Gitcoin Grants 19: Talk about projects you may not know about

觀察者 Denken

Gitcoin Grants is a quarterly public fundraiser where your small donation can amplify the impact, bringing in larger external funding matches for your favorite projects.

How to maximize the benefits of matching donations?

This Gitcoin Grants 19 has two mechanisms:

  1. Gitcoin Passport: At least 15 points are required, and the maximum score is 25 points. The matching donation benefit is calculated based on the score ( reference material ). Personally, I think the more the better, but there is no need to force it. After all, the higher the score, the more personal data may need to be connected.

  2. Clustering Matching: People who donate to the same project portfolio will be classified into the same group, reducing the effectiveness of matching donations. Therefore, it is recommended to donate to at least one project that you have never heard of but can identify with after reading it, so that you can avoid donating to the same combination as others.

This time Gitcoin Grants 19 (hereinafter referred to as GG19) officially promotes its own Public Goods Network (PGN) blockchain. The support is not yet widespread. It is necessary to use a cross-chain bridge ( official document ) to transfer assets there. For novices May be more troublesome.

Therefore, this article specifically focuses on two areas and recommends related projects:

  1. Global Chinese Community: Using Optimism (OP Mainnet)

  2. Ethereum Infrastructure: Using Polygon

These two blockchains are very popular, and most centralized exchanges also support them, and they can be directly transferred to encrypted wallets for donations.

Global Chinese Community (GCC)

In web3, there are many important achievements led by Chinese people. For example, in the field of hardware wallets, Ledger or Trezor are popular in Europe and the United States, while in the Chinese circle there are CoolWallet, which was launched in 2016, and Keystone, which deeply integrates the MetaMask wallet.

This GG19 is organized by GCC, the previous round of investors, in conjunction with Metapool and Mask Network. The on-demand screening projects are as follows:

Ethereum Infrastructure

This core area has been changed to an invitation-only system this time. The selected projects are highly valued by the official and have long-term development. Users who really care about the Ethereum ecosystem cannot miss it.

The supporting functions of Matt City are on the Polygon blockchain! If you have assets in your wallet, you might as well take a look:

say a few more words

Since the establishment of "Web3Matters Matt Weekly", its relationship with Gitcoin Grants:

We will launch Web3Matters DAO, where Travellogger holders can participate in governance voting and jointly use the funds raised this time to make "Web3Matters Weekly" better!

Donations welcome:

Newbies can use OP Mainnnet to donate👉🏼 Global Chinese Community

If you want to learn PGN cross-chain, you can donate to the official round👉🏼 Web3 Community and Education

Remember to donate to one or two more projects that you also agree with!


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觀察者 Denken《Web3Matters 馬特週報》創辦人,軟體開發與寫作經驗超過九年。觀點文章每週更新 👉🏼
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