"Suffix" interview and writing camp "registration preparation materials" demonstration

"Camp Base" micro-opening

📢The "Official Proposal" of this event is expected to be published on April 27th, and it will require the support of more than 15 citizens to pass. After the event is approved, registration will be accepted from May 1 (Taiwan time).

▶ The main point of this article

What is "Registration Preparation Information"? (choose one)

"Answer application questions" (about 500 words), "Interview draft"

📝 Demonstration of "Answering Registration Questions" (about 500 words)

📝 Demonstrate "Interview Draft"

🚀Unboxing the channel planning of "Writing Camp Base" on Discord

🚀 Long-winded warning before registration

📝 "Answer Registration Questions" Demonstration:

✍Which citizen do you want to interview? Why? What attracts you to him (trait, expertise)? What is the most curious and interesting thing about him?
✍Which article do you admire or impress the most about this citizen? (Please attach link) Why? Please cite an article from the text? and any reflections or thoughts this text brings to you.
✍What question do you want to ask him? Did the other party agree to be interviewed?
 (Or you already have the first draft of the interview, please register directly with the first draft)

I would like to interview @zhishihua, because he is the citizen I have met in Matters who is the best at organizing events and the most eventful citizens. However, once I asked him privately, would he want to interview citizens? He also said he has a social disability. I replied, but you are very good at organizing events. He said the two things were different. I'm curious why there is such a contradiction?

Recently, the article on his impression is 📢 Children's Day prize event, the text creation "Fool's Game" is launched!

Because he was actually sponsored by Gao Jianqiang's Root Cause Scholarship . Although I still don't know the content of this scholarship, I think it's super cool. He said: "The inspiration for the event comes from the tarot cards, and everyone interprets the story according to the card." Or does it depend on the skill of the interpreter?

I would like to ask him, what details should I pay attention to when applying for the "Cure for Roots Scholarship"? Have you been sent back to rewrite the copy? Maybe I'll have the opportunity to apply in the future.

 At present, there are 339 words written down in this intuitive way. For the part that is less than 500 words, you can cite a little more "really feel" introduction, and then write some reasons for citing.

In fact, the number of words to answer the question is the second, mainly your intention and the direction of curiosity. The richer the clues you provide, the more the interview editor knows how to assist you.

📝 "Interview Draft" Demonstration:

Zhi Shihua had already interviewed him before, about his impressions after reading the trailer of the "Suffix" interview and writing camp activities .

After reading this event preview, what are your thoughts or suggestions?

I think it's not bad on the whole. The questions raised by @nuozi are very precise, and they have pointed out all the points that may be worried and questioned in everyone's heart!

But at the end, I feel like I participated in summer camp when I was a student! The team leader brothers and sisters are leading the team (laughs)!

(But if I say "Sister XX", I might be beaten!? YoYo platform comes to my mind, if you have this leisurely mood, maybe you can play and watch!)

How do you feel about organizing such a community event? (Because Zhi Shihua is an expert in organizing events, I especially want to ask him for advice )

I personally have a few thoughts:

1. Simplifying the interview is indeed a good point. If I remember correctly, there has been a survey before, and many people want to interview, right? But what I'm thinking here is that although some people want to interview, it may be a bit overwhelming to select candidates. If it can also help match, maybe it is also an alternative way of playing? (How it feels a bit like a dating app XD) But the premise is that you have expectations of such a form, and if you implement it, you may need help from others.

 After listening to your suggestion, I added the following message in the comment area of the trailer:

Hi, everyone, you are willing to interview people, but do not know who to interview, please leave a message to express your position, and say, what subject or topic do you want to discuss?

2. You are willing to be interviewed, but do not know where to find the interviewer. Please leave a message to express your position and say, what topic or subject do you want to be asked about?

Try not to say everything is okay (it turns out that it will not be okay then🤣), the more specific you are, the easier it will be for me to help match!

3. For those who have already thought about the interviewee, it is recommended to show the content of "Answering the Registration Questions" to the interviewee first. The other party knows the scope of your question better and can better judge whether to accept your interview or not!

(Or post a post on matters to solicit interviewers and interviewees, which is also a good way)

2. It's just that I personally don't like the name " Interview and Writing Camp ". If it were me, it might be called "Interview and Writing Room" or something. But this is up to the editor.

 In fact, I want to call it a "writing mutual aid society" or a "writing club" in private, but I feel it is a relatively niche and small circle.

