"Clear and cloudy."


Date: 2022.05.04

Location: Kaohsiung City


"I didn't expect a year to pass."

When I was jogging in the village today, I had an indescribable feeling in my heart. I don't know what words I can use to describe it. I can only use "complex" first. The BGM in my mind is Hu Kaier's "When Cloudy" clear".


When I remembered the first time I came here, I was attracted by the plain and comfortable living environment at that moment. At that moment, I even forgot that the purpose of moving back to Kaohsiung was actually to start a business. It was only after going through the wind and rain this year that I realized that the insipid comfort that attracted me at that time did not seem to really enjoy it.


Sometimes I don’t know if the wind and rain I’ve gone through really passed. After all, when I believe that the sky will be sunny after the rain, it also means that I know in my heart that even if the sky is sunny, there will still be dark clouds.


Looking at the outbreak of the epidemic again, but the daily life does not seem to have changed much. At this moment, looking at the life that has not changed, my heart is full of mixed feelings. After all, last year's outbreak was like a heavy rain that couldn't stop. It extinguished the enthusiasm of the two who were ready to ignite for their dreams, and also extinguished an unexpected relationship.


But it seems that because of this heavy rain, we who were trapped in our days saw more of ourselves, and only then did we see each other who were going to be together, but it was not suitable for us to be together.


When jogging, I pass every house in the village, those who used to walk in the streets together, talk about big and small things, and talk about the future, I will keep thinking about it, but those who have talked seem to be the same as those broken houses in the village, stay there forever. No one intends to rebuild, only to slowly shatter over time and then be forgotten. Sometimes I wonder, if I don't keep running in the village, will I never remember it again.


"It should still be remembered."

After all, happiness, like sweetness, is short, while bitterness is long, and because it is long, it can be remembered. This road has been so windy, rainy and bitter, it should be quite difficult to forget.


If there are more memories left in your mind, does it mean that you have experienced more storms to a certain extent? People often say that the savings of money reaches a certain multiple of what is needed in daily life, so that the use of money can be unnecessary. Consciously thinking about how to use it is called "freedom of wealth". When memory can be quantified and accumulated, what will the so-called "freedom of memory" look like?


If you no longer need to work for money after financial freedom, does that mean you no longer need to experience wind and rain in order to create memories?


Most people are chasing financial freedom, so they keep working, so I keep letting myself go through different storms, is it actually chasing freedom of memory?


Should I keep chasing? Or is my existence actually dependent on chasing? I don't know it in my heart, but the "Cloudy When Clear" is still playing repeatedly in my mind.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

流浪的人_WANDERER歡迎來信成為筆友,無論你來自哪裡 信箱:traveler77551@gmail.com
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