An exclusive interview with a member of the Macau establishment

"Cannon" fire, no trivial matter!
This article is specially reprinted by Macao independent media "On All Media". Recently, we started to contribute to "On All" and launched a new subscription plan in cooperation with Patreon. At the same time, we reprinted selected articles from "On All" on Matters, so that readers from both sides of the Taiwan Strait can better understand Macau. social issues.
Our words: Feng Zhiqiang was once the most outspoken and maligned political figure in the Macau establishment, so he was called "Feng Dapao". This article was published as early as 2013. At that time, Feng Gang was appointed by the Chief Executive as a member of parliament. He had a parliamentary career for 17 years, and finally quit the arena in 2017 with a 21-year career. The purpose of this article is to record how an established businessman commented on sensitive issues such as cash sharing and officialdom culture. Many of the discussions have been difficult for the establishment to speak out today.

"Cannon" fire, no trivial matter!

He is definitely not the most outrageous speaker, and he has never been a vote king, but if you ask how many Legislative Council members you know today? Feng Zhiqiang is definitely on the list.

Fung Chi Keung , an indirect-elected member of the Macau Legislative Council (business sector), was directly elected to the Legislative Council in 1996. Because there are many golden sentences, he is called "Feng Dapao", and some people are nicknamed "Feng Qiang". No matter if you love or hate him, you must admit that he is the most "attractive" member of the Legislative Council because of his seriousness in sayings, and sometimes full of folk wisdom.

Speaking to reporter Li Speak, asking sensitive questions directly, many people dodged left and right, and they walked away without stopping! But Feng Zhiqiang will obediently make sure that you ask enough, not afraid of offending people, and say a sentence with fruitful sentences.

Asking "Feng Qiang" how many golden sentences did Li Xue have? "The Analects of Confucius" and the Four Books and Five Classics were exported and written, and thought they were given by Dububuzhai, but Dianzhiqu turned out to be in the 1990s when Macau was bombarded with bullets. Knowing that he was on the kidnapping list, he buried his studies for safety! service yet? !


Conclusion: Can you look back on your seventeen years of parliamentary career in one sentence?

Feng Zhiqiang: In layman's terms, it is worthy of your heart! But this is too vulgar, everyone uses it. I would like to say "true temperament, no regrets at the beginning"! Because "true temperament" is not as simple as unilaterally pursuing interests and fame.

Commentary: But in the discussion hall, many people may not speak with sincerity, and sometimes they talk too much and make many mistakes.

Feng: I put down my schoolbag at the age of 18 and rolled around in society. It has been more than 40 years now. I have seen everything, so my outlook on life and values are different from those of some rich children. Because I understand the needs of the lower class, it is very simple at all, enough food and clothing can solve many problems...

On: But aren't you afraid of being harassed?

Feng: Of course, first, I don't need to rely on anything. I have been very independent since I was a child, because I was born early, I have seen a lot of things, and I have a relatively thorough understanding of society. At the same time, the most important thing is to be financially independent and not be influenced by others, so if I think something is wrong, I can confidently express my opinion. In the parliament, when you come into contact with different characters, people's personalities are all kinds of strange. Many people like to "show" in front of the stage, and some people like to point fingers behind the scenes. I belong to the latter, right? I like to pretend like "just look at others", and I just say a few words when I have time, haha.

On: Do you sometimes talk too aggressively? Have you tried regretting it?

Feng: I have no problem. The most important thing is that the words are reasonable and the words have things! It is enough for other people to understand, so I quoted many proverbs, slang words, sayings, and even common sayings. These are just a little more vivid and easy to attract attention. Citizens also like what ordinary people say, no problem.

Comments: Your "waste wood theory", "businessman theory", "democracy theory", etc., the short film really has a great response on the Internet...

Feng: This is the "true temperament", really! Usually I don't read the manuscript, just press the light and say. Human nature itself is easy to choose, what do you want young people to do after reading? Of course it's easiest to deal a few cards, right? The benefits are good, and the body and neck are beautiful, who doesn't do it? Isn't it so simple to engage in other industries, cultural industries? easier said than done? Therefore, in order to develop the industry in Macau Street, it is really necessary to invite international experts to perform caesarean section for this little sparrow. This little sparrow has all the internal organs, but how to do caesarean section? To find a good direction, in fact, the World Tourism and Leisure Center has a lot of content...

The ancients said: "There is a way in the world, and the common people don't discuss it." If the government does a good job and does it right, no one will come out to discuss it. Now there are thousands of associations in Macau, and the leaders have to show it. Everyone has to come out and have an interest in politics. Everyone comes out to say a few words. Some students say something, some businessmen say it, some workers say it, and some workers say it. , there are representatives of the community speaking, of course there will be disagreements, right? The government is silent again, and now the government is like a quail! Officials will not be arrogant and argue with reason, just like a quail.

Discussion: That is to say, the government does not decide?

Feng: It's not a matter of negotiation without decision. Look at the words of the main officials in Hong Kong, which are not like Macau. Look how hard that Hong Kong security guard speaks! Right? Look at the speech of the security guard in Macau, he is not answering questions at all.

