Far East Cafe Buffet



The Far East Café cafeteria, which spent 80 million redecorated, has recently been visited by many friends. While the epidemic is still quiet, I have also followed this wave of popularity. There are a total of 12 dining areas, each of which has its own The theme, many things are made to order such as: grilled wagyu nigiri sushi, lobster seafood soup, Japanese hand rolls, wagyu teppanyaki, Japanese fried soft shell crab, Shanxi beef noodles. Everything tastes good, it's not a joke, the first time I ate a buffet, it was a thunderbolt, I only hated myself for having only one stomach, and I only hated myself why the developmental period ended so quickly, but it was only 168CM. If I eat a little more, when I am full to Tianling Gai, I have probably only experienced one-fourth of the food in the whole store, which means I have to come back 3 times to break the level.

Don't mention their desserts, it's so delicious... Even a big boy like me was attracted to their desserts. Popping lava chocolate cake and layer cake are my favorites.

I am very satisfied with the unlimited drinking of beer in the beverage area. It is too trendy to have unlimited drinking of nitrogen coffee! Don't let me sleep at all.


The refurbished Far East Café cafeteria has a very bright interior. It is divided into 12 pick-up areas, that is, the crowds are distributed to 12 blocks. It is a very smart way to pick up food and it won’t take a long time. Look at a certain area. If there are many people, go to the place with less people to pick up the meal first. The seating area is open to the dining area, and there are some dining areas that are cut into tiered cubicles. The couple’s dining buffet can still be very romantic. Take the MRT to Liuzhangli Station and walk for 10 minutes. It was a Wednesday night when I went, and it was full, so remember to make a reservation first.


Of course, you need to buy meal coupons for a five-star hotel buffet. After this price comparison, I found that momo's meal coupons are the most cost-effective, and they are electronic meal coupons. You can go directly to eat without waiting for delivery. The dinner coupons are $1180. Feedback, I think it is very cost-effective, whether it is seafood, steak, beer, dessert, Din Tai Fung. You can eat whatever you want, and the point is that everything is super delicious.

Link to this article

https://addbargain.com/Far East Cafe Buffet/



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