However, you can also make friends with like-minded people through the camp, and privately become writing mutual assistance, for example, help each other read articles, give advice and so on.

3. Last but not least, I think Logbook is indeed a very interesting thing. If the traditional publishing industry can combine the form of blockchain and Web3 to develop a set of things similar to "decentralized magazines", It feels very interesting.

For example, each event may collect different types of interviews and combine elements such as painting and music. In the end, it feels very powerful to gather everyone's efforts into a virtual publication (the entity may also be published, as a commemoration, to It's not impossible to sell for money XD). But I'm just having wild imaginations about this. Of course, if you find it interesting, maybe you can consider and discuss it later.

 Logbook is actually a form of NFT, which has both the function of editing text and pictures. The co-authors will develop the value of this journal together. If there is a chance to sell it in the future, the co-authors can share the profit!

What's the problem? or unclear place?

Questions... There aren't too many questions at the moment, I just think of one: "Will there be basic rules?" Because when I hold an event myself, because there are bonuses involved and the official help fund , so I will I feel that there must be a set of "basic rules" that are fair, just and open , so that everyone will be more at ease in implementation. Of course, for the organizer, write all the matters as detailed as possible, that is, it is better to deal with it when an accident occurs. XD (I am not trying to be bad, just my own concerns)

My concept of ground rules means something very basic, or "bottom line". For example, where is the bottom line of the content created, and how acceptable is the joke ; or how many groups will be scheduled for interviews, and will there be an upper or lower limit?

If it is formulated like this first, everyone will have a consensus. There won't be too many exceptions that make everyone feel unfair and so on.

 The writing camp is expected to finalize 45 citizen interviews. (A, B, C three groups of 15 articles)

The interviews defined by this event belong to "co-authoring", not traditional and classical news interviews. I personally understand that it is a common copywriting design with the consent of both parties.

Will respect the creativity of the interviewer, for example, in the form of cross talk singing double reed, I think it is OK.

Because there will also be a review mechanism, the article can only be published after the interview editor agrees. Too outrageous, too offensive hell stalk, there is still room for communication before posting.

How to register, to answer questions, will it be difficult to answer?

So far I don't think it's a problem, it won't be difficult.

Can you write about it? Who do you want to interview?

I want to interview @sesame cat! Why would you want to interview him? Mainly because he often shares some art-related paintings and teachings, or he once shared his works and participated in art exhibitions! In addition to the way he was writing his thesis before, he discussed something that I am also quite interested in: the relationship between art and the subconscious . Sometimes I also paint some dark, melancholic works that I really like (my own feeling).

All in all, I think interviewing him can talk about a lot of things about art. The development of modern society, the knowledge of art is not easy, and it always feels a bit bitter.

If I had to choose an article, I would choose this one: "Sesame Art 💜 Don't Wander Here" . Because I personally like this kind of philosophical work very much, for me painting is just a "language" , so no matter how good your painting skills are, if your heart is empty, it will lose its meaning. (I'm a lousy demonstration, didn't quote a passage)

Want to ask him any questions? I think I'll ask him a question first: " Is there any skill in drawing the sky? How to make the colors blend so naturally? " Because I personally love to look at the sky, and every time I see a landscape sketch of Sesame Cat, I feel Super beautiful! As for the other issues, I haven't figured it out yet...

The other party did not agree to my interview! Anyway, I'm just for demonstration purposes (laughs). He was writing a thesis before, and then he went to take the driver's license test. He felt super busy! ?

 Although the content of Zhi Shihua's answer is only about 400 words, it is enough to start the first interview and let me better understand the focus of his interview, which is what he is really interested in Sesame Cat.

Do you want to be the interviewer or the interviewee?

In fact, I really want to try it out! But if I had to choose one, I think I would choose to interview someone else. how to say? I think I just like to spy on others (laughs). You can see that I have organized so many activities, but in fact, I don’t have much desire to participate in my own activities. Instead, I see that everyone is very happy to participate. It will give me a sense of achievement!

In other words, I think the biggest difference between interviewing and being interviewed is that a person can keep asking each other questions, he only needs to be responsible for throwing questions; but compared to being interviewed, you need to keep answering questions and think about how you should The answer is better, but also take into account the content of your answer is good!

But this does not mean that which position is easier, every job is definitely a knowledge, and there must be a lot of small ideas. It's just that I feel a little shy about being interviewed (laughs)!

