[Mung bean flower]: also learn peony bloom


It's rare to watch a drama and finally feel grateful to the screenwriter and creator like this now.

When Master Bai said lightly and calmly at the wine table, the country has actually perished, and the collapse of the country will not be announced to the world. A country is a person, and when people like you all stand on the Japanese side, there is no country. Bai Lixian's eyes were red with tears. I thought it would be the best ending for him to die at the hands of his brother. Later, when the volunteers tried to shoot him with a gun, his face was stern, and he didn't dodge or evade, which made this idea even more firm. Thanks to the screenwriter for finally arranging for him to commit suicide, to let him spend his life as Bai Lixian instead of a monster, and thanks to his close relatives who were present to give him a ride.

When Huang Jinshi's body was carried back to his house in Gufu, his younger sister Mingxin's shoes did not touch the ground and rushed out with tears in her eyes, saying, brother, you have done everything you want to do in your life, and I am afraid of this in every episode after that. A young lady from the two classes who has lost her support will cut herself off. Thanks to the screenwriter for letting her find what she can do and the meaning of life with the support of Song Ziren.

I would also like to thank the final title of the play instead of Niuji Po, the place where the righteous soldiers were tragically buried in blood, and instead chose the mung bean flower full of poetry and hope. Although it is insignificant, it spreads all over the place, fighting with tenacious vitality in places where it is not during the day, and has its own power to shake people's hearts.

I would like to thank the screenwriter for not choosing historical figures such as Jun Mingcheng, the Queen's Court, Jun Inoue Kaoru to interpret the main plot, but fictionalizing the story of the two brothers of the Bai family and the burdened businesswoman who were swept up in the torrent of the fate of the family and country, and achieved in constant choices. Ordinary people may have no trace in the annals of history, but their joys and sorrows, struggles and resistance, repentance and redemption, although they were wiped out, actually existed here. The development of history is not entirely driven by the political struggles and power struggles of the upper echelons. Geography, nature, economy, population, institutions, etc. are intertwined. No one born in this historical era is a real bystander.

Thanks to the screenwriter for not dividing the camp into black and white good guys and bad guys, but showing the spirit and core of the times with fictional stories under the framework of real history, which is enough to inspire or wake up future generations.

The father of the two male protagonists, Mr. Baek, is a middle-aged man and works as an official in Gufu County, Jeolla Province, but he has delusions that do not match his identity - I came to this world as the son of a small official, but I want to be the prime minister. father left. He painstakingly drilled into the camp, played tricks and tricks, flattered the powerful emissaries and nobles, and oppressed the unreliable commoners. Mr. Bai has a clear route plan for his long-cherished wish. The second son of the middle-aged man has been very intelligent since childhood, so he is well cared for and received aristocratic education to study in Japan. Justifiably placed in two classes. The eldest son of the untouchables was brought up to be a bully who didn't even deserve a name. In the future, it would be a great grace for him to take over the office of the Bai family. Mr. Bai is selfish and selfish without blood or tears, but he can endure humiliation and burdens. He thinks he knows the way of survival in this world, but he doesn't care whether the world is good or bad. He has the ambition to cross the class barrier, but he accepts the class unconditionally. I hope that this short-cut to the sky can only accommodate my own door. He took his life experience as a standard to teach his two sons that he must be ruthless when he finds loopholes in the rules, and it is useless to guard the dignity of a person, and integrity can neither be eaten nor blocked. When the Dongxue Party was victorious, he had the cheek to say that he believed in Dongxue early in the morning, and when the Japanese came, he pulled out the sun flag and shouted long live. He was dirty, ugly, terribly realistic, and terribly real.

