After the failed attempts at communism in the 20th century, China abandoned the road of communism and became an authoritarian government without legitimacy - and the United States, in its confrontation with communism, also showed a certain British Empire characteristic: advocating no Freedom of responsibility, maintaining an order that makes no sense but is solely for the benefit of the empire.

When communism is spoken, it seems to mean evil, both in China and in the West. As a result, people no longer believe that they are equal. In the eyes of many people, the real meaning of socialism has changed from a stage towards communism to national socialism; the freedom of the United States has changed from resisting the imperial tyranny of Britain and safeguarding the freedom of justice, to the selfish people all over the world flocking to. Yes, only with the freedom to enjoy and not be responsible. American soldiers who went to Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan increasingly felt like the British soldiers who were once sent to South Africa felt betrayed.

The rest of the world is the silent majority: they are all "voicing for freedom", desperately trying to prove themselves as a member of the "Liberty Coalition" and as an ally of the United States. Their words made Americans feel more and more that they shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the "free world". In reality, however, they are all parasites living on this irresponsible liberty based on fantasies alone.

The current international situation is actually testing conscience. It is the conscience of all people: both Chinese and American. Is America going to Britain, or China going to Nazism—all of us are at a crossroads.

Fortunately, the world has shown a completely different situation from the previous century.

Under what conditions does the US become the UK? Under what conditions would China become Nazi Germany?

That is under the condition that all beliefs are totally abandoned; under the condition that seems most normal to all who have no belief in equality between men. In the eyes of these people, war between Nazi Germany and the British Empire was imminent.

In the eyes of these people, the United States should be laissez-faire, abandoning its own middle and lower classes for the sake of the empire and its allies, regardless of their life or death, just like the British aristocracy during the Irish famine continued to increase Ireland's butter exports, saying that suffering is a violation of the Bible The most appropriate punishment for the sins of the people. Discussing which toilet a transgender person should go to, launching the BLM movement sweeping the country - these are all "normal" people who see it as crazy, and are all the CCP's trick to destroy the United States. In this way, how is it possible for the United States to defend its imperial status without waning?

Not to mention, the United States prints money to help its own people, engages in socialism, violates economic laws, and abandons "free world" allies in economic collapse - in the eyes of any "normal person", they are wrong , they were all crazy, they all turned to the communist enemy. However, only the white leftists in the United States themselves understand that they and the communists are the same people. They will soon discover that the loyalty of the free world to themselves only ends with parasitism; once the parasitism is hopeless, they will turn to others, so the "free world" does not exist at all.

This is not a matter of economic theory, it is a matter of people choosing not to choose conscience.

In the eyes of these people, China is also like this: any attempt to regain the communist beliefs will be accused of "the Cultural Revolution again" by the people who are terrified to death. Poverty alleviation is only the first test of the revival of communism, but conscientious people will soon discover that poverty alleviation cannot solve any problems; a whole class of vested interests who are about to become the Nazis is the real problem.

They dare not admit the importance of politics, they hate to talk about it, and they only try to make money. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the revolution will be launched from the top down, and the Nazis will, like the German Communist Party, accused them of shaking the country. They are afraid that the grievances of the authoritarian period will be washed away, because those grievances are caused by them; and the object of this communist revolution is them.

The Red Left (Communists) and the White Left (Multicultural egalitarians) form the only living and vital group in the future world. Outside this group, it is a hell of cannibalism. Soon after the plague, there will be a great shortage of supplies that will engulf the world; all the countries that parasitize the temporarily lost United States, such as Britain - will envy the level of famine in North Korea's miserable march, and this time no aid will fall on their heads. The justification for war will no longer be justice, but simply the snatch of food; all will blame each other for undermining prosperity.

The rest of the world, this so-called "normal world for normal people", would become unaccountable, abandoned orphans. Consequences of Evil: However, this forsaken end is entirely the result of its own evil. It will collapse like the Truman world and be flooded with water—most of China, a large part of America, and almost the rest of the world.

The future of Nazis and free world wars will be shattered like a dream; nationalists will be bizarrely betrayed because this era is not the last.

Li Shuo and others, who hope to catch up with the last train of the Nazis, will be disappointed to find out that the United States will not follow the road of the British Empire, and then find that China will not follow the road of the Nazis. The rest of the world that sow discord between them fell into hell unknowingly.

Just as she used to show off her self-righteousness and lavishness, she will make her suffer and mourn now. Because she said in her heart, 'I am a queen, not a widow, and will never experience grief. 'So in one day her woes, death, mourning, and famine, will come upon her at the same time. She will be consumed with fire, for the power of the Lord God who judges her is great.

How many people will be blamed for causing the world to starve and die by then? Too many, and people will blame each other and even those who betrayed them.

But those who betrayed them betrayed them because they did not belong to the same world. Is this called betrayal?

Post-revolutionary China will export communist revolutions to countries in disaster—Communists who have experienced a breakdown of their beliefs may better understand what belief means.

In this age, the existence of God has become an objective reality; they will no longer find the reason, but will admit that the reason for the failure of the past is that the sins of the wicked people have not been paid for at that time.


May 2021


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Joanna Recus关于自由、道德与正义的秘密 在德国的学生,中国/世界历史研究与评论,Twitter: Joanna Recus
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