Looking at the officialdom with a cold eye

Discussion: The hardest part of being a Member is the "Five Secretaries Debate" after the policy address. The five secretaries took turns to be questioned, but what can you do about their behavior?

Feng: You clearly know that you are going to fight in the ring, you must be prepared first! But you only have one move, of course dead end! Now the policy debate is about fighting with a dozen or so members in the ring! The things you write are like reading books. You tell me whether pandas give birth or not? This is not a policy policy at all! Hahaha! So it's easy to be teased by others.

On: Would you find it boring? It seems that there is no effect for ten years?

Fung: Frankly speaking, the director of Macau is not "everything". A director is in charge of eight bureau levels, and eight major departments are all related to people's livelihood. How can he know so many things? All the ministers are "inadequate", do you see what the former director of housing said? More and more messed up. Currently, there are only two most qualified bureau chiefs in Macau: one Huang Shao Ze (the chief of the Judicial Police Bureau) and the other Lai Ying Kit (the chief of the Identification Bureau). When they came up for the first time, I already praised them. Human words are reasonable, logical, and hierarchical!

Comment: Then do you think the next government will change the secretary, will they have a chance?

Feng: As the top leader, you have to choose people based on their talents. It’s not about relatives or inbreeding, haha… But I don’t comment on these, I don’t have such qualifications, and it’s not my style. What do you say?

Discussion: Since the reunification, the performance of officials has not been very good, and even worse, what do you think is the problem?

Feng: The initiative and level of the main officials are really lacking. A key official should have forward thinking in the area he is in charge of. Now it stays in a very stable state, because I have money and I have no worries.

On: Is it time for a change?

Feng: I think they are just like me, after working for so long, they are all down and out of interest, right?

Discussion: What about the Legislative Council? Some people say that the Legislative Council is a "garbage council" that cannot do anything at all.

Feng: If you want to compare it with Hong Kong, and say that the Macau Legislative Council can’t do anything, and its acceptance has declined, I don’t agree with that. On the contrary, we have seen some policies where MPs questioned, censured, and even bluntly put forward their own ideas...

Comment: You are the only one who is more aggressive. Except for a few pro-democracy and directly-elected members, the other voices are relatively weak.

Feng: "This boy is an old bean who gave birth to Li Ji, and this boy will criticize Lao Dou?" They can only talk, and it's none of their business whether the government does or not, right? If there is a problem, they will put forward their opinions. If the government does not accept it, they will not shout. You don't have to worry about the business guy dying, right? You're worried about workers not having a better job! Hong Kong and Macau are the best. There is no control over the entry and exit of funds. There are no places to keep people here, and there are places to keep people. The so-called "rubbish association" in the market is from the mouth of the legislators themselves. If you say that you are garbage, "people will insult themselves and insult them."

Discussion: Legislation will influence some of the government's problematic policies. Is this a system issue, a parliamentarian issue, or an official issue?

Fung: There are a lot of people's livelihood issues, such as traffic problems. I remember that when Ho Hau Wah was the Chief Executive, he had already proposed to restrict the landing of new cars and develop public transport... Therefore, everything must be stopped and the government must be courageous. The problem of the bus, how stupid is the government? "The old cloud of the mouth"! Right! You can collect money from the government even if you have an empty car. I don’t care what garbage trucks go on the streets, but the “tuberculous car” will still do the same. It’s a waste to take a bus ride alone, and you can get an empty car. Is it such a waste? Macao people are really rich and have a lot of money?

Zhongyou, did you dig the sidewalk in Macau a dozen times? Water and electricity are also related, each has its own way, and these government departments can make a good overall plan. Planning is a matter of fact, and it doesn't mean that someone criticizes you for doing it. You have to first evaluate it and think about it before doing it. How can a government point do this? Right! It's such a waste. Of course, money doesn't depend on you, and it will be tight? You'll never see government agencies making money, unheard of! Many state-owned enterprises in China are in a mess. What's the solution? Because I don't care about my wildness, I only do it for a few years, can I spend money without spending it? Do you have the right not to? Don't you look after the neighbors left and right? These are inevitable!

Comment: Then you can't speak up. No matter how much money the government spends, it doesn't need the Legislative Council to pass it.

Feng: Yes! Like you said, system problem! Like Hong Kong, "you need your approval to wash a fairy", I can ask you why you want to spend like this? Is there any other way? But Macau doesn't have such a system, how else can you control the way he spends money?

Comment: Do you agree that the Legislative Council should tighten its financial supervision power?

Feng: Of course, it would be a good thing if multiple departments supervise the use of money. However, there has now been a climate of entanglement. If you change now, many societies will close down immediately. There is no such thing in the whole world, what a deformity in Macau! Societies can contribute public funds and have a retirement system, have you heard of it? If regulation is to be tightened, I think Macau is about to flip. The club has no money and still doesn't close the job? Don't be noisy when you finish work? Are you going to the streets? Do you know that many associations have cleverly set up projects to get funding? In Macau, only the judicial, executive, and legislative departments belong to the government system. These can legally use public funds. What about the others?