How many events have you done at Matters? (please list)

1. Matt City Characters (Official)

2. I'm going to change from today (official)

3. Matt City Story Solitaire (Official)

4. Exchange candy for money (personal)

5. Thanksgiving Celebration (Individual)

6. The story of painting and painting (substantially sponsored by the validator)

7. The Fool's Game (Sponsored by The Roots Scholarship)

Would you like to attend the "Postfix" interview and writing camp? Or, how would you want to participate?

I personally think it's great, great!

I am considering whether to participate in the event or not, and I will look at three aspects:

One is self-improvement:

It is whether we can take away anything long-term from this activity, and whether we can learn anything. And this activity allows me to have an interview experience with others, which is really good!

Second, is the material reward:

It is a very intuitive manuscript fee, commemorative prizes, etc. In this part, I think the rewards are very rich, there are everything, it is worth participating!

Third, it is very feeling:

That is, whether you like it or not! Like me, I like interviewing people. I feel like I can dig out a lot of interesting things. It would be great if I could dig up some gossip (laughs)!

Therefore, it is very convenient to participate, there is no need to learn some operations in advance, there are people to help, and there are rich prizes. Then my own willingness to participate, out of 10 points, about 9 points! (The remaining point is because of worries about the interview process!?)

One of the interview techniques is to find "common topics", do you agree? But can you help me with an example? For example, discussing a book together?

Lu... I half agree with this, and half disagree with this, because for me, interviews are meant to discuss the same topic, they are meant to discuss the same thing, otherwise what would we do after talking for so long (laughs) )? Therefore, I think the interview itself should have a common topic, otherwise it will become a bit like playing the piano to the cow, talking to the chicken and the duck! ?

Maybe I'm being a bit picky, I just wanted to express that finding common ground is not an "interview skill" for me.

In terms of communication, I would think that the two sides should talk about half the time of speaking and half of listening. But in terms of interviews, as the name suggests, it is divided into interviewers and interviewees, so I think it should be arranged on a three-to-seven basis.

As an interviewer, if it were me, of course, it would be mostly asking questions. However, the next step is not to do nothing, just wait there for the other party to answer the question. I will read the other party's reply in detail, and then ask more questions about the parts that I think are not clear, so that more sparks will definitely collide. In addition, depending on the type of interviews that both parties like, they may also be able to moderately complain about each other and express their own thoughts...

I don't think it's necessary to ask all the questions. The most important thing is whether you can bring out the effect of your expectations to readers and audiences in the process of interviews or chats. For example, let the readers learn something in the interview process, agree with your words, think that your chat is really funny enough, etc.

So to a certain extent, the technique of interviewing is to find people who can chat (laughs).

I'm not a person from the relevant background at all, the above is just my humble opinion.

 Finding a "common topic" of interest is only the first step in an interview. You can choose an article from the interviewee's past articles that you feel most comfortable with, focus on the topic, and generate a dialogue.
Jeger Design (using Canva)

Your game of fools (sponsored by the cure for the root cause), writing very short stories in depub.SPACE , seems to be promoting decentralized Twitter, which is very suitable as an interview subject for Group C. What do you think of the limited themes of Group C?

(Group C: Choose to interview and appreciate citizens, limited to blockchain, cryptocurrency (card), Web3 as the discussion topics.)

▶ Philosophical Questions about the Metaverse (Metaphysics)

 This sounds very mysterious and dazzling, and it reminds me of the homophonic "Dao" of DAO, DAO can be Dao, very Dao! ?
However, in fact, if you read Gao Reconstruction's "Blockchain Sociology", you should be able to break through the cecum.

(Note: "Blockchain Sociology" )

▶ Questions about NFT trading, or have any experience of being cut leeks (laughs)

 I also want to know, please share the experience of the sufferer, news only makes money by reporting.

Cryptocurrency investment experience, lead everyone to make a fortune! (eg Pionex pie network)

 I haven't even received an airdrop yet!

▶How to step into Web3, and where to start learning?

 Good topic, knock the bowl!
what is web3? is still being defined.

Finally, I invite you to be an observer at Discord's writing camp base. Do you think the current channel design is still practical?

Is it practical? It may depend on what the definition of utility is. In terms of interviews, it would be great to have three main discussion areas! Coupled with the main announcement and publicity area, it feels perfect.

