[Physics Knowledge Chat] No pain, just fine? |Pain, Pain Relief and Physical Therapy (3)

Pain relief is for survival and for life!

When the body receives the warning signal of pain, it immediately gives moderate pain relief, so as not to affect your response to survive. This is the classic "fight or flight" response , which uses sympathetic excitation and adrenaline release to prepare the body for battle:

  • Heartbeat
  • Increased breathing rate
  • increased nerve sensitivity
  • Excited, nervous, excited
  • muscle tightness
Pain! ! ! (Source: https://cc0.wfublog.com/)

This is like Luffy who entered the second gear, Naruto in the nine-tailed mode, Fu Heihui in the open field, Sun Wukong in the super saiyan mode... Although I can cite countless anime stalks , it may be that athletes are banned. The example of medicine is a little better to understand. In fact, explosive power can be obtained in a short period of time, but when the crisis is resolved, due to excessive energy consumption, you will feel fatigued, reduce reaction, and feel depressed in the opposite direction...

However, when the pain persists, it means that the cause is unsolved, or there is no solution, and the continuous bombardment of the fight or flight response will make the body in a state of extreme energy consumption for a long time, followed by laziness, anxiety, depression, irritability, etc. Discomfort and Negative Emotions . This is the sad song that modern people compose with chronic pain .

In order to improve medical treatment and solve these unreasonable curses, human beings have tried almost any pain relief method by any means. Until modern times, medical pain relief is widely used. It can even be said that without these medical inventions, human beings would not have the present prosperity. The following are the positive and negative aspects to share with you, several common medical pain relief in modern times:

👨‍⚕️Positive: Treatment, crisis is turning point!

In Europe a long time ago, there was already a certain level of understanding of surgery in that era, and there were even considerable requirements for the operating room: it must be in a relatively remote place, and try to be in the basement, otherwise the patient's wailing will spread all over the streets and alleys Therefore, the famous doctors at that time were famous for their quick hands. The most powerful doctor could complete a hand amputation operation in just a few minutes, and also amputated two at a time: the patient and the assistant.

In the early days, there were literature records of the use of opium poppy, and later, there were also cases of drinking directly before surgery or taking morphine for anesthesia; the more terrifying ones were probably corona or knock-out, of course, there were many cases that directly turned into general experiments; Laughing gas" ether, open a lie before the operation, wait until the patient hangs up and then deal with it.

In modern times, although there are still some risks, anesthesia can be done to a fairly precise level:

 🌑General Anesthesia ✔ General Tube Anesthesia Intubation General Anesthesia ✔ General Mask Anesthesia Mask Inhalation General Anesthesia ✔ General Intravenous/Intramuscular Anesthesia Intravenous or Intramuscular Anesthesia General Anesthesia ) Epidural Anesthesia
   ✔ Spinal Anesthesia (injection of anesthetic into spinal fluid) Spinal Anesthesia

🌔Local anesthesia✔ Injection✔ Patch✔ Gel✔ Spray

In addition to local anesthesia, all other anesthesiologists need to be present, showing how important anesthesia is to surgery, the crisis that humans have created for a turnaround .

👨‍⚕️ Negativity: Soothing, escape does work!

It’s easy to understand that it will cause pain after trauma, but when the body hurts, people in ancient times can’t figure it out . Some people say that they were hit by evil, some people say that it is the punishment of gods, so they tried their best to practice and pray, but it still hurts because the devil is still there or they are not pious enough; the spirit of Shennong was present all over the world at that time, and it really existed. Found some herbal medicines that do have analgesic effects, but I don't know how many sentences "this grass.... poisonous!"; there is even the earliest appearance of electrotherapy - electric eel, maybe it is a sprained ankle. A patient who strayed into the territory of the electric eel and was cured inexplicably.

Thanks to the advancement of modern medicine, our lives are more fulfilling and satisfying.

