

"Who are you???"

I can't believe I still have time to think about this at this point.

The shadow disappeared,

The bondage is gone,

Loneliness is gone.

In its place is hope,

is the expectation,

is light.

That voice blocked the man for me, he pushed the man so that he couldn't get close to me.

"Let's go!!!"

I grab the lifeline and break through the device that holds me in, I can feel that I'm going through that electromagnetic wall, but it's no longer as impenetrable as it was at first, it's a gel-like material for me progress will not cause much resistance. I sprinted forward with all my strength, and the air rushed past me, and even the resistors couldn't catch me. But what about that voice? I can't save him, I can't do anything, I can't even run away, I can only look back at him, at least, at least I will remember him, because in this world, being remembered is a rare thing .

The surrounding scenery was blurry, and the pedestrians could no longer be seen clearly. The vehicles turned into pieces of color. I was moving forward to escape the dark cloud, and I was breaking free.


He looked at me without saying a word.

The next moment they looked at each other, he was taken away.

In the whole street, no one notices, no tree notices, no wind notices, because everyone only cares about themselves, because trees do not exist in this world, because the wind only cares about taking away my sorrow. I really wanted to save him, and wanted to pull him along with me, but I was so scared that I didn't have the courage to do it. In this case, I can only move forward with his beliefs, look forward with his eyes, and face problems with his courage. Just as I turned to flee, the dark clouds came, the vultures came, and the oriole of the mantis came. A hand hits me


Wait, didn't I just see that strangers have been caught? Why is it appearing before my eyes now? Those hands blocked my way forward, blocked my forward vision, blocked my future future. Am I not already saved? Didn't I run away from that person? I'm not, am I ready to go with that person? Why are you still getting caught? Hey, am I working hard? I really tried my best to escape, really tried my best to get through that electromagnetic wall, but why, why was I still caught?

I yelled into that space

"Are you here!! Why don't you talk? I need you so much... Really, really need you..."

Still no sound.

I'm sorry, sorry stranger, I wanted to run away with you, but even I was caught. It's my fault, I didn't notice that there was more than one person who wanted to catch me, I was incompetent, it was me, it was me, it was me that was too cowardly.

Pudong, I was put into a cage stronger than the original electronic device by that person, completely unable to perceive the changes in the outside world, I don't know if he moved with me, I don't know if he put me in the pocket or not Bag, I don't know if strangers are right next to me, and I don't know where I'll be taken. This device has no code, no export, no hope. It was empty and there was no light, but I could see the walls around me. I sat down and sat cross-legged. Originally, I wanted to face this situation with such a relaxed attitude, but I couldn't. I was so scared, I was afraid to face it. For the unknown, I desperately need a safe haven, but now I have only myself left. I buried my head between my crooked feet as if giving myself a hug, it's okay, it's okay.

"Are you going to come out? I've already been caught, are you still unwilling to show up?"

It was still silent.






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Vernaaaaaaa總覺得自己是個活在過去的人 不喜歡速食愛情 想要慢慢久久地去愛人 不喜歡追逐潮流 想要奇奇特特地去穿搭 不喜歡人際社交 想要獨獨自自地去生活 — — 盡力向前跑吧 總有一天會撞見美好。 — — 感謝每一個看見我的人 追蹤必回追
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