As for the other chat areas, I think your creativity, editor-in-chief, is not bad (laughs). Although it doesn't have much substantial effect, it can still soothe everyone's heart!

Let the social animals be happy after get off work, as well as lonely people like me.

 💡What does the observer do?

Mainly just chatting:

In reality, ordinary citizens are usually hard-working office workers, right? (I think) I hope to create an interesting community space during these 6 months, to easily chat with each other about the creative experience in Matters, and make like-minded friends.

Second, just wander around and give advice.

Thanks for the interview , the first draft of this interview, "the part of the interviewee", has already reached about 2,500 words.

🚀Unboxing "Writing Camp Base" is currently planned on Discord's channel

The so-called channel is a "conversation space", and a type of channel is more serious topic sharing.
For example: the battalion commander's words, the sharing of the interview articles on the shelves, the self-introduction greetings, the discussion area of each group, the interview experience, etc. (It can be opened or deleted at any time as needed.)
"Suffix Writing Camp Base" is currently planned on Discord's channel

The other type is a more situational channel , like a coffee shop, there are many small tables, and those who are more able to chat will naturally sit at the same table and chat about various topics awkwardly.
There are also some low-key and recessive edge channels for those who prefer a sense of quiet and lonely space.
"Suffix Writing Camp Base" is currently planned on Discord's channel

🚀When will registration open? Registration mailbox? Long-winded warning before registration

 The "Event Official Proposal" is expected to be issued on April 27 (announcement of the registration mailbox). At that time, more than 15 citizens will be required to support it before it can be approved. After the event is approved, registration will be accepted from May 1 (Taiwan time).
1. You are willing to interview people , but do not know who you want to interview. Please leave a message (or post) below to express your position, and specifically, which subject or topic do you want to discuss?
2. You are willing to be interviewed , but do not know where to find the interviewer. Please leave a message (or post) below to express your position, and specifically, what topic or subject do you want to be asked about?
3. Citizens who have already made up their minds about who to interview are advised to prepare the "Answer to the Registration Questions" (about 500 words) and show it to the interviewee first. The other party knows the scope of your question better and can better judge whether to accept your question or not. Interview Oh!
4. If the other party has agreed to be interviewed , the first interview can be conducted, and the "Interview Draft" can be used to sign up at that time.

Registration is not yet open, but "advance registration" is open. It is expected that team members should leave a message in the comment area below.

👉For those who are expected to form a team, please prepare the registration materials in advance . You can choose one of the following two, and the "interviewer" will register at that time.

 Submit about 500 words of "Answer to Application Questions" or submit "Interview Draft"

👉And select the group:

 Group A: Choose to interview citizens with the status of "non-appreciative citizens". The subject matter of the interview is not limited, and the target number of words for the finished manuscript is more than 2,000 words.

Group B: Choose to interview citizens who have become "appreciative citizens". The subject matter of the interview is not limited, and the target number of words for the finished manuscript is more than 2,000 words.

Group C: Choose to interview citizens who have become "appreciative citizens". The subject matter of the interview is limited. The main content of the interview must be the discussion of "blockchain", "cryptocurrency (card)" and "Web3". .

At that time, the "interview editor convener" in charge of each group will select 15 interviewers, and 5 candidates will be selected.

Jeger Design (using Canva)
 This picture wants to tell you: if two people form a team, if there is a mutual visit between abs, this activity will only accept one of the interviews, and the other should be published by yourself, which has nothing to do with this activity. However, a team of three can accept three papers (a interview b, b interview c, c interview a).

👉Those who have decided to sign up for the writing camp , in addition to preparing the registration materials, can also start installing Discord and registering . It is recommended that you join Matters Lab first.

( After installing Discord and registering , click the link to enter: Matters Lab )

You can add my friend first: "Suffix" fake breaking Wen Qingzhi #0538

After registration, if accepted , I will directly invite you to the camp's server . (It is recommended that your nickname in discord is the same as that in Matters for easy identification)

🎉If it goes well, there will be 45 interviewers, 45 interviewees, interview editor convener team, more than 10 invited observers, gather a community of more than 100 people, and form a "Writing Mutual Aid Association" in Discord to chat about creation . 🙏

See you then! 💜

Battalion Commander ( @Jeger, @Joanna, @cauliflowerDenken ) whispered

Jeger Design (using Canva)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡:pdfonline15@gmail.com
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