I woke up early in the morning with migraine, shoulder and neck pain, back pain and back pain. I remembered the face of my boss during the party last night, so I simply fired him and put me on a long vacation, but I am a promising young man who has a sense of responsibility and loves his work, so I swallowed a pain reliever. Medicine, carrying a briefcase, ah! Stop by the convenience store and pay the bill!

At the age of my grandmother, I can still have a group of friends who meet and chat in the same place every day, which is really enviable. She said that if she did n't go for a day, she felt that her whole body was not right. Her long-term numbness in her hands and feet, back pain, back pain, and knee pain would all come out ; so even if it was windy and rainy, she would still go to that rehabilitation clinic to find him sympathetic. The confidant described "old".

I went to the hospital that day to visit my grandfather who was hospitalized with terminal cancer and saw that he was arguing with the doctor.

"I'm doing fine now, I'm leaving the hospital!"

"Calm down, you can't leave the hospital now!"

"Why not? I'm not sick, no pain, no cancer at all!"

"You calm down first, put down the self-controlled pain relief button in your hand!"

 💊General pain relievers ✔ Acetaminophen: Pain relievers with antipyretic properties (such as Puna Pain)
   ✔ Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics (NSAIDs): Most of them have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects. ✔ Opioid analgesics: They are addictive and are controlled drugs.

😌Analgesia for tranquility and cancer ✔ Morphine: For organ pain.
   ✔ Non-steroidal pain relievers (NSAIDs): used for muscle and ligament body pain.
   ✔ Anti-epileptics: for nerve pain.
   ✔ Antidepressant drugs: Raise the pain threshold and make the patient less sensitive to pain.
   ✔ Steroids (Corticoseroids): Anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, as an auxiliary pain reliever.
   ✔ Pain Relief Patch (Fentanyl TTS): A strong narcotic pain reliever that works the same as morphine.

🔌Electrotherapy ✔ Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS): Pain relief using "gate valve control theory".
   ✔ Intermediate Frequency Interfering Wave (IFC): Interfere with the pain transmission function of nerves, stimulate the body to secrete endorphins, and produce analgesic effect.

We can already know the cause of most of the pain, but we are still prescribing the medicine for the "symptom" . Because compared with the primitive environment, most of the reasons for the pain of modern people can not be called crisis at all, and the discomfort caused by it is really tormenting. As a result, painkillers and electrotherapy were used to escape reality, and these neglected and unsolved causes eventually became unsolved ; some degeneration, wear, and calcification appeared, and there was almost only continuous "relief" without surgery. The purpose of instrument treatment; there are some people who are destined to be dragged into the coffin by the disease, so let them walk comfortably here in the end, which is the last gentleness of medical treatment.

🤔 Do you feel that you have lost pain, hurt or hurt?

Since the development of medical pain relief, it has promoted medical progress on a positive level and prolonged life; on a negative level, it has relieved pain in various situations, allowing us to live with quality and die gracefully. However, when the purpose of pain relief changes from survival to life, abuse cannot be avoided , especially in pain medication and physical therapy.

For a disease with a clear cause and a high probability of cure, "delaying treatment" is definitely an unwise choice. However, under the interaction of medical commercialization, busy modern life, and lack of medical awareness, "treatment of pain" has become the norm . The human body is the product of the delicate balance of various structures. When one structure is damaged, it will inevitably affect the compensation of other parts. Over time, the pain will spread like a virus, and eventually a vicious circle will be formed, and the cause of the disease will sink into the sea. , Usually there is no way for help, and they are forced to continue to use painkillers and physical therapy until the end of their lives.

While those devices have no side effects, the problems posed by drug abuse cannot be ignored. So I thought about it, the electrotherapy heat compress, which is always criticized as ineffective in physical therapy, may also have its value! Thinking back to the professor's question, I think that the real injury is still there, no pain, but it doesn't mean it's healed. However, in many cases of last resort, the location of the injury is unknown, unimportant, and can't be cured. They just think: No pain, just fine .

📝Extended reading : How can I not be well?

✔️ Pain chains
✔️How do old wounds come about?
risk groups
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