Likerthon 2020 Results Announcement + Winner List

Liker Land

㳟 Xiyou Neighbor Reading and Jenny Paint! The team will follow up the process of bonus distribution by email.

The six-week (5/1 - 6/14) inaugural Zankezon Likerthon ended yesterday (6/14). A total of ten entries were received for the event, with two projects participating in the final voting process and meeting the minimum project requirements.

Xiyou Neighbor Reading and Jenny Paint! The team will follow up the process of bonus distribution by email.

1st place: Earned LikeCoin: 4157.463 LIKE

[Zankesong Likerthon Voting] This is the reading of friends and neighbors, we need your support!

Friendship Reading hopes to build a P2P second-hand book lending platform and build the foundation through the mechanism of LikeCoin. Realize the rental reading service of second-hand books among colleagues or neighbors.

>> For more project functions and structure introduction, please go to "How to Create a Personal Cloud Library with LikeCoin"

Second place: Earned LikeCoin: 3627.496 LIKE

Zankesong 2020 Voting: Experience the Culture of Appreciation in the RPG "Pulang Community: Secret Warfare"

Jenny Paint has designed the mechanism of LikeCoin in RPG games, allowing people to experience the appreciation culture of LikeCoin in RPG games. It is hoped that through the expression of games, the various creative difficulties and challenges encountered from the inside out will eventually learn to consciously protect the creative freedom that seems to be readily available, but is actually valuable.

>> Game download: Windows version v2.0.2 , Android version v2.0.2

Raiders guide: "Pulang Community: Secretly Speaking of Defense War" Raiders Guide

Finally, thank you for your participation and support. I would also like to thank everyone for their tolerance and understanding. We have a lot of shortcomings in the promotion of the event or the arrangement of the event.

This is the first time the Appreciation Citizens Foundation has hosted a zankesong in the Matters community. The original intention of this event is to continue the 100 ways to play #Matters X LikeCoin and the cheers brought by the LikeCoin Rhapsody , and to provide incentives and bonuses to encourage everyone to realize some of their LikeCoin ideas. This time, the number of participants and submitted projects were less than we expected. We hope to collect everyone's opinions, such as the content, objects, methods, etc. of the event, and conduct an internal review, so that the next session will be better. Welcome to leave a message or submit a questionnaire anonymously~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Liker LandLiker Land 讓故事成為收藏品,是內容愛好者的廣場。 主頁: Discord:
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