On: But you also have a share in the big community (as the leadership).

Feng: I don't think it's reasonable! It's not the first time I've said it, but I'm just hesitating to say it, for fear that someone will call for help (laughs again).

Discussion: So in addition to corporate politics, there is also a "community economy" in Macau now?

Fung: Direct elections require one person, one vote. At least 7,000 votes are required for a seat. Except for the township people, those tickets can be fixed, and some big clubs are holding birthday parties every day, ha! On the birthday of Qu Laodou, Qu has not held a birthday party with Qu! The day swings, the moon swings. Aren't these election bribery? The government gives them money to encourage them!

On: Is this a vicious circle?

Feng: With so many disputes in society, everyone is unreasonable! Why not make sense? It is because our government is unreasonable! Justice is part of the government's service function. If the government does not care about it, and the government does not talk about fairness, justice, and justice, the citizens will not care about you. Why do domestic citizens dare to block the public security bureau and government agencies? It's just that the government is unreasonable! When people get together, they will turn against you. What can you do? Shoot them all to death? There is still international public opinion, do you think the country can still be closed? Therefore, public opinion has a supervisory role, and people are most afraid of exposing scandals...

Distributing money

Commentary: You are making trouble for the government to distribute money every year, but everyone knows that if you release it, you will be in chaos, and if you collect it, you will die?

Fung: "Cash sharing" is only a temporary solution. These are indeed a very good means to quell public grievances and win the hearts and minds of the people. However, this will not solve any problems. The money will be distributed regardless of the rich or the poor. In the long run, the problem will be bigger. Every year, the more you send, the more you send. If one day you don't send it, or if you send a little less, the citizens will definitely scold them. This is an inadvisable approach, which is not only undesirable, but also has great sequelae.

The money should go to those in need, no one will say anything. Even now, I think it is necessary to raise the sutra house, but to raise it well, it does not only require more than 300 feet of fruit seeds. If you have a long-term plan to solve the housing problem, you have to start anyway. It's like a pig cage, one box at a time, so people can live in it? ! These are a waste. You can see that the sutra houses in Singapore and Hong Kong are very beautiful, like a community, not as dense as Macau. Do you look at the classic houses in Shek Pai Wan, and they live in a human frame? When summer arrives, living in the lower floors is a life-saver! From a certain perspective, this is a lazy government, an inaction government.

On: If it is your point of admission?

Feng: First cut by half. Those who have money and property should not send it, and those who ride in a famous car should not send it. Migrant workers can be sent, and follow the inflation faction. If you apply, it will be given to you, and if you are brave enough to write it, it will be given to you! This germline is a means. I'm charging you for your money, but I can't make trouble with you? Relying on the family has become a system, you take care of him for a long time, and if you stop taking care of him one day, he will actually kill you! You first send it to the lower class, the disadvantaged, and the other rich people will not speak up.

Member of Parliament

Discussion: You come from a family of architects and read the Three Character Classics, but now you are going to leapfrog the challenge of becoming a member of parliament, and you were the chairman of the committee before. Did you ever think about taking this path?

Feng: To be honest, I didn't even dream about it. People who do business are mostly mercenary. The purpose of doing business is to increase wealth, right? But after some people have wealth, they also want to change society. These are normal things. Many charities are supported by businessmen, especially for domestic disaster relief or local charities, all are supported by businessmen.

Discussion: Is it difficult for you to play against those expert consultants, masters, and doctors?

Feng: Haha! This depends on the accumulation of daily life, and knowledge depends on accumulation. For example, when it comes to a certain field, you must find a book to understand it, and then analyze it yourself, right? If you don't understand at all, he seems to play the piano to a cow, and naturally "covers his mouth and laughs at you", this is the truth! But if the question you raise is sharp enough and prominent enough, of course he will respect you and discuss it with you. This is a natural thing. You can find a few points that he didn't pay attention to, question him, and wait for him to be afraid of you! (laughs again)


Diluo is very popular, but "Feng Qiang" actually has no air, only "big guy". Many people have heard many golden sentences, but many people can't estimate it. He was born in the land, and his handwriting is quite good. Most of the speeches on weekdays are "authentic" by him, which proves that there are very few "please guns".

The interview lasted for two and a half minutes, discussing all kinds of political situations and commenting on social deformities. After his interpretation, it was especially ghostly! Every time he talked about it, he couldn't help laughing at first... But these dead knots that seemed absurd, but seemed irreversible, the voices of Macao people were in my ears, and there were actually tears in laughter.

Ask him if he will continue to "go to the horse" in the next Legislative Council election? He laughed and said that he was already 66 years old, and he had been on the left for 17 years. "People are old and machines are broken." Fung Chi-keung bluntly said that he has not yet decided, "All sectors of the society also hope that some newcomers will come out, temper it, and always pass on the fire..." Whether the next term can continue to hear Fung Chi-keung laughing at the sometimes "salted" Legislative Council Play, everything will be disassembled next time.

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