The music story of the citizen's own song Aso

The music story of "Suffix" is open for invitation!

❑ Preface:

"Do you have a story? I have music ", a co-creation that invites citizens to interact: " Tell me your story, let Aso write a song for you ", the message below is quite popular, and it seems that several citizens are eager to try it out. The post date is 2021 July 22, 2008.

However, why so far, there is no text at all...?

At that time, not long after I came to Matt City, I didn't pay attention to @阿苏's proposal . I was born here as a self-indulgent person. In fact, I recently put on the jacket of "Suffix" and wanted to be a " citizen's self- confidence". For the topic "Creating Songs" , I hurriedly asked the songlist List Control @Azure Sky to recommend citizens. (Also please help to recommend, thank you 🙏)

Aso's response was still filled with loneliness:

The reason lies in myself. In fact, my state of mind at that time was fundamentally unable to empathize with all the content. No matter what kind of subject matter, it was impossible for me to do it at that time. It is impossible to write a work that I am satisfied with without a topic that resonates.
The difficulty of execution comes from the inability to adjust my mood. I wanted to make this attempt to change my mood at the time, but it was a complete failure . I couldn’t change my mood to do the music test. I couldn't find the corresponding melody in my mind, so I couldn't write a song that made me feel interesting for a long time.

The transformation from words to melody, and the derivation of songs from lyrics, is a process of change of multiple comprehensive feelings, which seems indescribable. But after accepting a story and composing it, it sounds like I’m practicing my own music. I can’t help but ask, what kind of conversion process was that?

Basically this is what I've done before.
It was a very pleasant afternoon. Taking advantage of the whim, the other party gave me a few very simple words, through the mood at the time and the understanding of her, and then arranged and sang it instantly . In fact, there was no time for the creation of the whole song. To 2 hours.
Then, in an accidental opportunity, I suddenly remembered the creation process of this song, maybe it was also to change the mood and mood at that time, so I wanted to try to do this thing that I have done before .

Well, it seems that "she" is always an important keyword for you, so there is a "love shape" story... 💕?

But you ask, how is the conversion done? In fact, it is to find a few keywords in the content provided by the other party, and then use a few melody in your mind to look at it. The most important thing in between is that you must have a usable melody in your mind, and this melody must be Being able to match the keywords in the theme and the overall mood is the most difficult and troublesome part in my opinion , and the most effective way to keep the melody in your mind is to sing and hum for a period of time first. You can sing anything, and after a long time, several paragraphs and melody will naturally appear in your mind waiting to be used.

Yes, I understand, but suddenly I realize that what I want to ask is actually...

And when it comes to converting the other party's ideas, the first part is to find the same point. If you can't enter the same frequency as the other party, then the completed work can only be said to be your own. So in fact, this is an indispensable key element. We can empathize and feel what each other describes and need. Therefore, if there is no feeling of the story, it cannot be completed for me. I can only put the story of feeling aside temporarily, and then try to understand and feel this aspect in my life, and then I can come back and see if it can resonate.

Okay, when it comes to stories with feelings , eh, actually I don't want to explore people's privacy, I'm just curious...

Can you listen to me sing a song?

Uh, okay~ (Should I go buy wine first? 😏)

The title of the song is: "Meet an Angelic Girl in the World"
 "Meet an Angelic Girl in the World"
Lyrics and Songs: Aso's extra words, I forgot to say what to say How much time is left when the angel returns to God before he is lost? Maybe he can still remember those unnecessary words he said

💛 Aso's music story

The background of this song is that I met a good girl, who is very exciting in all aspects, but the other party only came to Taiwan for some reasons, and later found out that the other party was actually in his original hometown There are already stable contacts, but perhaps because of the distant relationship to Taiwan and the need to stay for a long time, I have established a good relationship with me in Taiwan, but I also know that the other party must leave, so I also have a good relationship with me. She didn't have the chance or said and didn't want to do more possibilities or try, just before she left Taiwan, she wrote this song.
In fact, she did not cut off contact after leaving Taiwan, and she chatted happily and shared her mood with each other. However, she still felt that her perfect performance like an angel was not what she should be in the world after all, so I just I want to write this song under a throbbing, the lyrics show a feeling of wanting to get close to beautiful things but can't get it, and also use the concept of hometown to write the possibility of having to go back and face separation, so in fact I myself really like this song.
Because the place we have to leave is too far away, the sky is used as a proxy, and the connection of misses established because we have ideas for each other must be stretched very long, even the feeling that it may be broken at any time, and of course the middle must also be full of Heartbreak and tears, and as the time goes on, of course, these thoughts will be left behind, gradually turning each other's interactions and the things we talked about into memories, and it will not even be the same as before. care. "

So, with this angelic girl, and later?

After all, a long time has passed, she has married and had children, and I also have a wife and children, so I think I will let this feeling stay in the past, and I still maintain a corresponding friendship with her now. There should be no problem in encouraging each other, sharing, etc. Even the thing mentioned above was comforted by her!

In fact, < Do you have a story? Before the proposal I have music , there is an introduction: "Internet Clap | A Song for Medical Heroes"

I also made this song in a very short period of time, and then recorded it for sharing. That time was 2021/06/28, but something very influential happened in the next few days . So let the mood be affected so far, otherwise it might not have been delayed for so long.
This incident actually continued in my article. It has been more than half a year, but it has indeed affected my life forever.

What is the opportunity to restart this project?

In fact, when the mood is restored, it should be possible to try to restart the project!

❑ Editor-in-chief postscript:

 The song "Meeting an Angel-like Girl in the World" has been listened to several times, and the lyrics set many crying points, such as "The line of missing makes people feel heartbroken", "How can it make people feel heart palpitations and tears" .....

Immediately call out the school days, the kind of six-day-five-night camp you participated in. Students from all over Taiwan lived together for a few days and experienced many intellectual and interesting activities together. On the last day, they seemed inexplicably reluctant to part, as if This parting will never meet again.

The most mischievous are the big brothers and sisters on stage. They are usually enthusiastic and lively college students. Never stop crying), singing makes you heartbroken, and the more the students cry, the happier they are in their hearts, which means that the camp was a success and will be unforgettable.

For several months after that, you still lived in an atmosphere of innocence, sharing the joy and bitterness of campus life by correspondence, taking advantage of the long vacation to travel across counties and cities, and as the atmosphere of the conversation changed, you vaguely knew that the magic set up by the camp It was about to disappear, and I forgot who it was. We cut off the news early, and let each other stop in the blessing of memory... Only the song remained.

In case you still leave my letters, please throw them all into the shredder or delete them! Don't be like me, I still keep it carefully, like a pervert, smelling the smell of the times in the letter, touching the timeless handwriting, the images of youth, Gu Zi giggled.

🎵 Does your self-composed song also have a musical story ?

You are invited to contribute to "Suffix" 🤗

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Aso's YouTube

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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡
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