The earth revolves around the sun again...

Whether you want to open a party in the middle of the night, settle alone in the middle of the night, or find yourself in the middle of the night, in short, you are happy. You can also take a good night's sleep, have a good rest, and wait for tomorrow.

God, every time I go to a certain holiday, I feel like how time flies so fast?

It’s New Year’s Eve again, and it’s been a while since my article on December 26th said that I should take a break. It’s been 5 days since I’ve been playing hard. Do I have to start working hard again after a year?

The point is that I don’t know where the pressure is coming from, and I feel like I should do something and work harder.

There are still some things that have not been dealt with before, that is, the "Thanksgiving Flash Event" bonus and NFT sending. Strange to say, everyone may have forgotten, or believe that I will take care of it. I really want to apologize to those who participated, but I actually have the means to delay it for so long.

In addition, I actually gave myself a plan to work hard at the end of this year. That's when I learned a very handy tool " Notion " and decided to use this tool to accomplish something. As for what it is, I won't say it for now.

Image credit: Drawing by Zioh Zhihao, all rights reserved.

That's right, if you have read my last article, you may be familiar with this painting, it is " City Afternoon X Time to Get Off Work ".

I said I would make this painting as an NFT, and there is another late night version, but I hate that I haven't started work yet.

The concept of this painting is very simple. I hope that you who are in the city, and you who sit in the office for a long time to work, can get off work and rest well. I don't know if you have a good rest.

At this point in time, I also thought of " Take me to the nightlife " of the five people:

In fact, I don't understand why it is New Year's Eve. Isn't New Year's Eve "the earth revolves around the sun again ", such an ordinary thing?

And what to celebrate, is there anything to celebrate?

2021 is over, 2022 will start soon, time will not wait for anyone.

Every year I say "Happy New Year", "New Year will be better", "New Year's New Hope", I don't know what you think, I just think it's a gorgeous bubble that bursts after rubbing it.

But am I going to say "unhappy new year", "new year will be even worse", "new year has no new hope, and wishes cannot be fulfilled"?

Well, as expected, the New Year's Eve is not that special, and tomorrow will always come.

Whether you want to open a party in the middle of the night, settle alone in the middle of the night, or find yourself in the middle of the night, in short, you are happy.

You can also take a good night's sleep, have a good rest, and wait for tomorrow.

Image source:

The earth revolves around the sun again, so you should be happy! (Don't ask me logic, how would I know...)

(And don't ask me why I suddenly posted today, I'm just so unprincipled. At least I didn't affect others, so if I don't like this post, I might hide it, that's all.)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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炙式化一位熱愛學習各種事物的「學習者」,偶爾寫寫各種文章幫我自己整理思緒,科普一些實用或沒用的知識,當然還有騙騙錢(燦笑)。還是個工作狂,什麼都忙,覺得時間永遠不夠,但我自己樂在其中,這就是「幸福」的滋味。 所有資訊全在Linktree,請慢慢欣賞:
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