go ice and go ice

I hope the next time he makes a request, he remembers that the ice was "goed", not "walked" out.

Cantonese and Mandarin have many differences in the use of words in daily life, which are purely cultural or habitual differences. When we moved from a Cantonese-speaking environment to living in a Mandarin-speaking environment, before we fully learned Taiwanese Mandarin, we could not help revealing the Cantonese-speaking habits in our speech. As a result, sometimes the words we said were nondescript, and I felt very uncomfortable. funny.

It is said that in the afternoon, I went out to buy immortal herbal drinks with Mr.

"Take one of the cups with ice, please," Mr. Sir asked as usual.

"Do you mean to go to the ice?" The smart clerk asked after being stunned for two seconds.

"Yes, go to Bing, please!" Mr. Sir hadn't reacted yet, and I couldn't help but speak impatiently.

If you have special requirements for drinks and do not want some of the ingredients, Hong Kong uses "go", while Taiwan uses the word "go". If you want to ask me, I prefer Hong Kong's statement. The same is that no ice cubes are added to drinks. Taiwan's "going to ice" is an action description of actual operation, while Hong Kong's statement has a comic-like joy. , as if the ice cube stumbles out of the drink glass by itself when you say "take the ice". When drinking cold drinks in Hong Kong tea restaurants, there is usually no option to "take ice". Because of the narrow place and dense crowd, Hong Kong tea restaurants will not pre-ice large buckets of drinks, and then give diners the option of removing ice. What they serve The drinks are all brewed with hot water immediately after receiving the order. When it needs to be turned into a cold drink, just add a large shovel of ice cubes. In the same way, there is no "micro-ice", because sporadic ice cubes are not enough to make hot drinks iced. We usually only have two choices of "less ice" or "normal ice". If not specified, it is normal ice, and the ice cubes will fill the glass. If you say "take the ice", it is estimated that you will get a slap in the eye from the guy, and if you want to drink hot, just say the hot drink is good, what ice is it. Only when we drink the beverage from the soda machine in the fast food restaurant, we have the opportunity to ask for the ice, because the soda flowing out of the machine itself is ice. If you add ice, the ice cubes will take up the volume of the cup and will dilute the soda. The taste of it, anyway, we don't eat it at all.

There are often studies or reports pointing out how amazing the sugar content in a Hong Kong-style drink is. For the sake of health, more and more people will explain their special requirements for sugar before drinking the drink. Unlike Taiwan, where there are so many choices of full sugar, half sugar, slight sugar, and sugar removal, Hong Kong tea restaurants usually only have two choices of "less sweet" or "sweet", which roughly correspond to Taiwan's "half sugar" and "sweetened sugar". "Bar. Hong Kong has also opened a lot of Taiwanese tea shops over the years, and began to have the same precise classification of ice cubes and sugar as Taiwan, but when I was in Hong Kong, I still followed my old habit of "less sweet and less ice". . After moving to Taiwan temporarily, I began to carefully match the amount of ice and sweetness according to a wider variety of drinks and moods. At least I have to always remind myself that drinks based on lemon juice require a little sugar, which will make my teeth sour.

Sir, I am very disapproving of my concern about Hong Kong news every day. In his opinion, the moment is the most important thing. No matter how hard he tries to ignore the traces of the past, some language habits will stubbornly stay in his mind. I hope that the next time he makes a request, he will remember that the ice was "removed", not "walked" out. .


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