Mr. Bai is a real villain, and Huang Jinshi is a hypocrite. I hated him so much that my teeth itch in the first half. For the sake of his own dignity, he secretly resorted to means to send his students to the battlefield to borrow knives to kill. On the surface, Confucian loyalty, filial piety, etiquette, and benevolence occupy the commanding heights of morality, but behind the scenes, they are perfidious. He is stubborn, clinging to the ruthless, blind to the changes in the current situation and the world, and wholeheartedly guarding the dignity of the scholar-bureaucrat, and believes that the country can only be a country of two classes of nobles. However, at the end, my anger turned into sadness. Of course, Master Bai is a man without faith, but Huang Jinshi's faith was a faith that failed to keep up with the times, and even perseverance itself became a sad obsession. Miss Huang's marriage was a stroke of genius. It forced Bai Lixian, who was gradually on the right track, to run wild. It also allowed Huang Jinshi, who did not eat human fireworks, to finally see how harsh and unfair the etiquette he swore to abide by. Huang Jinshi's will after awakening is to be a real two-class, to atone for his mistakes on the Huangquan Road, and to die in battle at Niujingpo is the best ending for his righteousness but his wish.

The heroine's father is the leader of the burden merchants in Jeolla Province. The goal in life is to manage his own burden merchant organization and accumulate wealth to become a giant. In every conflict between forces, Song Lao chose to support the side that seemed strong, so he never once stood on the side of Quan Yunzhun, the leader of the peasant uprising. Song Lao believes in power, and the rise and fall of the country is not worth mentioning. The safety of his beloved daughter and Cui Xingshou is far more important than the lives of the people and the country.

When the older generation followed the existing laws of the world and ran for a living, the young people were thinking about why the world is like this, how the world should be, and how it could be, and each embarked on a completely different path.

Bai Likang, the eldest son of Master Bai, became the captain of Quan Yanzhun's personal soldiers, fighting the officers and soldiers first and then the Japanese invaders. The youngest son, Bai Lixian, murdered and fled to become the leader of Japan's Tianyouxia in Korea, and then returned to his hometown as an official. Song Lao's daughter Song Ziren spared no expense to provide food, grass and armaments to the Dongxue Party, but because of her father and the Japanese, she watched thousands of compatriots slaughtered by Japanese invaders.

My heart aches for Bai Lixian. He cut his hair and refitted as the leader of the Japanese ronin, and came to the Jeonju Brigade Pavilion. Facing Song Ziren's shock, he smiled indifferently. At that time, I couldn't hold back the tears with the heroine. In the opening chapter, how did the kind-hearted, intelligent and aspiring arrogant son get to such a situation where he is not a ghost or a ghost, and what went wrong. Did his father's ambition hurt him? He sent him to Japan to study, and he was able to get a good shot at shooting. The delusional desire to marry two girls forced Huang Jinshi to get married with Miss Huang. Did Huang Jinshi's selfishness hurt him? In order to break the marriage contract, he burned his Confucian scholar roster and sent him to the battlefield. After returning, he broke his face and forcibly broke off the marriage. Is it because of the war between the eastern bandits and the official army, a purgatory on earth that I can't live if you don't die. Or blame the righteous bastard who strangled Miss Huang? Threatening him with a crime he was hiding, forcing him to shoot and kill. Or simply blame the evil Japanese, and then blame it on the social system in which the class gap cannot be bridged. In the process of thinking about these plausible reasons, I was suddenly shocked to realize that Bai Lixian was actually very similar to Master Bai. He disdainful of Master Bai's philosophy of doing things in his mouth, but he honestly practiced Master Bai's teachings in his actions. He is even worse to some extent, he is the responsible, conscientious, right and wrong, and emotional version of Mr. Bai. In every life and death calamity, it seems that there is no place to choose, but there is actually a way out, but he never hesitated. Every time he made a choice, whether he was forced or helpless, he chose to sacrifice the opposite that was unfavorable to him. He was an absolutely selfish person under pressure. He was framed by Huang Jinshi, and in turn pulled him back to the battlefield; in order to have a place in the military camp, it doesn't matter if he kills a bunch of Dong bandits; as long as he can go to Hanyang, Quan Yunzhun's life is not worth mentioning; the person who avenged his comrades was unexpectedly It's for money, you can't succumb to this kind of people; you can't be a fugitive and just sink, you have to rely on the Japanese to achieve your career. In his eyes, there is no right or wrong, only stakes. He thought that the blood of 10,000 people in Niujianpo could be exchanged for the future of North Korea's enlightenment. He dreamed of a tomorrow of his own place, but the corpses of 10,000 people really became the ladder that his father said that he had to keep stepping on it before he could go up.

