Every Monday Mine - Chrome Mica

What I want to introduce to you today is the chrome mica that shines and walks into my house by myself~

What I want to introduce to you today is the radiant chrome mica.

How can there be such a luxurious and beautiful metallic green?

The chemical composition of mica is aluminosilicates (KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2).
Today's protagonist, chrome mica, is that aluminum (Al) in its chemical composition is replaced by trivalent chromium (Cr), so the fine and shiny mica adds a layer of apple green.

like an elephant

Mica itself is a common rock-forming mineral, and mica can be seen more or less in the three major categories of rocks (igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks).
For example, granite is often used for floors or countertops in everyone's life.

It's funny, I happen to have one too, and I seem to have picked it up, not bought it

The composition of granite is orthoclase, quartz, muscovite and biotite.

The mottled and broken white parts in the picture are mica

The hardness of mica itself is not high, the Mohs hardness is between 2 and 3.5, which is probably a little harder than the chalk used by teachers in class.
And its own joints (structures), like Melaleuca pie, are layer by layer.

I don't know if there is a Napoleon cake in this color?

So, while playing with it, it's easy to receive the gifts it left behind.

Just play and drop the crumbs

Mica has very good insulating and heat insulating properties. The lighter the color, the better the insulating and thermal insulation properties. Therefore, muscovite is widely used in building materials, fire protection, petrochemical and electronic fields. Mica also has birefringence, so it is also an optical instrument material for making polarizers.

The fine and shiny appearance of mica is also widely used in the chemical industry such as papermaking, pigments, and even the food industry.

Such a drink with a nebula effect is the credit of mica powder

The distribution of mica is very extensive, and even in Taiwan, where the geological age is so novel, the existence of mica can be found.
The origin of mica on Taiwan's main island is mainly located in the east of the Central Mountains, such as Nan'ao, Hualien, Nanheng and so on. Kinmen and its affiliated islands and reefs also generally contain a small amount of muscovite.
Interestingly, in the schist of Anxixi River, Hualien, there was also a record of the discovery of today's green protagonist.
(The above content is excerpted from Taiwan Geological Knowledge Service Network - Muscovite )


In fact, today's protagonist is to choose me.
The tracked mine account solution stone/crystal will have an event every week, which is to release some mines, let fans who are willing to invite it choose the price, and then use the pendulum to let the mine decide who to go home with.

And it chose me.

Image source: I took it two seconds ago

There is a line in the North African Spy Movie: "There are so many places and so many bars in the world, but you just walked into my house."

And there are so many mine lovers in this world, but you just walked into my door.

Playing with chrome mica, the luxurious metallic luster fascinates the sight, but it always reminds people that its brothers, sisters and relatives have built the three major rock worlds, and also propped up a piece of human civilization.

Perhaps in this world, gold and jade outsiders are not always lost in it.


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午月因為生命是音樂 死亡是聽
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