His ambition is indeed vast, his life ideal is his goal, and I look forward to his success almost like Master Bai, but who decides who can be sacrificed by this so-called righteousness. Just like Master Bai, why did he decide that the eldest son had to hide behind his back without even his name, and why did he ask the eldest son to cut himself off just to not block his younger brother. Is it just because the opponent has no power? By bullying the weak and annihilating life, is it really what the dreamed new world should look like? In order not to expose the Lord's will to invite King Quan Yan to fight against Japan, Du Chengzhi grabbed a knife and wiped his neck under Bai Lixian's forced confession. Bai Lixian said that he did not understand why Du Chengzhi would do this, because he had never sacrificed for anyone, and he always believed that only his own justice was the most important.

But justice is sometimes not so important, what matters is the implication of innocent people.

Bai Lixian's belief is his ambition to become an official, to secure the people and strengthen the country. The brief time at the Executive Office was probably his most satisfying day. In the hustle and bustle and the doubts of all parties, he personally wrote down the house number of the executive office and appointed Liu Yue, a slave servant, as a deacon regardless of criticism. Under the resistance of the two classes, Liu Yue personally burned her slave and maid documents, and asked loudly, have you ever seen a property that makes you cry? That was the most righteous, unentangled, and most splendid moment of his entire play. Think about it, stop at this moment.

The really sad part of his life is that if he was born a nobleman, his ambitions would only come naturally. To be born as the son of a small official, this ambition has become a lifelong dream. Even if he uses his means to force him to get it, incarnated as a ghost, he has already admitted that he is not worthy of his original aspirations.

Compared with Bai Lixian's character and level, his brother Bai Likang's is relatively simple, and he has found his true self after the turbulent night in Gufu. He is kind, upright, alert, courageous, affectionate and righteous. He is basically a positive character, and he can predict his behavior without any deviation, so if there is no emotional line with Song Ziren, it will inevitably be a little monotonous. However, his line is a serious main line, and it has also witnessed the succession, climax and ending of Quan Yunzhun and Dongxue Party in history.

The female characters in the whole chapter are very well portrayed, there is no dodder and no Jie Yuhua, which makes people cry. Needless to say, Song Ziren is intelligent and resolute, generous and capable, neither humble nor arrogant, always straight waist, awe-inspiring temperament. She is very coquettish and cute when she acts like a spoiled child. The plot development assigned to her does not violate the harmony even if the protagonist's gender is changed to male. This role is a human being first, and a woman second. The kind-hearted, forbearing, strong and tolerant Liuyue, as a slave in the family, was forcibly repossessed by Master Bai when she was young. I can endure any nasty things I say, but I will argue bravely when people slander my son. Although sad and reluctant, he still understands and supports his son's cause, and when the Bai family was in a difficult time, he forgave those who had not treated him well in the Bai family. There is also Miss Mingxin, her perseverance in love and her final determination, many actions required extraordinary courage in that era, I am afraid that her self-determination is really I look down on her.

Throughout the whole play, what I feel most emotionally is the attitude of the people in the play to face fate. Even Master Bai, who is the most complicated in my knowledge, never flinched in the face of the opening and closing of fate. Everyone, according to their own beliefs and ideals, is reckless, or they are brave. Even the distressed Bai Lixian finally picked up the pistol and said that this was the last thing I could do, and it was also my own choice. At the critical moment of fate, everyone is seriously thinking about their choices, and no one abandons themselves and follows the crowd. No matter what kind of life they live, no matter how insignificant their life is in the torrent of history, they have tried their best to live, which is enough to comfort people's hearts.

Thank you to the screenwriter for giving everyone the right, even benevolent ending.

In the play, Mr. Bai persuaded his youngest son, who was an envoy, to say that he didn't need to care about what he did in the past, and memory could not overcome the years.

Personal memory may not be worth mentioning in the face of time, but the mung bean flowers that bloom everywhere are the same for all generations.

They are the annotations of the years, the testimony of history, and the beauty that is not inferior to the peony.


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